_detect_xoops_version(); } function &getInstance() { static $instance; if (!isset($instance)) { $instance = new xoops_block_check(); } return $instance; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // public //-------------------------------------------------------- function get_message() { return $this->_get_msg(); } function get_op() { $op = ''; $mid = 0; foreach ( $_POST as $k => $v ) { if ( preg_match( "/^amid:/", $k ) ) { $op = 'remove_all_block'; $mid = intval( str_replace("amid:", "", $k) ); break; } if ( preg_match( "/^mid:/", $k ) ) { $op = 'remove_block'; $mid = intval( str_replace("mid:", "", $k) ); break; } } $this->module_id = $mid; return $op; } function check_blocks($module_dir) { $this->_all_ok_flag = true; $this->_module_dir = $module_dir; $this->module_dirname = $module_dir; if ( $this->_use_token ) { $text = $this->_create_token(); } $objs =& $this->_get_module_objects(); $obj = $objs[0]; if (!empty($obj)){ $this->module_id = $obj->getVar('mid', 'n'); $url = $this->_build_url_module_update( $this->module_dirname ); $this->update_link = $this->_build_url_module_update( $this->module_dirname ); $this->remove_submit_form .= ''."\n"; return $this->_check_block_by_module( $obj ); } else { $this->_err( 'Modules Not Found' ); return false; } } function remove_all_block() { $text = "

Remove xoops block table

\n"; /* if( $this->_use_token && !$this->_validate_token() ) { $text .= '

Token Error

'."\n"; $text .= 'Check Bloks'; return $text; } */ $module_obj =& $this->_get_module_object_bymodule_id( $this->module_id ); if( !is_object($module_obj) ) { $text .= '

"No Module: mid='. $this->module_id ."

\n"; $text .= "
\n"; $text .= 'Check Bloks'; return $text; } $ret = $this->_remove_block_bymodule_id( $this->module_id ); if ( $ret ) { $text .= '


'."\n"; } else { $text .= '


'."\n"; } $url = $this->_build_url_module_update( $module_obj->getVar('dirname', 'n') ); $text .= 'GO to Module Update: '.$module_obj->getVar('name', 's')."

\n"; // $text .= 'Check xoops block table
'."\n"; return $text; } function remove_block() { $text = "

Remove xoops block table

\n"; $error = false; $block_objs =& $this->_get_block_object_orber_num_bymodule_id( $this->module_id); $module_obj =& $this->_get_module_object_bymodule_id( $this->module_id ); $infos =& $module_obj->getInfo('blocks'); foreach ( $infos as $num => $info ) { $block_err = false; if ( !isset( $block_objs[ $num ] ) ){ $block_err = true; } else { $block_obj = $block_objs[ $num ]; if ( isset($info['file']) && ( $info['file'] != $block_obj->getVar('func_file', 'n') ) ) $block_err = true; if ( isset($info['show_func']) && ( $info['show_func'] != $block_obj->getVar('show_func', 'n') ) ) $block_err = true; if ( isset($info['edit_func']) && ( $info['edit_func'] != $block_obj->getVar('edit_func', 'n') ) ) $block_err = true; if ( isset($info['template']) && ( $info['template'] != $block_obj->getVar('template', 'n') ) ) $block_err = true; if ( isset($info['options']) ){ $option_arr_1 = explode( '|', $info['options'] ); $option_arr_2 = explode( '|', $block_obj->getVar('options', 'n') ); $excludes_block = array(); if (in_array($info['file'],$excludes_block)){ if ( count($option_arr_1) > count($option_arr_2) ) $block_err = true; } else { if ( count($option_arr_1) != count($option_arr_2) ) $block_err = true; } } } if ($block_err){ $ret = $this->_delete_block( $block_obj ); if ( !$ret ) $error = true; } } if ( !$error ) { $text .= '


'."\n"; } else { $text .= '


'."\n"; } $url = $this->_build_url_module_update( $module_obj->getVar('dirname', 'n') ); $text .= 'GO to Module Update: '.$module_obj->getVar('name', 's')."

