1 | <?php
2 | if( ! defined( 'XPRESS_D3FORUM_CLASS_INCLUDED' ) ) {
3 | define( 'XPRESS_D3FORUM_CLASS_INCLUDED' , 1 ) ;
4 |
5 | // a class for d3forum comment integration
6 | class xpressD3commentContent extends D3commentAbstract {
7 |
8 | function fetchSummary( $external_link_id )
9 | {
10 | // include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/include/common_functions.php' ;
11 |
12 | $db =& Database::getInstance() ;
13 | $myts =& MyTextsanitizer::getInstance() ;
14 |
15 | $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'module' ) ;
16 | $module =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $this->mydirname ) ;
17 | $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
18 | $configs = $config_handler->getConfigList( $module->mid() ) ;
19 |
20 | $post_id = intval( $external_link_id ) ;
21 | $mydirname = $this->mydirname ;
22 | if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;
23 |
24 | $xpress_prefix = $mydirname;
25 | if ($xpress_prefix == 'wordpress') $xpress_prefix = 'wp';
26 |
27 | // query
28 | $post_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( "SELECT * FROM ".$db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_posts")." WHERE ID=$post_id AND comment_status ='open'" ) ) ;
29 | if( empty( $post_row ) ) return '' ;
30 |
31 | // dare to convert it irregularly
32 | $summary = str_replace( '&' , '&' , htmlspecialchars( xoops_substr( strip_tags( $post_row['post_content'] ) , 0 , 255 ) , ENT_QUOTES ) ) ;
33 |
34 | return array(
35 | 'dirname' => $mydirname ,
36 | 'module_name' => $module->getVar( 'name' ) ,
37 | 'subject' => $post_row['post_title'] ,
38 | 'uri' => XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$mydirname.'/?p='.$post_row['ID'] ,
39 | 'summary' => $summary ,
40 | ) ;
41 | }
42 | // public
43 | function displayCommentsInline( $params )
44 | {
45 | $new_params = $this->restructParams( $params ) ;
46 | if (!$this->canAddComment($params['id']) ) {
47 | $new_params['no_form'] = true;
48 | echo '<p class="xpress_comment_close">' . __('Sorry, comments are closed for this item.') . '</p>';
49 | ob_start();
50 | d3forum_render_comments( $this->d3forum_dirname , $new_params['forum_id'] , $new_params , $this->smarty ) ;
51 | $d3comment=ob_get_contents();
52 | ob_end_clean();
53 | preg_match('/(.*?)<div><a href=(.*?)index.php\?page=newtopic&forum_id=[^>]*?>(.*?)<\/a><\/div>\s?(.*)/s', $d3comment, $elms);
54 | if (! empty($elms[0])) $d3comment = $elms[1] . $elms[4];
55 | echo $d3comment;
56 | } else {
57 | d3forum_render_comments( $this->d3forum_dirname , $new_params['forum_id'] , $new_params , $this->smarty ) ;
58 | }
59 | }
60 |
61 | //private for XPressME
62 | function canAddComment($external_link_id)
63 | {
64 | $db =& Database::getInstance() ;
65 | $myts =& MyTextsanitizer::getInstance() ;
66 |
67 | $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'module' ) ;
68 | $module =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $this->mydirname ) ;
69 | $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
70 | $configs = $config_handler->getConfigList( $module->mid() ) ;
71 |
72 | $post_id = intval( $external_link_id ) ;
73 | $mydirname = $this->mydirname ;
74 | if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;
75 |
76 | $xpress_prefix = $mydirname;
77 | if ($xpress_prefix == 'wordpress') $xpress_prefix = 'wp';
78 |
79 | // query
80 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_posts")." WHERE ID=$post_id";
81 | $post_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ;
82 | if( empty( $post_row ) ) return false ;
83 | if ($post_row['comment_status'] == 'open')
84 | return true;
85 | else
86 | return false;
87 |
88 | }
89 |
90 | // abstract (override it)
91 | // set d3forum_dirname from parameter or config
92 | function setD3forumDirname( $d3forum_dirname = '' )
93 | {
94 | if( ! empty($this->mod_config['d3forum_dir'] ) ) {
