ID,'newpost'); } } function onaction_edit_post_notify($post_id) { do_PostNotifications($post_id,'editpost'); } function onaction_comment_notify($commentID){ global $wpdb; $status = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_approved FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID"); $post_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_post_ID FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID"); if ($status ==1){ do_CommentNotifications($commentID, $post_id); } else { do_CommentWaiting($commentID, $post_id); } } function onaction_comment_apobe_notify($commentID){ global $wpdb; $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID"); $status = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_approved FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID"); if(is_null($status)) return; if ($status == 1){ onaction_comment_notify($commentID); } } function Notification_triggerEvent($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags=array(), $user_list=array(), $omit_user_id=null) { global $xoops_db,$xoops_config; //When notifying by a private message, //it is evaded that the data base becomes read-only as a result of the check on the referrer and the method. if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = 'call $notification_handler->triggerEvent'); if (is_wp_cron_page_call() ){ $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'http://'. $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'; if (function_exists('xpress_debug')) xpress_debug($title = 'wp_cron_page_call',true); } if (is_xmlrpc_call() ){ $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'http://'. $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'; } // set_error_handler("xpress_error_handler"); // if ($xoops_config->is_impress != true){ // impress cms is error // if ( !defined("XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED")) { // require_once $xoops_config->xoops_mainfile_path; // load XOOPS System // } // } if ( defined("XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED")) { if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = 'call $notification_handler->triggerEvent'); $module_id = get_xpress_modid() ; $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ; $notification_handler->triggerEvent($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $module_id, $omit_user_id); } else { if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = 'not call $notification_handler->triggerEvent'); $module_id = get_xpress_modid() ; Notification_reserve($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $module_id, $omit_user_id); } } function do_CommentWaiting($commentID, $comment_post_ID) { // require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_functions.php' ; // $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ; Notification_triggerEvent( 'global' , 0 , 'waiting') ; } function do_CommentNotifications($commentID, $comment_post_ID) { global $wpdb, $xoops_config , $xoops_db; $table_term_relationships = $wpdb->term_relationships; $table_term_taxonomy = $wpdb->term_taxonomy; $table_terms = $wpdb->terms; $table_categories = $wpdb->categories; $wp_post = $wpdb->posts; $wp_options = $wpdb->options; $wp_users = $wpdb->users; $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments; $post_id = $comment_post_ID; $post_title = get_the_title($post_id); $post_url = get_permalink($post_id). '#comment'; $blog_name = get_bloginfo('name'); // query $sql = "SELECT post_author FROM ".$wp_post." WHERE ID=$comment_post_ID "; $post_author = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); $sql = "SELECT display_name FROM $wp_users WHERE ID ='$post_author'"; $user_name = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; Notification_triggerEvent('global' , 0 , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false); Notification_triggerEvent('author' , $post_author , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false); Notification_triggerEvent('post' , $comment_post_ID , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false); // categorie notification if (get_xpress_db_version() < 6124){ $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$comment_post_ID; } else { $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $ AS cat_name "; $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id "; $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $comment_post_ID.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')"; } $categories = $xoops_db->get_results($sql2); foreach($categories as $categorie){ $cat_id = $categorie->cat_ID; $cat_name = $categorie->cat_name; $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_CAT_TITLE' => $cat_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; Notification_triggerEvent('category' , $cat_id , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false); } } function do_PostNotifications($post_id,$not_event) { global $wpdb, $xoops_config, $xoops_db; // $not_event: newpost,editpost ; $commentID, $comment_post_ID) $table_term_relationships = $wpdb->term_relationships; $table_term_taxonomy = $wpdb->term_taxonomy; $table_terms = $wpdb->terms; $table_categories = $wpdb->categories; $wp_post = $wpdb->posts; $wp_options = $wpdb->options; $wp_users = $wpdb->users; $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments; $post_title = get_the_title($post_id); $post_url = get_permalink($post_id). '#comment'; $blog_name = get_bloginfo('name'); // query $sql = "SELECT post_author FROM ".$wp_post." WHERE ID=$post_id "; $post_author = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); $sql = "SELECT display_name FROM $wp_users WHERE ID ='$post_author'"; $user_name = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); $posts_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; switch ($not_event) { case 'newpost' : Notification_triggerEvent('global' , 0 , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false); Notification_triggerEvent('author' , $post_author , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false); // categorie notification if (get_xpress_db_version() < 6124){ $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$post_id; } else { $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $ AS cat_name "; $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id "; $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $post_id.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')"; } $categories = $xoops_db->get_results($sql2); foreach($categories as $categorie){ $cat_id = $categorie->cat_ID; $cat_name = $categorie->cat_name; $posts_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_CAT_TITLE' => $cat_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; Notification_triggerEvent('category' , $cat_id , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false); } break; case 'editpost' : Notification_triggerEvent('post' , $post_id , 'editpost' , $posts_tags , false); break; default : } } //When the event cannot notify because the XOOPS system is not loaded, the event is stacked. function Notification_reserve($category, $item_id=0, $event, $extra_tags=array(), $user_list=array(), $module_id=0, $omit_user_id=null) { global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix(); $notfiy_reserve = $xpress_prefix . 'notify_reserve'; $extra_tags_arry = addslashes(serialize($extra_tags)); $user_list_arry = addslashes(serialize($user_list)); // $extra_tags_arry = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($extra_tags)); // $user_list_arry = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($user_list)); $notify_reserve_status = 'reserve'; $sql = "INSERT INTO $notfiy_reserve "; $sql .= "(notify_reserve_status , category , item_id , event , extra_tags_arry , user_list_arry , module_id , omit_user_id)"; $sql .= "VALUES "; $sql .= "('$notify_reserve_status' , '$category' , $item_id , '$event' , '$extra_tags_arry' , '$user_list_arry' , $module_id , '$omit_user_id')"; if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = $sql); $xoops_db->query($sql); } //It calls when the XOOPS system is loaded, and the stacked event notification processing is done. function Notification_reserve_send() { global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; if ( ! defined("XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED")) return; $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix(); $notfiy_reserve_db = $xpress_prefix . 'notify_reserve'; $extra_tags_arry = addslashes(serialize($extra_tags)); $user_list_arry = addslashes(serialize($user_list)); $sql = "SELECT * "; $sql .= "FROM $notfiy_reserve_db "; $sql .= "WHERE notify_reserve_status = 'reserve'"; $notify_reserves = $xoops_db->get_results($sql); //So as not to process it by other sessions while processing it, status is changed. foreach($notify_reserves as $notify){ $notify_reserve_id = $notify->notify_reserve_id; $sql = "UPDATE $notfiy_reserve_db SET notify_reserve_status = 'sending' WHERE notify_reserve_id = $notify_reserve_id"; $xoops_db->query($sql); } foreach($notify_reserves as $notify){ $notify_reserve_id = $notify->notify_reserve_id; $category = $notify->category; $item_id = $notify->item_id; $event = $notify->event; $extra_tags = unserialize($notify->extra_tags_arry); $user_list = unserialize($notify->user_list_arry); $module_id = $notify->module_id; $omit_user_id = $notify->omit_user_id; $notification_handler->triggerEvent($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $module_id, $omit_user_id); $sql = "DELETE FROM $notfiy_reserve_db WHERE notify_reserve_id = $notify_reserve_id"; $xoops_db->query($sql); } } ?>