', '' , $xml);
function xpress_block_cache_read($mydirname,$block_name)
$xml_name = $block_name . '.xml';
$xml_data = xpress_cache_read($mydirname,$xml_name);
$GLOBALS['DO_LIBXML_PATCH'] = get_xpress_mod_config($mydirname,'libxml_patch');
// The character-code not treatable exists when 'XML_unserialize' of PHP5 processes EUC-JP.
// And, the result is returned by character-code UTF-8.
// Measures
// After the character-code is converted into UTF-8, XML_unserialize will be processed.
if ( strstr($xml_data, '') !== false
&& version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>') )
$xml_data = str_replace('', '', $xml_data);
$ans = mb_convert_variables('UTF-8' , 'EUC-JP', &$xml_data); //EUC-JP to UTF-8
$ret = @xpress_XML_unserialize($xml_data);
$ans = mb_convert_variables('EUC-JP' , 'UTF-8', &$ret); //UTF-8 to EUC-JP
} else {
$ret = xpress_XML_unserialize($xml_data);
return $ret;
function get_block_id($mydirname,$func_file,$options)
$options_string = '';
foreach ($options as $val){
if (!empty($options_string)) $options_string .='|';
$options_string .= $val;
$xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
$block_tbl = $xoopsDB->prefix('newblocks');
$module_dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $mydirname;
$sql = "SELECT bid FROM $block_tbl WHERE (func_file LIKE '$func_file') AND (options LIKE '$options_string')";
$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql, 0, 0);
if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0){
$row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
$block_id = $row['bid'];
return $block_id;
function get_block_mid($mydirname)
$xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
$modules_tbl = $xoopsDB->prefix('modules');
$sql = "SELECT mid FROM $modules_tbl WHERE dirname = '$mydirname'";
$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql, 0, 0);
if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0){
$row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
$mid = $row['mid'];
return $mid;
function get_xpress_theme_name($mydirname)
global $wpdb;
if (is_null($wpdb)){
$xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
$wp_prefix = $mydirname;
if ($wp_prefix == 'wordpress') $wp_prefix = 'wp';
$module_tbl = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix).'_options';
$theme_name = '';
$sql = "SELECT option_value FROM $module_tbl WHERE option_name LIKE 'template'";
$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql, 0, 0);
if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0){
$row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
$theme_name = $row['option_value'];
} else {
$theme_name = get_option('template');
return $theme_name;
function get_block_stylesheet_url($mydirname)
global $xoops_config;
$mydirpath = $xoops_config->xoops_root_path . '/modules/' . $mydirname;
$select_theme = get_xpress_theme_name($mydirname);
$style_file = $mydirpath . '/wp-content/themes/' . $select_theme . '/blocks/block_style.css';
if (file_exists($style_file))
return $xoops_config->xoops_url . '/modules/' .$mydirname . '/wp-content/themes/' . $select_theme . '/blocks/block_style.css';
return $xoops_config->xoops_url . '/modules/' .$mydirname . '/wp-content/themes/xpress_default/blocks/block_style.css';
function get_stylesheet_url($mydirname)
global $xoops_config;
$mydirpath = $xoops_config->xoops_root_path . '/modules/' . $mydirname;
$select_theme = get_xpress_theme_name($mydirname);
$style_file = $mydirpath . '/wp-content/themes/' . $select_theme . '/style.css';
if (file_exists($style_file))
return $xoops_config->xoops_url . '/modules/' .$mydirname . '/wp-content/themes/' . $select_theme . '/style.css';
return $xoops_config->xoops_url . '/modules/' .$mydirname . '/wp-content/themes/xpress_default/style.css';
function xpress_get_plugin_css($mydirname = '')
$this_url = '/modules/'. $mydirname;
$call_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (!strstr($call_url,$this_url)){
global $xoops_config;
// Module Main CSS
$output = "\n".'';
// hotDate
$output .= "\n".'';
return $output;
return '';
function xpress_block_css_set($mydirname = '')
$style_url = get_block_stylesheet_url($mydirname);
$tplVars =& $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->get_template_vars();
$csslink = "\n".'';
// Module Main CSS Plugin Css
$csslink .= xpress_get_plugin_css($mydirname);
if(array_key_exists('xoops_block_header', $tplVars)) {
if (!strstr($tplVars['xoops_block_header'],$csslink)) {
} else {
function xpress_block_cache_found($mydirname,$block_name)
global $xoops_config;
$cache_dir = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/cache/';
} else {
$cache_dir = $xoops_config->xoops_root_path . '/cache/';
$xml_name = $block_name . '.xml';
$filename = $cache_dir .$mydirname . '_' . $xml_name;
$cache_time = 0;
// if (file_exists($filename) && ((time() - filemtime($filename)) < $cache_time)) {
if (file_exists($filename)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function xpress_block_render($mydirname,$block_function_name,$options)
global $wpdb,$xoops_config;
$func_file = $block_function_name;
$call_theme_function_name = str_replace(".php", "", $block_function_name);
$inc_theme_file_name = $call_theme_function_name . '_theme.php';
$cache_title = str_replace(".php", "", $block_function_name);
$blockID =get_block_id($mydirname,$func_file,$options);
$this_block_url = '/' . $mydirname . '/';
$call_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (strstr($call_url , $this_block_url) !== false && strstr($call_url , $this_block_url . 'admin/') === false){
$block_theme_file = get_block_file_path($mydirname,$inc_theme_file_name);
require_once $block_theme_file['file_path'];
$block = $call_theme_function_name($options); //The block name and the called function name should be assumed to be the same name.