95 | $this->d3forum_dirname = $this->mod_config['d3forum_dir'] ;
96 | } else if( $d3forum_dirname ) {
97 | $this->d3forum_dirname = $d3forum_dirname ;
98 | } else if( ! empty( $this->mod_config['comment_dirname'] ) ) {
99 | $this->d3forum_dirname = $this->mod_config['comment_dirname'] ;
100 | } else {
101 | $this->d3forum_dirname = 'd3forum' ;
102 | }
103 | }
104 |
105 | // get forum_id from $params or config
106 | // override it if necessary
107 |
108 | function getForumId( $params )
109 | {
110 | if( ! empty( $this->mod_config['d3forum_id'] ) ) {
111 | return $this->mod_config['d3forum_id'] ;
112 | } else if( ! empty( $params['forum_id'] ) ) {
113 | return intval( $params['forum_id'] ) ;
114 | } else if( ! empty( $this->mod_config['comment_forum_id'] ) ) {
115 | return $this->mod_config['comment_forum_id'] ;
116 | } else {
117 | return 1 ;
118 | }
119 | }
120 |
121 | // get view from $params or config
122 | // override it if necessary
123 | function getView( $params )
124 | {
125 | if( ! empty( $params['view'] ) ) {
126 | return $params['view'] ;
127 | } else if( ! empty( $this->mod_config['comment_view'] ) ) {
128 | return $this->mod_config['comment_view'] ;
129 | } else {
130 | return 'listposts' ;
131 | }
132 | }
133 |
134 |
135 | // get view from $params or config
136 | // override it if necessary
137 | function getOrder( $params )
138 | {
139 | if( ! empty( $params['order'] ) ) {
140 | return strtolower( $params['order'] ) ;
141 | } else if( ! empty( $this->mod_config['comment_order'] ) ) {
142 | return $this->mod_config['comment_order'] ;
143 | } else {
144 | return 'desc' ;
145 |
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 |
150 | // get number of posts will be displayed from $params or config
151 | // override it if necessary
152 | function getPostsNum( $params )
153 | {
154 | if( ! empty( $params['posts_num'] ) ) {
155 | return $params['posts_num'] ;
156 | } else if( ! empty( $this->mod_config['comment_posts_num'] ) ) {
157 | return $this->mod_config['comment_posts_num'] ;
158 | } else {
159 | return 10 ;
160 | }
161 | }
162 |
163 | function validate_id( $link_id )
164 | {
165 | $post_id = intval( $link_id ) ;
166 | $mydirname = $this->mydirname ;
167 | $xpress_prefix = $mydirname;
168 | if ($xpress_prefix == 'wordpress') $xpress_prefix = 'wp';
169 |
170 | $db =& Database::getInstance() ;
171 |
172 | list( $count ) = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_posts")." WHERE ID=$post_id AND comment_status ='open'" ) ) ;
173 |
174 | if( $count <= 0 ) return false ;
175 | else return $post_id ;
176 | }
177 |
178 | // callback on newtopic/edit/reply/delete
179 | // abstract
180 | function onUpdate( $mode , $link_id , $forum_id , $topic_id , $post_id = 0 )
181 | {
182 | global $message;
183 |
184 | if ($mode == 'approve'){
185 | $mode = 'edit';
186 | }
187 | return $this->sync_to_wp_comment( $mode , $link_id , $forum_id , $topic_id , $post_id);
188 |
189 | }
190 |
191 | // processing xoops notification for 'comment'
192 | // override it if necessary
193 | function processCommentNotifications( $mode , $link_id , $forum_id , $topic_id , $post_id )
194 | {
195 | $db =& Database::getInstance() ;
196 | $myts =& MyTextsanitizer::getInstance() ;
197 |
198 | $module_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'module' ) ;
199 | $module =& $module_handler->getByDirname( $this->mydirname ) ;
200 | $config_handler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
201 | $configs = $config_handler->getConfigList( $module->mid() ) ;
202 |
203 | $mydirname = $this->mydirname ;
204 | if( preg_match( '/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/' , $mydirname ) ) die( 'Invalid mydirname' ) ;
205 |
206 | $xpress_prefix = $mydirname;
207 | if ($xpress_prefix == 'wordpress') $xpress_prefix = 'wp';
208 |
209 | $table_term_relationships = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_term_relationships");