\n"; // $text .= 'Check xoops block table
'."\n"; return $text; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // private //-------------------------------------------------------- function _check_block_by_module( &$module_obj ) { $this->_msg_array = array(); $mid = $module_obj->getVar('mid', 'n'); $mod_name = $module_obj->getVar('name', 's'); $dirname = $module_obj->getVar('dirname', 'n'); $infos =& $module_obj->getInfo('blocks'); $this->module_name = $mod_name ; $this->module_dirname = $dirname ; if ( !is_array($infos) || !count($infos) ) { $this->_msg( 'No block' ); return $this->_get_msg(); } $block_objs =& $this->_get_block_object_orber_num_bymodule_id( $mid ); foreach ( $infos as $num => $info ) { if ( !isset( $block_objs[ $num ] ) ) { $this->_err( htmlspecialchars( $info['name'] ).': not exist in block table' ); $this->_all_ok_flag = false; continue; } $this->_check_block_by_obj( $info, $block_objs[ $num ] ); } if ($this->_all_ok_flag){ } else { } return $this->_all_ok_flag; } function _check_block_by_obj( &$info, &$block_obj ) { $this->_error_flag = false; $bid = $block_obj->getVar('bid', 'n'); $edit_url = $this->_build_url_block_edit( $bid ); $name = ''. htmlspecialchars( $info['name'] ). ''; // $name = htmlspecialchars( $info['name'] ); if ( isset($info['file']) && ( $info['file'] != $block_obj->getVar('func_file', 'n') ) ) { $this->_err( $name.': file unmatch' ); } if ( isset($info['show_func']) && ( $info['show_func'] != $block_obj->getVar('show_func', 'n') ) ) { $this->_err( $name.': show_func unmatch' ); } if ( isset($info['edit_func']) && ( $info['edit_func'] != $block_obj->getVar('edit_func', 'n') ) ) { $this->_err( $name.': edit_func unmatch' ); } if ( isset($info['template']) && ( $info['template'] != $block_obj->getVar('template', 'n') ) ) { $this->_err( $name.': template unmatch' ); } if ( isset($info['options']) ) { $option_arr_1 = explode( '|', $info['options'] ); $option_arr_2 = explode( '|', $block_obj->getVar('options', 'n') ); $excludes_block = array(); if (in_array($info['file'],$excludes_block)){ if ( count($option_arr_1) > count($option_arr_2) ) { $this->_err( $name.': options count unmatch' ); } } else { if ( count($option_arr_1) != count($option_arr_2) ) { $this->_err( $name.': options count unmatch' ); } } } if ( !$this->_error_flag ) { $this->_msg( $name.': OK' ); } else { $this->_all_ok_flag = false; } } function _remove_block_bymodule_id( $mid ) { $error = false; $objs =& $this->_get_block_object_bymodule_id( $mid ); foreach ( $objs as $obj ) { $ret = $this->_delete_block( $obj ); if ( !$ret ) { $error = true; } } if ( $error ) { return false; } return true; } function _msg( $msg ) { $this->_msg_array[] = ' ' .$msg; } function _err( $msg ) { $this->_msg_array[] = ' ' . $this->_highlight( $msg ); $this->_error_flag = true; } function _get_msg() { $msg = implode( "
\n", $this->_msg_array ); return $msg; } function _highlight( $msg ) { $text = null; if ( $msg ) { $text = ''.$msg.''; } return $text; } function _build_url_module_update( $dirname ) { if ( $this->_xoops_version == '2.1' ) { $url = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/legacy/admin/index.php?action=ModuleUpdate&dirname='.$dirname; } else { $url = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/system/admin.php?fct=modulesadmin&op=update&module='.$dirname; } return $url; } function _build_url_block_edit( $bid ) { $dir_name = $this->module_dirname; if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/altsys/admin/index.php')){ // $url = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/altsys/admin/index.php?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=myblocksadmin&dirname=xp_trunk&op=edit&bid='.$bid; $url = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$dir_name.'/admin/index.php?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=myblocksadmin&dirname='.$dir_name.'xp_trunk&op=edit&bid='.$bid; } else if ( $this->_xoops_version == '2.1' ) { $url = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/legacy/admin/index.php?action=BlockEdit&bid='.$bid; } else { $url = XOOPS_URL.'/modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=mod&bid='.$bid; } return $url; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // user handler //-------------------------------------------------------- function is_admin() { global $xoopsUser; if ( is_object($xoopsUser) && $xoopsUser->isAdmin() ) { return true; } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // module handler //-------------------------------------------------------- function &_get_module_objects() { $criteria = new CriteriaCompo(); $criteria->add( new Criteria('isactive', '1', '=') ); $criteria->add( new Criteria('dirname', $this->_module_dir, '=') ); $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $objs =& $module_handler->getObjects( $criteria ); return $objs; } function &_get_module_object_bymodule_id( $mid ) { $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler('module'); $obj =& $module_handler->get( $mid ); return $obj; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // block handler //-------------------------------------------------------- function &_get_block_object_orber_num_bymodule_id( $mid ) { $arr = array(); $objs =& $this->_get_block_object_bymodule_id( $mid ); foreach ( $objs as $obj ) { $arr[ $obj->getVar('func_num', 'n') ] = $obj; } return $arr; } function &_get_block_object_bymodule_id( $mid, $asobject=true ) { if ( defined('ICMS_VERSION_BUILD') && ICMS_VERSION_BUILD > 27 ) { /* ImpressCMS 1.2+ */ $block_handler =& xoops_gethandler ('block'); $objs =& $block_handler->getByModule( $mid, $asobject ); } else { /* legacy support */ $objs =& XoopsBlock::getByModule( $mid, $asobject ) ; /* from class/xoopsblock.php */ } return $objs; } function _delete_block( &$obj ) { // NOT use xoops_gethandler in xoops 2.0.16jp return $obj->delete(); } //-------------------------------------------------------- // token handler //-------------------------------------------------------- function _create_token() { $obj =& XoopsSingleTokenHandler::quickCreate($this->_TOKEN_NAME); return $obj->getHtml(); } function _validate_token() { return XoopsSingleTokenHandler::quickValidate( $this->_TOKEN_NAME ); } //-------------------------------------------------------- // xoops version //-------------------------------------------------------- function get_xoops_version() { return $this->_xoops_version; } function _detect_xoops_version() { // very easy way if ( preg_match("/XOOPS[\s+]Cube.*[\s+]2\.1/i", XOOPS_VERSION) ) { $this->_xoops_version = '2.1'; } // xoops 2.0.17 has no token class if ( file_exists( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.'/class/token.php' ) ) { $this->_use_token = true; } } // --- class end --- } ?>