if (!empty($block_theme_file['error']))
$block['err_message'] = $block_theme_file['error'];
} else {
if (xpress_block_cache_found($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID)){
$xml = xpress_block_cache_read($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID);
$block = $xml['block'];
} else {
$block['err_message'] = sprintf(_MB_XP2_BLOCK_CACHE_ERR, '' . $mydirname .'');
$temp_option = explode(':' , $options[1]);
if (isset($temp_option[1])) {
$templates_file = $options[1];
} else {
$templates_file = 'db:'.$mydirname. '_' . str_replace(".php", ".html", $block_function_name);
$tpl =& new XoopsTpl() ;
$tpl->template_dir = $xoops_config->module_path . '/templates';
if (!$tpl->template_exists($templates_file)){
$src_file_path = $xoops_config->module_path . '/templates/' .$mydirname. '_' . str_replace(".php", ".html", $block_function_name);
$templates_file = add_xpress_tpl($mydirname,$templates_file,$src_file_path);
$tpl->assign( 'block' , $block ) ;
$ret['content'] = $tpl->fetch( $templates_file ) ;
return $ret ;
function add_xpress_tpl($mydirname,$templates='',$src_file_path){
global $wpdb,$xoops_config , $xoops_db;
$mid = get_block_mid($mydirname);
$temp_parm = explode(':' , $templates);
if (empty($temp_parm[1])) {
$type = 'db';
} else {
$type = $temp_parm[0];
$temp_file_path = $xoops_config->module_path . '/templates/'. $filename;
$pattern = '^' . $mydirname . '_';
if (preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/' , $filename, $match)){ // file prefix check
if (!file_exists($temp_file_path)){ // Repetition check
if (file_exists($src_file_path)){ // source file check
$rcd = copy($src_file_path, $temp_file_path);
return 'file:' . $filename;
return $templates;
function xpress_block_cache_refresh($mydirname)
global $xoops_db;
$mid = get_xpress_modid();
// It is a block that needs cache arranged outside the module.
// Only the block arranged outside the module is detected here.
$newblocks = get_xoops_prefix() . "newblocks";
$block_module_link = get_xoops_prefix(). "block_module_link";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $newblocks LEFT JOIN $block_module_link ON {$newblocks}.bid = {$block_module_link}.block_id ";
$sql .= "WHERE {$newblocks}.mid = $mid AND {$newblocks}.visible = 1 AND {$block_module_link}.module_id != $mid ";
$sql .= "GROUP BY {$newblocks}.bid";
$blocks = $xoops_db->get_results($sql);
require_once get_xpress_dir_path() . '/include/xpress_block_render.php';
foreach($blocks as $block){
$func_file = $block->func_file;
$call_theme_function_name = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file);
$inc_theme_file_name = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file) . '_theme.php';
$cache_title = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file);
$blockID = $block->bid;
$options = explode("|", $block->options);
$block_theme_file = get_block_file_path($mydirname,$inc_theme_file_name);
require_once $block_theme_file['file_path'];
$render = $call_theme_function_name($options); //The block name and the called function name should be assumed to be the same name.
$render_array['block'] = $render;
$render_array['block']['options'] = $block->options;
if (!empty($block_theme_file['error']))
$render_array['block']['err_message'] = $block_theme_file['error'];
if (xpress_block_cache_found($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID)){
$render_serialize = xpress_XML_serialize($render_array);
$render_md5 = md5($render_serialize);
$cache_serialize = xpress_cache_read($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID.'.xml');
$cache_md5 = md5($cache_serialize);
if ($render_md5 != $cache_md5){
xpress_block_cache_write($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID, $render_array);
} else {
xpress_block_cache_write($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID, $render_array);
function xpress_unnecessary_block_cache_delete($mydirname)
global $xoops_db,$xoops_config;
$mid = get_xpress_modid();
$sql = "SELECT bid,options,func_file FROM " . get_xoops_prefix() . "newblocks WHERE mid = $mid AND visible = 1";
$blocks = $xoops_db->get_results($sql);
require_once get_xpress_dir_path() . '/include/xpress_block_render.php';
$pattern ='';
foreach($blocks as $block){
$cache_file_name = $mydirname . '_'. str_replace(".php", "", $block->func_file) . $block->bid;
if (!empty($pattern)) $pattern .= '|';
$pattern .= $cache_file_name;
$pattern = '(' . $pattern . ')';
$cache_dir = $xoops_config->xoops_root_path . '/cache/';
$cache_time = 0;
if ($dh = opendir($cache_dir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote($mydirname) . '_/', $file)) {
if(! preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/', $file)) {
function get_xpress_mod_config($mydirname,$conf_name=''){
$module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
$xoopsModule =& $module_handler->getByDirname($mydirname);
$mid = $xoopsModule->getVar('mid');
$xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
$db_config = $xoopsDB->prefix('config');
$wu_sql = "SELECT conf_value FROM $db_config ";
$wu_sql .= "WHERE (conf_modid = $mid ) AND (conf_name LIKE '$conf_name')";
$wu_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wu_sql, 0, 0);
if ($wu_res === false){
return 0;
} else {
$xu_row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($wu_res);
return $xu_row['conf_value'];