setdefault(); //not setting propaty load $this->SettingValueRead(); } function add_option_page() { add_options_page('XPressME', __('XPressME Settings', 'xpressme'), 8, 'xpressme_config', array(&$this, 'option_page')); } function add_admin_head() { // add header text } //Set Default Value function setDefault() { $this->is_use_xoops_upload_path = true; $this->is_theme_sidebar_disp = true; $this->is_save_post_revision = true; $this->is_postnavi_title_disp = true; $this->is_left_postnavi_old = true; $this->old_post_link_text = __('to Old Post', 'xpressme'); $this->newer_post_link_text = __('to Newer Post', 'xpressme'); $this->is_author_view_count = false; $this->is_sql_debug = false; $this->is_use_d3forum = false; $this->d3forum_module_dir = ''; $this->d3forum_forum_id = ''; $this->d3forum_external_link_format = get_xpress_dir_name() . '::xpressD3commentContent'; } function SettingValueRead() { global $xoops_db; $options = get_option('xpressme_option'); if (!$options) { $this->setDefault(); $this->SettingValueWrite('add_new'); } else { foreach ($options as $option_name => $option_value){ $this-> {$option_name} = $option_value; } } if (!empty($xoops_db)) // at install trap $this->GroupeRoleRead(); } // mode 0:add 1:update function SettingValueWrite($mode) { $write_options = array ( 'is_use_xoops_upload_path' => $this->is_use_xoops_upload_path , 'is_theme_sidebar_disp' => $this->is_theme_sidebar_disp , 'is_save_post_revision' => $this->is_save_post_revision , 'is_postnavi_title_disp' => $this->is_postnavi_title_disp , 'is_left_postnavi_old' => $this->is_left_postnavi_old , 'old_post_link_text' => $this->old_post_link_text , 'newer_post_link_text' => $this->newer_post_link_text, 'is_author_view_count' => $this->is_author_view_count, 'is_sql_debug' => $this->is_sql_debug, 'is_use_d3forum' => $this->is_use_d3forum, 'd3forum_module_dir' => $this->d3forum_module_dir, 'd3forum_forum_id' => $this->d3forum_forum_id, 'd3forum_external_link_format' => $this->d3forum_external_link_format ); if ($mode == 'add_new') { add_option('xpressme_option', $write_options); } else { update_option("xpressme_option", $write_options); } } function GroupeRoleRead() { global $xoops_db; // table sync $table = get_wp_prefix() . 'group_role'; $xoops_group = get_xoops_prefix() . 'groups'; $sql= "SELECT * FROM $table"; $before_groupes = $xoops_db->get_results($sql); $sql = "DELETE FROM $table"; $xoops_db->query($sql); $sql= "SELECT * FROM $xoops_group WHERE group_type <> 'Anonymous'"; $groupes = $xoops_db->get_results($sql); $insert_sql = ''; foreach ($groupes as $groupe) { $role = ''; foreach ($before_groupes as $before_groupe) { if ($groupe->groupid == $before_groupe->groupid) { $role = $before_groupe->role; $login_all = $before_groupe->login_all; } } $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO $table "; $insert_sql .= "(groupid , name , description , group_type , role , login_all) "; $insert_sql .= "VALUES ("; $insert_sql .= $groupe->groupid . ', '; $insert_sql .= "'" . $groupe->name . "' , "; $insert_sql .= "'" . $groupe->description . "' , "; $insert_sql .= "'" . $groupe->group_type . "' , "; $insert_sql .= "'" . $role . "' , '"; $insert_sql .