prefix($xpress_prefix."_term_relationships"); $table_term_taxonomy = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_term_taxonomy"); $table_terms = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_terms"); $table_categories = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_categories"); $wp_post = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_posts"); $wp_options = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_options"); $wp_users = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_users"); $wp_comments = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_comments"); $post_id = $comment_post_ID; $post_title = get_the_title($post_id); $post_url = get_permalink($post_id). '#comment'; $blog_name = get_bloginfo('name'); /* $sql = "SELECT option_value FROM $wp_options WHERE option_name ='blogname'"; $blog_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ; if( empty( $blog_row ) ) return false; $blog_name = $blog_row['option_value']; */ // query $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wp_post." WHERE ID=$comment_post_ID "; $post_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ; if( empty( $post_row ) ) return false; // $post_title = $post_row['post_title']; $post_author = $post_row['post_author']; $sql = "SELECT display_name FROM $wp_users WHERE ID ='$post_author'"; $blog_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ; if( empty( $blog_row ) ) return false; $user_name = $blog_row['display_name']; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_functions.php' ; // non-module integration returns false quickly if( ! is_object($GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]) ) return false ; $not_modid = $GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]->getVar('mid') ; $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ; $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'global' , 0 , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'author' , $post_author , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'post' , $comment_post_ID , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; // categorie notification include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/wp-includes/version.php'); if ($wp_db_version < 6124){ $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$comment_post_ID; } else { $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $ AS cat_name "; $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id "; $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $comment_post_ID.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')"; } $res2 = $db->query($sql2); while($row2 = $db->fetchArray($res2)){ $cat_id = $row2['cat_ID']; $cat_name = $row2['cat_name']; $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_CAT_TITLE' => $cat_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'category' , $cat_id , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; } } function do_PostNotifications($post_id,$not_event) { // $not_event: newpost,editpost ; $commentID, $comment_post_ID) $xpress_prefix = $mydirname = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) ; if ($xpress_prefix == 'wordpress') $xpress_prefix = 'wp'; $db =& Database::getInstance() ; $myts =& MyTextsanitizer::getInstance() ; $table_term_relationships = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_term_relationships"); $table_term_taxonomy = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_term_taxonomy"); $table_terms = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_terms"); $table_categories = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_categories"); $wp_post = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_posts"); $wp_options = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_options"); $wp_users = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_users"); $wp_comments = $db->prefix($xpress_prefix."_comments"); $post_title = get_the_title($post_id); $post_url = get_permalink($post_id). '#comment'; $blog_name = get_bloginfo('name'); // query $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$wp_post." WHERE ID=$post_id "; $post_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ; if( empty( $post_row ) ) return false; // $post_title = $post_row['post_title']; $post_author = $post_row['post_author']; $sql = "SELECT display_name FROM $wp_users WHERE ID ='$post_author'"; $blog_row = $db->fetchArray( $db->query( $sql ) ) ; if( empty( $blog_row ) ) return false; $user_name = $blog_row['display_name']; require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_functions.php' ; // non-module integration returns false quickly if( ! is_object($GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]) ) return false ; $not_modid = $GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]->getVar('mid') ; $posts_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ; switch ($not_event) { case 'newpost' : $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'global' , 0 , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'author' , $post_author , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; // categorie notification include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/wp-includes/version.php'); if ($wp_db_version < 6124){ $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$post_id; } else { $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $ AS cat_name "; $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id "; $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $post_id.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')"; } $res2 = $db->query($sql2); while($row2 = $db->fetchArray($res2)){ $cat_id = $row2['cat_ID']; $cat_name = $row2['cat_name']; $posts_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_CAT_TITLE' => $cat_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ; $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'category' , $cat_id , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; } break; case 'editpost' : $notification_handler->triggerEvent( 'post' , $post_id , 'editpost' , $posts_tags , false , $not_modid ) ; break; default : } } ?>