// 2007-07-17 toemon //================================================================ // --- function start --- function _xpress_new($mydirname, $limit=0, $offset=0) { global $xoopsDB; if ($mydirname == 'wordpress'){ $wp_prefix = 'wp'; } else { $wp_prefix = $mydirname; } require_once (XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/include/general_functions.php'); include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/wp-includes/version.php'); $modules_table = $xoopsDB->prefix('modules'); $modSQL ="SELECT mid FROM " . $modules_table . " WHERE dirname LIKE '" . $mydirname . "'"; $modRes = $xoopsDB->query($modSQL, 0, 0); $modRow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($modRes); $module_id = $modRow['mid']; $table_config = $xoopsDB->prefix('config'); $confSQL ="SELECT conf_value FROM " . $table_config . " WHERE (conf_modid = " . $module_id . ") AND (conf_name LIKE 'whatsnew_use_mod_date')"; $confRes = $xoopsDB->query($confSQL, 0, 0); $confRow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($confRes); $use_modified_date = $confRow['conf_value']; $url_mod = XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$mydirname; $table_posts = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_posts"); $table_categories = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_categories"); $table_post2cat = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_post2cat"); $table_views = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_views"); $table_term_relationships = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_term_relationships"); $table_term_taxonomy = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_term_taxonomy"); $table_terms = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_terms"); // $sql = "SELECT ID, post_title, post_content, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS unix_post_date, post_status FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_posts")." WHERE post_status='publish' ORDER BY post_date DESC"; $sql1 = "SELECT ID, post_author, post_title, post_content, post_type, comment_count, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS unix_post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_modified) AS unix_post_modified, post_status FROM ".$table_posts." WHERE (post_status='publish') AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ORDER BY post_date DESC"; $res1 = $xoopsDB->query($sql1, $limit, $offset); $i = 0; $ret = array(); while($row1 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res1)) { $id = $row1['ID']; if ($wp_db_version < 6124){ $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$id; } else { $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $table_terms.name AS cat_name "; $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id "; $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $id.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')"; } $row2 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray( $xoopsDB->query($sql2) ); if ($row1['post_type'] == 'page'){ $ret[$i]['link'] = $url_mod."/?page_id=".$id; } else { $ret[$i]['link'] = $url_mod."/index.php?p=".$id; } $ret[$i]['cat_link'] = $url_mod."/index.php?cat=".$row2['cat_ID']; $ret[$i]['title'] = $row1['post_title']; $ret[$i]['cat_name'] = $row2['cat_name']; $ret[$i]['uid'] = wp_uid_to_xoops_uid($row1['post_author']); $ret[$i]['replies'] = $row1['comment_count']; if(empty($use_modified_date)) { $time = $row1['unix_post_date']; } else { if ($row1['unix_post_modified'] > $row1['unix_post_date']){ $time = $row1['unix_post_modified']; } else { $time = $row1['unix_post_date']; } } $ret[$i]['time'] = $time; $ret[$i]['modified'] = $time; $ret[$i]['issued'] = $row1['unix_post_date']; $content=$row1['post_content']; $content = strip_tags($content); $ret[$i]['description'] = $content; $sql3 = "SELECT post_views FROM " . $table_views . " WHERE post_id = " . $id; $row3 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray( $xoopsDB->query($sql3) ); $ret[$i]['hits'] = $row3['post_views']; $i++; } return $ret; } function _xpress_num($mydirname) { // get $mydirnumber if( ! preg_match( '/^(\D+)(\d*)$/' , $mydirname , $regs ) ) echo ( "invalid dirname: " . htmlspecialchars( $mydirname ) ) ; global $xoopsDB; if ($mydirname == 'wordpress'){ $wp_prefix = 'wp'; } else { $wp_prefix = $mydirname; } $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_posts")." ORDER BY ID"; $array = $xoopsDB->fetchRow( $xoopsDB->query($sql) ); $num = $array[0]; if (empty($num)) $num = 0; return $num; } function _xpress_data($mydirname,$limit=0, $offset=0) { // get $mydirnumber if( ! preg_match( '/^(\D+)(\d*)$/' , $mydirname , $regs ) ) echo ( "invalid dirname: " . htmlspecialchars( $mydirname ) ) ; global $xoopsDB; if ($mydirname == 'wordpress'){ $wp_prefix = 'wp'; } else { $wp_prefix = $mydirname; } $sql = "SELECT ID, post_title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS unix_post_date, post_status FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix . "_posts")." WHERE post_status='publish' ORDER BY ID"; $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql,$limit,$offset); $i = 0; $ret = array(); while($row1 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $id = $row1['ID']; $ret[$i]['id'] = $id; $ret[$i]['link'] = XOOPS_URL."/modules/xpress/index.php?p=".$id.""; $ret[$i]['title'] = $row1['post_title']; $ret[$i]['time'] = $row1['unix_post_date']; $i++; } return $ret; } // --- function end --- } ?>