[1] | 1 | <?php get_header(); ?>
| 2 |
[150] | 3 |
[141] | 4 | <div id="xpress_wrap">
| 5 | <?php
[150] | 6 | if(xpress_is_theme_sidebar_disp()) {
| 7 | echo '<div id="xpress_content" class="narrowcolumn">';
| 8 | } else {
| 9 | echo '<div id="xpress_content" class="narrowcolumn_nonside">';
| 10 | }
[141] | 11 | ?>
[150] | 12 | <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
[141] | 13 | <div class="xpress-navi-bar">
[32] | 14 | <div class="alignleft"><?php xpress_left_arrow_post_link(true) ?></div>
| 15 | <div class="alignright"><?php xpress_right_arrow_post_link(true) ?></div>
[1] | 16 | </div>
[150] | 17 |
[141] | 18 | <div class="xpress-post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
[143] | 19 | <div class ="xpress-post-header">
| 20 | <?php if (function_exists('hotDates')) { hotDates(); }?>
| 21 | <div class ="xpress-post-title">
[150] | 22 | <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="<?php printf(__('Permanent Link to %s', 'xpress'), the_title_attribute('echo=0')); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
[143] | 23 | </div>
| 24 | </div>
[1] | 25 |
[141] | 26 | <div class="xpress-post-entry">
[64] | 27 | <?php the_content('<p class="serif">' . __('Read the rest of this entry »', 'xpress') . '</p>'); ?>
[1] | 28 | </div>
[150] | 29 |
[147] | 30 | <div class="xpress-link-pages"><?php wp_link_pages() ?></div>
[150] | 31 |
[143] | 32 | <div class ="xpress-post-footer">
| 33 | <?php
| 34 | the_time('Y/m/d l');
| 35 | echo ' - ';
| 36 | the_author_posts_link();
| 37 | echo ' (' . xpress_post_views_count($post->ID,__('Views :%d', 'xpress'),false) . ')';
| 38 | echo ' | ';
| 39 | // echo the_tags(__('Tags:', 'xpress') . ' ', ', ', ' | ');
| 40 | printf(__('Posted in %s', 'xpress'), get_the_category_list(', '));
| 41 | echo ' | ';
| 42 | edit_post_link(__('Edit', 'xpress'), '', ' | ');
| 43 | comments_popup_link(__('No Comments »', 'xpress'), __('1 Comment »', 'xpress'), __('% Comments »', 'xpress'), '', __('Comments Closed', 'xpress') );
| 44 | ?>
| 45 | </div>
[150] | 46 |
| 47 | <div id ="xpress-pings-block">
| 48 | <h3><?php xpress_pings_number(__('No Trackback/Pingback', 'xpress'),__('One Trackback/Pingback', 'xpress'),__('% TrackBack/Pingback', 'xpress')) ?></h3>
[147] | 49 |
[150] | 50 | <?php xpress_pings_list(true) ?>
| 51 | </div>
| 52 |
[147] | 53 | <div id ="xpress-comments-block">
| 54 | <?php comments_template('', true); ?>
[143] | 55 | </div>
[1] | 56 |
| 57 |
[150] | 58 | </div>
[1] | 59 |
[141] | 60 | <div class="xpress-navi-bar">
| 61 | <div class="alignleft"><?php xpress_left_arrow_post_link(true) ?></div>
| 62 | <div class="alignright"><?php xpress_right_arrow_post_link(true) ?></div>
| 63 | </div>
[150] | 64 | <?php endwhile; else: ?>
| 65 | <p><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'xpress'); ?></p>
| 66 | <?php endif; ?>
| 67 |
[1] | 68 | </div>
[150] | 69 | </div>
[141] | 70 | <?php if(xpress_is_theme_sidebar_disp()) get_sidebar(); ?>
[163] | 71 |
[1] | 72 | <?php get_footer(); ?>