1 | <{* ************************** usage ****************************
2 | The template tag of the following list can be used.
3 | <{$block.err_message}> // When the block cannot be displayed, this outputs the reason. Please do not delete it.
4 | <{$block.data_count}> // The number of contents is displayed.
5 | <{$block.contents}> // Data array of contents.
6 | // Examples of <{$block.contents}>
7 | <{foreach from=$block.contents item=content}> // Loop
8 | <{$content.post_id}> // Displays the numeric ID of the post.
9 | <{$content.post_title}> // Displays the post's permalink, where the link text value is the posts title name.
10 | <{$content.post_content}> // Displays the contents of the post.
11 | <{$content.post_date}> // Displays the published date of a post. Format at date set by general setting of Wordpress.
12 | <{$content.post_time}> // Displays the published time of a post. Format at time set by general setting of Wordpress.
13 | <{$content.post_date_time}> // Displays the published date-time of a post.
14 | <{$content.post_modified_date}> // Displays the modified date of a post. Format at date set by general setting of Wordpress.
15 | <{$content.post_modified_time}> // Displays the modified date of a post. Format at date set by general setting of Wordpress.
16 | <{$content.post_modified_date_time}> // Displays the modified date-time of a post.
17 | <{$content.post_author}> // Displays the author's archive link, where the link text value is the user's Display name.
18 | <{$content.post_category}> // Displays a link to the category or categories a post belongs to.
19 | <{$content.post_tags}> // Displays a link to the tag or tags a post belongs to.
20 | <{$content.post_views}> // Displays the number of posts viewer.
21 | <{$content.comment_link}> // Displays a link to the comments popup window if comments_popup_script() is used, otherwise it displays a normal link to comments.
22 | <{$content.trackback_url}> // Displays the trackback URL for the current post.
23 | <{/foreach}> // End of Loop
24 | ************************* End of usage ************************ *}>
25 | <{* Start Template *}>
26 | <div class="xpress_block">
27 | <div class="xpress_recent_post_content_block">
28 | <{$block.err_message}>
29 | <ul>
30 | <{foreach from=$block.contents item=content}>
31 | <li>
32 | <{$content.post_title}><br />
33 | <{$content.post_content}><br />
34 | <{$content.post_date_time}><br />
35 | <{$content.post_author}><br />
36 | <{$content.post_category}><br />
37 | <{$content.post_tags}><br />
38 | <{$content.post_views}><br />
39 | <{$content.comment_link}><br />
40 | <{$content.trackback_url}>
41 | </li>
42 | <{/foreach}>
43 | </ul>
44 | </div>
45 | </div> |