= $login_all . "')"; $xoops_db->query($insert_sql); } $sql= "SELECT * FROM $table"; $this->groupe_role = $xoops_db->get_results($sql); $sql= "SELECT * FROM $table"; } function ReadPostData() { $this->is_use_xoops_upload_path = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_is_use_xoops_upload_path'])); $this->is_theme_sidebar_disp = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_is_theme_sidebar_disp'])); $this->is_save_post_revision = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_is_save_post_revision'])); $this->is_postnavi_title_disp = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_is_postnavi_title_disp'])); $this->is_left_postnavi_old = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_is_left_postnavi_old'])); $this->old_post_link_text = stripslashes($_POST['ch_old_post_link_text']); if(empty($this->old_post_link_text)) $this->old_post_link_text = __('to Old Post', 'xpressme'); $this->newer_post_link_text = stripslashes($_POST['ch_newer_post_link_text']); if(empty($this->newer_post_link_text)) $this->newer_post_link_text = __('to Newer Post', 'xpressme'); $this->is_author_view_count = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_is_author_view_count'])); $this->is_sql_debug = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_is_sql_debug'])); //d3forum $d3forum_select = stripslashes(trim($_POST['ch_d3forum'])); if ($d3forum_select == 'none') { $this->is_use_d3forum = false; $this->d3forum_module_dir = ''; $this->d3forum_forum_id = ''; $this->d3forum_external_link_format = get_xpress_dir_name() . '::xpressD3commentContent'; } else { $d3f_set = explode('|', $d3forum_select); $this->is_use_d3forum = true; $this->d3forum_module_dir = $d3f_set[1]; $this->d3forum_forum_id = $d3f_set[2]; $this->d3forum_external_link_format = get_xpress_dir_name() . '::xpressD3commentContent'; } global $xoops_db; $table = get_wp_prefix() . 'group_role'; // $sql= "SELECT * FROM $table"; // $this->groupe_role = $xoops_db->get_results($sql); // before Read foreach ($this->groupe_role as $groupe) { $post_name = 'role_gid_' . $groupe->groupid; $role = stripslashes(trim($_POST[$post_name])); $post_name = 'login_all_gid_' . $groupe->groupid; $login_all = stripslashes(trim($_POST[$post_name])); if (empty($login_all)) $login_all = '0'; $groupe->role = $role; $groupe->login_all = $login_all; $update_sql = "UPDATE $table "; $update_sql .= 'SET '; $update_sql .= "role = '$role' , "; $update_sql .= "login_all = $login_all "; $update_sql .= "WHERE (groupid = '$groupe->groupid' )"; $xoops_db->query($update_sql); } } function yes_no_radio_option($option_name,$option_desc,$yes = '',$no= ''){ if (empty( $yes )) $yes = __('YES','xpressme') ; if (empty( $no )) $no = __('NO','xpressme') ; $value = $this->{$option_name}; $ans_name = 'ch_' . $option_name; $form = "\n"; $form .= '\n"; $form .= "\n"; if ($value){ $form .= "
\n"; $form .= "\n"; }else{ $form .= "
\n"; $form .= "\n"; } $form .= "\n"; $form .= "\n"; return $form; } function text_option($option_name,$option_desc){ $value = $this->{$option_name}; $ans_name = 'ch_' . $option_name; $form = "\n"; $form .= '\n"; $form .= "\n"; $form .= ''."\n"; $form .= "\n"; $form .= "\n"; return $form; } function groupe_role_option(){ global $wp_roles , $xoops_db; $form = ''; $form .= ''; $form .= ''; $form .= "\n"; $form .= '\n"; foreach ($this->groupe_role as $groupe) { $form .= ""; $form .= ""; $form .= ""; if ($groupe->login_all){ $form .= ''; } else { $form .= ''; } $form .= "\n"; } $form .= "
' . __('XOOPS Groupe', 'xpressme') . '' . __('WordPress Role', 'xpressme') . '' . __('Role is set at each login', 'xpressme') . "
$groupe->name \n" . '\n
\n"; return $form; } function d3forum_option(){ global $xoops_db; $d3frum_list = array(); $module_dir_path = get_xoops_root_path(); $forum_list = '' . "\n"; $form = '' . "\n"; $form .= '' . "\n"; $form .= "\n"; $form .= __('Select the forum of D3Forum that does the comment integration from the following lists.', 'xpressme') ."
\n"; $form .= $forum_list."\n"; $form .= '

