XPressME Ver.' . sprintf('%.2f %s',$xoopsModule->getInfo('version'),$xoopsModule->getInfo('codename')) .''; if (strstr($wp_version,'ME')){ $ret .= '(included WordPress ' . $wp_version . ')'; } else { $ret .= '(included WordPress ' . $wp_version . ')'; } if (empty($show)) return $ret; else echo $ret; } function xpress_convert_time($show = false) { $ret = timer_stop(0) .'sec. '; if (empty($show)) return $ret; else echo $ret; } function xpress_is_theme_sidebar_disp(){ $config = new XPressME_Class(); return $config->is_theme_sidebar_disp; } function xpress_left_arrow_post_link($show = false) { $config = new XPressME_Class(); $ret = ''; if($config->is_left_postnavi_old){ $link_title = $config->old_post_link_text; ob_start(); if ($config->is_postnavi_title_disp) previous_post_link('« %link'); else previous_post_link('« %link',$link_title); $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $link_title = $config->newer_post_link_text; ob_start(); if ($config->is_postnavi_title_disp) next_post_link('« %link'); else next_post_link('« %link',$link_title); $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } if ($config->is_postnavi_title_disp){ $on_mouse_show = $link_title; } else { if($config->is_left_postnavi_old){ ob_start(); previous_post_link('%link'); $on_mouse_show = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { ob_start(); next_post_link('%link'); $on_mouse_show = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $pattern = "]*?>(.*)<\/a>"; preg_match("/".$pattern."/s", $on_mouse_show, $body_matches); $on_mouse_show = $body_matches[1]; } $ret = str_replace('">','" title="'.$on_mouse_show . '">' , $ret); if (empty($show)) return $ret; else echo $ret; } function xpress_right_arrow_post_link($show = false) { $config = new XPressME_Class(); $ret = ''; if($config->is_left_postnavi_old){ $link_title = $config->newer_post_link_text; ob_start(); if ($config->is_postnavi_title_disp) next_post_link('%link »'); else next_post_link('%link »',$link_title); $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $link_title = $config->old_post_link_text; ob_start(); if ($config->is_postnavi_title_disp) previous_post_link('%link »'); else previous_post_link('%link »',$link_title); $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } if ($config->is_postnavi_title_disp){ $on_mouse_show = $link_title; } else { if($config->is_left_postnavi_old){ ob_start(); next_post_link('%link'); $on_mouse_show = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { ob_start(); previous_post_link('%link'); $on_mouse_show = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } $pattern = "]*?>(.*)<\/a>"; preg_match("/".$pattern."/s", $on_mouse_show, $body_matches); $on_mouse_show = $body_matches[1]; } $ret = str_replace('">','" title="'.$on_mouse_show . '">' , $ret); if (empty($show)) return $ret; else echo $ret; } function xpress_is_author_view_count(){ $config = new XPressME_Class(); return $config->is_author_view_count; } function xpress_substr($str, $start, $length, $trimmarker = '...') { if (function_exists('mb_substr')){ $str2 = mb_substr( $str , $start , $length); return $str2 . ( mb_strlen($str)!=mb_strlen($str2) ? $trimmarker : '' ); } else { return ( strlen($str) - $start <= $length ) ? substr( $str, $start, $length ) : substr( $str, $start, $length - strlen($trimmarker) ) . $trimmarker; } } // xoops db function get_xpress_dir_path() { return ABSPATH; } function get_xpress_dir_name() { return basename(ABSPATH); } function get_wp_prefix_only() { $dir_name = get_xpress_dir_name(); $prefix = $dir_name; if ($prefix == 'wordpress') $prefix = 'wp'; $prefix = $prefix . '_'; return $prefix; } function get_xoops_prefix() { global $wpdb; $prefix = $wpdb->prefix; $ret = str_replace(get_wp_prefix_only(),'',$prefix); return $ret; } function get_xpress_modid() { global $xoops_db; $modulename = get_xpress_dir_name(); $sql = "SELECT mid FROM " . get_xoops_prefix() . "modules WHERE dirname = '$modulename'"; $mid = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); return $mid; } function block_cache_refresh() { global $xoops_db; $mid = get_xpress_modid(); $sql = "SELECT bid,options,func_file FROM " . get_xoops_prefix() . "newblocks WHERE mid = $mid"; $blocks = $xoops_db->get_results($sql); $mydirname = get_xpress_dir_name(); require_once get_xpress_dir_path() . '/include/xpress_block_render.php'; foreach($blocks as $block){ $func_file = $block->func_file; $call_theme_function_name = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file); $inc_theme_file_name = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file) . '_theme.php'; $cache_title = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file); $blockID = $block->bid; $options = explode("|", $block->options); $block_theme_file = get_block_file_path($mydirname,$inc_theme_file_name); require_once $block_theme_file; $block_render = $call_theme_function_name($options); //The block name and the called function name should be assumed to be the same name. $xml['block'] = $block_render; xpress_block_cache_write($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID, $xml); } } // views count // Set and retrieves post views given a post ID or post object. // Retrieves post views given a post ID or post object. function xpress_post_views_count($post_id=0,$format= '',$show = true) { global $table_prefix; static $post_cache_views; if ( empty($post_id) ) { if ( isset($GLOBALS['post']) ) $post_id = $GLOBALS['post']->ID; } $post_id = intval($post_id); if($post_id==0) return null; if(!isset($post_cache_views[$post_id])){ $sql = "SELECT post_views FROM " . $table_prefix . "views" . " WHERE post_id=$post_id"; if (!$result = $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->query($sql)) { $post_cache_views[$post_id] = 0; }else{ $row = $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->fetchArray($result); $post_cache_views[$post_id] = $row["post_views"]; } } $v_count = intval($post_cache_views[$post_id]); if (empty($format)) $format = __('views :%d','xpressme'); $ret = sprintf($format,$v_count); if ($show) echo $ret; else return $ret; } function set_post_views_count(&$content) { if ( empty($_GET["feed"]) && empty($GLOBALS["feed"]) && empty($GLOBALS["doing_trackback"]) && empty($GLOBALS["doing_rss"]) && empty($_POST) && is_single() ){ post_views_counting(); } return $content; } // Set post views given a post ID or post object. function post_views_counting($post_id = 0) { global $table_prefix; static $views; $post_id = intval($post_id); if ( empty($post_id) && isset($GLOBALS['post']) ){ $post_id = $GLOBALS['post']->ID; } $views_db = $table_prefix . "views"; if($post_id==0 || !empty($views[$post_id])) return null; if(!xpress_is_author_view_count()){ $current_user_id = $GLOBALS['current_user']->ID; $post_author_id = $GLOBALS['post']->post_author; if ($current_user_id ==$post_author_id) return null; } $sql = "SELECT post_views FROM " . $views_db . " WHERE post_id=$post_id"; $exist = false; if ($result = $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->query($sql)) { while($row = $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->fetchArray($result)){ $exist = true; break; } } if($exist){ $sql = "UPDATE " . $views_db . " SET post_views=post_views+1 WHERE post_id=$post_id"; }else{ $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $views_db . " (post_id, post_views) VALUES ($post_id, 1)"; } if ($result = $GLOBALS["xoopsDB"]->queryF($sql)) { $views[$post_id] = 1; } return true; } ?>