1 | <?php
2 | // xoops db
3 | function get_xpress_dir_path()
4 | {
5 | return ABSPATH;
6 | }
7 |
8 | function get_xpress_dir_name()
9 | {
10 | return basename(ABSPATH);
11 | }
12 |
13 | function get_wp_prefix_only()
14 | {
15 | $dir_name = get_xpress_dir_name();
16 | $prefix = $dir_name;
17 | if ($prefix == 'wordpress') $prefix = 'wp';
18 |
19 | $prefix = $prefix . '_';
20 | return $prefix;
21 | }
22 |
23 | function get_xoops_prefix()
24 | {
25 | global $xoops_config;
26 | $ret =$xoops_config->xoops_db_prefix . '_';
27 | return $ret;
28 | }
29 | function get_wp_prefix()
30 | {
31 | $prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . get_wp_prefix_only();
32 | return $prefix;
33 | }
34 |
35 | function get_xpress_modid()
36 | {
37 | global $xoops_db;
38 |
39 | $modulename = get_xpress_dir_name();
40 | $sql = "SELECT mid FROM " . get_xoops_prefix() . "modules WHERE dirname = '$modulename'";
41 | $mid = $xoops_db->get_var($sql);
42 | return $mid;
43 | }
44 |
45 | function get_xpress_db_version()
46 | {
47 | include get_xpress_dir_path() . '/wp-includes/version.php';
48 | return $wp_db_version;
49 | }
50 |
51 | function block_cache_refresh()
52 | {
53 | global $xoops_db;
54 | $mid = get_xpress_modid();
55 | $sql = "SELECT bid,options,func_file FROM " . get_xoops_prefix() . "newblocks WHERE mid = $mid";
56 | $blocks = $xoops_db->get_results($sql);
57 | $mydirname = get_xpress_dir_name();
58 | require_once get_xpress_dir_path() . '/include/xpress_block_render.php';
59 |
60 |
61 | foreach($blocks as $block){
62 | $func_file = $block->func_file;
63 | $call_theme_function_name = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file);
64 | $inc_theme_file_name = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file) . '_theme.php';
65 | $cache_title = str_replace(".php", "", $func_file);
66 | $blockID = $block->bid;
67 | $options = explode("|", $block->options);
68 |
69 | $block_theme_file = get_block_file_path($mydirname,$inc_theme_file_name);
70 | require_once $block_theme_file;
71 | $block_render = $call_theme_function_name($options); //The block name and the called function name should be assumed to be the same name.
72 | $xml['block'] = $block_render;
73 | xpress_block_cache_write($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID, $xml);
74 | }
75 | }
76 |
77 | ?> |