210 | $table_term_taxonomy = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_term_taxonomy");
211 | $table_terms = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_terms");
212 | $table_categories = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_categories");
213 | $table_post2cat = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_post2cat");
214 | $wp_post = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_posts");
215 | $wp_options = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_options");
216 | $wp_users = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_users");
217 |
218 | $sql = "SELECT option_value FROM $wp_options WHERE option_name ='blogname'";
219 | $blog_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ;
220 | if( empty( $blog_row ) ) return false;
221 | $blog_name = $blog_row['option_value'];
222 |
223 |
224 | // query
225 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wp_post." WHERE ID=$link_id ";
226 | $post_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ;
227 | if( empty( $post_row ) ) return false;
228 | $post_title = $post_row['post_title'];
229 | $post_author = $post_row['post_author'];
230 |
231 | $sql = "SELECT display_name FROM $wp_users WHERE ID ='$post_author'";
232 | $blog_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ;
233 | if( empty( $blog_row ) ) return false;
234 | $user_name = $blog_row['display_name'];
235 |
236 | require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_functions.php' ;
237 |
238 | // non-module integration returns false quickly
239 | if( ! is_object( $this->module ) ) return false ;
240 |
241 | $not_module =& $this->module ;
242 | $not_modid = $this->module->getVar('mid') ;
243 |
244 | $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$this->d3forum_dirname.'/index.php?post_id='.intval($post_id) ) ;
245 | $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ;
246 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'global' , 0 , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ;
247 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'author' , $post_author , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ;
248 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'post' , $link_id , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ;
249 |
250 | $post_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( "SELECT * FROM ".$db->prefix($this->d3forum_dirname."_posts")." WHERE post_id=$post_id" ) ) ;
251 | if( !empty( $post_row ) ){
252 | if ( $post_row['approval'] ==0 ){
253 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'global' , 0 , 'waiting', $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ;
254 | }
255 | }
256 |
257 | // categorie notification
258 | include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/wp-includes/version.php');
259 | if ($wp_db_version < 6124){
260 | $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$link_id;
261 | } else {
262 | $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $table_terms.name AS cat_name ";
263 | $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id ";
264 | $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $link_id.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')";
265 | }
266 | $res2 = $db->query($sql2);
267 | while($row2 = $db->fetchArray($res2)){
268 | $cat_id = $row2['cat_ID'];
269 | $cat_name = $row2['cat_name'];
270 | $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_CAT_TITLE' => $cat_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => XOOPS_URL.'/modules/'.$this->d3forum_dirname.'/index.php?post_id='.intval($post_id) ) ;
271 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'category' , $cat_id , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ;
272 | }
273 | }
274 |
275 | // The content is reflected in the WordPress comment when there is a change in the D3Forum comment.