'; $form .= "\n"; $form .= "\n"; return $form; } function option_page() { if (!empty($_POST['submit_update'])) { $this->ReadPostData(); $this->SettingValueWrite('update'); } else if (isset($_POST['submit_reset'])) { $this->fck_setDefault(); $this->SettingValueWrite('update'); } echo '
'."\n"; echo '

'."\n"; echo '

' . __('XPressME Configuration Page', 'xpressme') . "

\n"; echo '
'."\n" ; echo ''."\n"; echo $this->yes_no_radio_option('is_use_xoops_upload_path', __('Media Upload Base Path','xpressme'), __('Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH','xpressme'), __('USE WordPress BASE_PATH','xpressme') ); echo $this->yes_no_radio_option('is_theme_sidebar_disp', __('Thema Sidebar Display','xpressme'), __('YES','xpressme'), __('NO','xpressme') ); echo $this->yes_no_radio_option('is_save_post_revision', __('The change tracking of the post is preserved','xpressme'), __('YES','xpressme'), __('NO','xpressme') ); echo $this->text_option('old_post_link_text', __('Display Navi Title of Old Post Link','xpressme') ); echo $this->text_option('newer_post_link_text', __('Display Navi Title of Newer Post Link','xpressme') ); echo $this->yes_no_radio_option('is_postnavi_title_disp', __('Select Display name of PostNavi Link','xpressme'), __('Title of post','xpressme'), __('Title of Navi','xpressme') ); echo $this->yes_no_radio_option('is_left_postnavi_old', __('Adjustment of Navi link display position','xpressme'), __("'Old Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the right",'xpressme'), __("'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Post Link' is displayed in the right",'xpressme') ); echo $this->yes_no_radio_option('is_author_view_count', __('Is the posts author views counted?','xpressme'), __('YES','xpressme'), __('NO','xpressme') ); echo $this->yes_no_radio_option('is_sql_debug', __('Is SQL debugging window displayed?','xpressme'), __('YES','xpressme'), __('NO','xpressme') ); echo $this->groupe_role_option(); echo $this->d3forum_option(); // $this->is_use_xoops_upload_path_html(); echo "
\n"; echo '

'."\n"; echo '' ."\n"; echo '' ."\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n" ; echo "
\n"; } function xpress_upload_filter($uploads) { global $xoops_config; if ($this->is_use_xoops_upload_path){ $wordpress_dir = ABSPATH ; $xoops_dir = $xoops_config->xoops_upload_path . '/'; $wordpress_base_url = get_option( 'siteurl' ); $xoops_upload_url = $xoops_config->xoops_upload_url; $uploads[path] = str_replace ($wordpress_dir, $xoops_dir, $uploads[path]); $uploads[basedir] = str_replace ($wordpress_dir, $xoops_dir, $uploads[basedir]); $uploads[url] = str_replace ($wordpress_base_url, $xoops_upload_url, $uploads[url]); $uploads[baseurl] = str_replace ($wordpress_base_url, $xoops_upload_url, $uploads[baseurl]); } return $uploads; } // SQL DEBUG TEST function is_sql_debug_permission() { global $current_user; if (!is_object($current_user)) return false; if ($this->is_sql_debug && ($current_user->user_level >= 10)) return true; else return false; } function xpress_sql_debug($query_strings) { if ($this->is_sql_debug_permission()){ if (empty($GLOBALS['XPress_SQL_Query'])) $GLOBALS['XPress_SQL_Query'] = ''; $GLOBALS['XPress_SQL_Query'] .= $query_strings . '
'; } return $query_strings; } function displayDebugLog() { if ($this->is_sql_debug_permission()){ $content = ''; $content .= ''; $content .= '' ; $content .= 'XPressME SQL DEBUG' ; $content .= ''; $content .= $GLOBALS['XPress_SQL_Query']; $content .= '
'; echo ''; } } } ?>