276 |
277 | function sync_to_wp_comment( $mode , $link_id , $forum_id , $topic_id , $post_id = 0 ){
278 |
279 | $mydirname = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) ;
280 | $xpress_prefix = $mydirname;
281 | if ($xpress_prefix == 'wordpress') $xpress_prefix = 'wp';
282 | $d3f_forum_dir = $this->d3forum_dirname;
283 |
284 | $d3f_prefix = $d3f_forum_dir;
285 | $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
286 | $xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
287 |
288 | $wp_comments = $xoopsDB->prefix($xpress_prefix . '_comments');
289 | $wp_posts = $xoopsDB->prefix($xpress_prefix . '_posts');
290 | $wp_d3forum_link = $xoopsDB->prefix($xpress_prefix . '_d3forum_link');
291 | $d3f_posts = $xoopsDB->prefix($d3f_prefix . '_posts');
292 | $d3f_topics = $xoopsDB->prefix($d3f_prefix . '_topics');
293 | $d3f_users2topics = $xoopsDB->prefix($d3f_prefix . '_users2topics ');
294 | $db_xoops_users = $xoopsDB->prefix('users');
295 | $d3f_post_votes = $xoopsDB->prefix($d3f_prefix . '_post_votes');
296 |
297 | $comment_post_ID = $link_id;
298 |
299 | $d3f_sql = "SELECT $d3f_posts.guest_name, ";
300 | $d3f_sql .= "$d3f_posts.guest_email, $d3f_posts.guest_url, $d3f_posts.poster_ip, $d3f_posts.post_time, ";
301 | $d3f_sql .= "$d3f_posts.post_text, $d3f_posts.approval, $d3f_posts.uid ,$d3f_posts.pid ";
302 | $d3f_sql .= "FROM $d3f_posts ";
303 | $d3f_sql .= "WHERE $d3f_posts.post_id = $post_id";
304 |
305 | $d3f_res = $xoopsDB->query($d3f_sql, 0, 0);
306 | if ($d3f_res === false){
307 | die('...Err. OPEN D3Forum Data (' . $d3f_sql . ')');
308 | }else {
309 | $d3f_row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($d3f_res);
310 | $uid = $d3f_row['uid'];
311 | if (!empty($uid)) {
312 | $xu_sql = "SELECT uid ,name ,uname ,email , url FROM $db_xoops_users WHERE uid = $uid";
313 | $xu_res = $xoopsDB->query($xu_sql, 0, 0);
314 | if ($xu_res === false){
315 | $user_display_name = '';
316 | }else {
317 | $xu_row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($xu_res);
318 | if (empty($xu_row['name'])){
319 | $user_display_name = $xu_row['uname'];
320 | } else {
321 | $user_display_name = $xu_row['name'] ;
322 | }
323 | $comment_author_email = "'" . $xu_row['email'] . "'";
324 | $comment_author_url = "'" . $xu_row['url'] . "'";
325 | }
326 | $comment_author = "'" . addSlashes($user_display_name) . "'";
327 | } else {
328 | $comment_author = "'" . addSlashes($d3f_row['guest_name']) . "'";
329 | $comment_author_email = "'" . $d3f_row['guest_email'] . "'";
330 | $comment_author_url = "'" . $d3f_row['guest_url'] . "'";
331 | }
332 | $comment_author_IP = "'" . $d3f_row['poster_ip'] . "'";
333 | $comment_date = "'" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s' , $d3f_row['post_time']) . "'";
334 | $comment_content = "'" . addSlashes($d3f_row['post_text']) . "'";
335 | $comment_approved = "'" . $d3f_row['approval'] . "'";
336 | $user_ID = $d3f_row['uid'];
337 | $comment_date_gmt = "'" . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s' , $d3f_row['post_time']) . "'";
338 | $comment_type = '';
339 | $d3f_pid = $d3f_row['pid'];
340 | if ($d3f_pid > 0) {
341 | $comment_parent = $this->get_wp_comment_ID($d3f_pid);
342 | } else {
343 | $comment_parent = 0 ;
344 | }
345 |
346 | switch($mode){
347 | case 'reply':
348 | case 'newtopic' :
349 | $wp_sql = "INSERT INTO $wp_comments ";
350 | $wp_sql .= "(comment_post_ID , comment_author , comment_author_email , comment_author_url , comment_author_IP , ";
351 | $wp_sql .= "comment_date , comment_content , comment_approved , user_id , comment_date_gmt, comment_parent) ";
352 | $wp_sql .= "VALUES ";
353 | $wp_sql .= "($comment_post_ID, $comment_author, $comment_author_email, $comment_author_url, $comment_author_IP, ";
354 | $wp_sql .= "$comment_date, $comment_content, $comment_approved, $user_ID, $comment_date_gmt, $comment_parent)";
355 |
356 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wp_sql, 0, 0);
357 | if ($wp_res === false){
358 | die( '...Err. INSERT' . $wp_comments . '(' . $wp_sql . ')');
359 | } else{
360 | $comment_ID = $xoopsDB->getInsertId();
361 |
362 | $wp_sql = "UPDATE $wp_posts SET comment_count = comment_count +1 WHERE ID = $comment_post_ID";
363 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wp_sql, 0, 0);
364 |
365 | $wp_sql = "INSERT INTO $wp_d3forum_link ";
366 | $wp_sql .= "(comment_ID , post_id) ";
367 | $wp_sql .= "VALUES ";
368 | $wp_sql .= "($comment_ID, $post_id)";
369 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wp_sql, 0, 0);
370 | }
371 |
372 |
373 | if ($comment_approved ==0){
374 | require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_functions.php' ;
375 | $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ;
376 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'global' , 0 , 'waiting') ;
377 | }
378 |
379 | break;
380 | case 'edit':
381 | $wp_sql = "SELECT comment_ID FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $post_id";
382 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->query($wp_sql, 0, 0);
383 | if ($wp_res === false){
384 | die('...Err. EDIT' . $wp_comments . '(' . $wp_sql . ')');
385 | } else {
386 | $wp_row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($wp_res);
387 | $comment_ID = $wp_row['comment_ID'];
388 |
389 |
390 | $wp_sql = "UPDATE $wp_comments SET comment_content = $comment_content , comment_date_gmt = $comment_date_gmt WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID";
391 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wp_sql, 0, 0);
392 | if ($wp_res === false){
393 | die( '...Err. UPDATE' . $wp_comments . '(' . $wp_sql . ')');
394 | }
395 | }
396 | break;
397 | case 'delete':
398 | // wordpress comments delete
399 | $comment_ID = $this->get_wp_comment_ID($post_id);
400 | if ($comment_ID > 0){
401 | $sql= "SELECT comment_type FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID";
402 | $res= $xoopsDB->query( $sql);
403 | if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($res) > 0 ){
404 | $row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res);
405 | $comment_type = $row['comment_type'];
406 | if (!empty($comment_type)) break;
407 | }
408 | $wp_sql = "DELETE FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID";
409 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wp_sql, 0, 0);
410 |
411 | $wp_sql = "DELETE FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $post_id";
412 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wp_sql, 0, 0);
413 |
414 | $wp_sql = "UPDATE $wp_posts SET comment_count = comment_count -1 WHERE ID = $comment_post_ID";
415 | $wp_res = $xoopsDB->queryF($wp_sql, 0, 0);
416 | }
417 | break;
418 | default :
419 | }
420 | }
421 | return true ;
422 | }
423 | function get_wp_comment_ID($d3forum_post_ID){
424 | $xp_prefix = $wpdirname = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) ;
425 | if ($xp_prefix == 'wordpress'){
426 | $xp_prefix = 'wp';
427 | }
428 |
429 | $xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
430 | $wp_d3forum_link = $xoopsDB->prefix($xp_prefix . '_d3forum_link');
431 |
432 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $d3forum_post_ID";
433 | $res = $xoopsDB->query($sql, 0, 0);
434 | $ret = 0;
435 | if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($res) > 0 ){
436 | $row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res);
437 | $ret = $row['comment_ID'];
438 | }
439 | return $ret;
440 | }
441 |
442 | }
443 | }
444 | ?> |