ConfigFromXoops(); } function xpress_eval($str){ $eval_str = '$ret = ' . $str . ' ;'; eval($eval_str); return $ret; } function ConfigFromXoops() //for PHP4 constructor { $this->xoops_mainfile_path = $this->get_xoops_mainfile_path(); $this->module_path=dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); $this->module_name=basename($this->module_path); $this->xp_config_file_path = $this->module_path . '/xp-config.php'; // start /admin/index.php page detect $php_script_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $php_query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $admin_page = basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/admin/index.php'; $is_xoops_module_admin = false; if (strstr($php_script_name,$admin_page) !== false) $is_xoops_module_admin = true; if (strstr($php_query_string,$admin_page) !== false) $is_xoops_module_admin = true; // end of /admin/index.php page detect if (file_exists($this->xp_config_file_path)){ // file exists xp-config.php $this->_get_value_by_xp_config_file(); }else if (defined('XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED') && !$is_xoops_module_admin){ // loaded XOOPS mainfile.php $this->_get_value_by_xoops_define(); } else { // A set value is acquired from mainfile.php by the pattern match. if(file_exists($this->xoops_mainfile_path)){ $this->_get_value_by_xoops_mainfile(); // Value 'is_impress' and value 'external_define_path' used in the under // are set in _get_value_by_xoops_mainfile(). if ($this->is_impress){ // DB Config from Impress CMS impress_db_config file $this->_get_value_by_impress_db_config_file(); } else if(!empty($this->external_define_path)){ // file exists mainfile.php in the trust pass. $this->_get_value_by_trust_mainfile(); } } // end of if file_exists } // define from /settings/ (XCL) or /include/common.php(2016a-JP) $this->xoops_upload_path = $this->xoops_root_path .'/uploads'; $this->xoops_upload_url = $this->xoops_url . '/uploads'; if ($this->module_name == 'wordpress') $this->module_db_prefix = $this->xoops_db_prefix . '_wp_'; else $this->module_db_prefix = $this->xoops_db_prefix . '_' . $this->module_name . '_'; $this->set_module_version(); $this->set_wp_version(); $this->xpress_get_module_id(); $this->xoops_language = $this->xpress_get_xoops_config('language'); $this->xpress_get_module_config(); } // A set value is acquired from XOOPS mainfile.php by the pattern match. function _get_value_by_xoops_mainfile(){ $array_file = file($this->xoops_mainfile_path); $pattern = '^\s*define\s*\(\s*(\'[^\']+\'|"[^"]+")\s*,\s*([^\s]+.*)\s*\)\s*;'; $impress_include_pattern = '^\s*(include_once|include)\s*\(\s*XOOPS_TRUST_PATH\s*.\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]\s*\)'; $external_define_file_pattern = '^\s*(include_once|include|require_once|require_once)\s*\((.*mainfile\.php.*)\)'; for ($i = 0 ; $i xoops_root_path = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_URL': $this->xoops_url = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); $this->module_url = $this->xoops_url . '/modules/' . $this->module_name; break; case 'XOOPS_TRUST_PATH': $this->xoops_trust_path = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_DB_PREFIX': $this->xoops_db_prefix = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_DB_NAME': $this->xoops_db_name = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_DB_USER': $this->xoops_db_user = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_DB_PASS': $this->xoops_db_pass = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_DB_HOST': $this->xoops_db_host = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_DB_SALT': $this->xoops_db_salt = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'XOOPS_SALT': $this->xoops_salt = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; default : } // end of switch } // end of if preg_match // Check External Define File if (preg_match('/' . $external_define_file_pattern . '/' ,$array_file[$i],$trust_main_matchs)){ $include_path = $this->xpress_eval($trust_main_matchs[2]); if (file_exists($include_path)) $this->external_define_path = $include_path; } // Check ImpressCMS if (preg_match('/' . $impress_include_pattern . '/' ,$array_file[$i],$impres_matchs)){ $this->is_impress = true; $this->impress_db_config_file = $this->xoops_trust_path . $impres_matchs[2]; } } // end of for loop } // A set value is acquired from XOOPS define value . function _get_value_by_xoops_define(){ $this->xoops_root_path = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH; $this->xoops_url = XOOPS_URL; $this->module_url = $this->xoops_url . '/modules/' . $this->module_name; if(defined('XOOPS_TRUST_PATH')) $this->xoops_trust_path = XOOPS_TRUST_PATH; else $this->xoops_trust_path = ''; $this->xoops_db_prefix = XOOPS_DB_PREFIX; $this->xoops_db_name = XOOPS_DB_NAME; $this->xoops_db_user = XOOPS_DB_USER; $this->xoops_db_pass = XOOPS_DB_PASS; $this->xoops_db_host = XOOPS_DB_HOST; if(defined('XOOPS_DB_SALT')) $this->xoops_db_salt = XOOPS_DB_SALT; else $this->xoops_db_salt = ''; if(defined('XOOPS_SALT')) $this->xoops_salt = XOOPS_SALT; else $this->xoops_salt = ''; } // A set value is acquired from xp-config.php . function _get_value_by_xp_config_file(){ require_once($this->xp_config_file_path); $this->xoops_root_path =XP_XOOPS_ROOT_PATH; $this->xoops_url = XP_XOOPS_URL; $this->module_url = $this->xoops_url . '/modules/' . $this->module_name; if(defined('XP_XOOPS_TRUST_PATH')) $this->xoops_trust_path = XP_XOOPS_TRUST_PATH; else $this->xoops_trust_path = ''; $this->xoops_db_prefix = XP_XOOPS_DB_PREFIX; $this->xoops_db_name = XP_XOOPS_DB_NAME; $this->xoops_db_user = XP_XOOPS_DB_USER; $this->xoops_db_pass = XP_XOOPS_DB_PASS; $this->xoops_db_host = XP_XOOPS_DB_HOST; if(defined('XP_XOOPS_DB_SALT')) $this->xoops_db_salt = XP_XOOPS_DB_SALT; else $this->xoops_db_salt = ''; if(defined('XOOPS_SALT')) $this->xoops_salt = XP_XOOPS_SALT; else $this->xoops_salt = ''; } // A set value is acquired from config file in the trust pass by the pattern match. function _get_value_by_impress_db_config_file(){ if(file_exists($this->impress_db_config_file)){ $array_file = file($this->impress_db_config_file); $pattern = '^\s*define\s*\(\s*(\'[^\']+\'|"[^"]+")\s*,\s*(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"|[^\'"])\s*\)\s*;'; for ($i = 0 ; $i xoops_db_salt = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'SDATA_DB_PREFIX': $this->xoops_db_prefix = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'SDATA_DB_NAME': $this->xoops_db_name = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'SDATA_DB_USER': $this->xoops_db_user = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'SDATA_DB_PASS': $this->xoops_db_pass = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; case 'SDATA_DB_HOST': $this->xoops_db_host = $this->xpress_eval($key_value); break; default : } // end of switch } } // end of for } // end of if file_exists } function _get_value_by_trust_mainfile(){ // When the definition is written in mainfile.php in the trust passing if(file_exists($this->external_define_path)){ require_once($this->external_define_path); $this->xoops_root_path = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH; $this->xoops_url = XOOPS_URL; $this->module_url = $this->xoops_url . '/modules/' . $this->module_name; if(defined('XOOPS_TRUST_PATH')) $this->xoops_trust_path = XOOPS_TRUST_PATH; else $this->xoops_trust_path = ''; $this->xoops_db_prefix = XOOPS_DB_PREFIX; $this->xoops_db_name = XOOPS_DB_NAME; $this->xoops_db_user = XOOPS_DB_USER; $this->xoops_db_pass = XOOPS_DB_PASS; $this->xoops_db_host = XOOPS_DB_HOST; if(defined('XOOPS_DB_SALT')) $this->xoops_db_salt = XOOPS_DB_SALT; else $this->xoops_db_salt = ''; if(defined('XOOPS_SALT')) $this->xoops_salt = XOOPS_SALT; else $this->xoops_salt = ''; } // end of if file_exists } function get_xoops_mainfile_path(){ return dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/mainfile.php'; } // set XPressME module virsion and codename from xoops_versions.php function set_module_version(){ $xoops_version_file = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/xoops_version.php'; if(file_exists($xoops_version_file)){ $version_file = file($xoops_version_file); $version_pattern = '^\s*(\$modversion\[\s*\'version\'\s*\])\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]'; $codename_pattern = '^\s*(\$modversion\[\s*\'codename\'\s*\])\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"]'; $version_found = false; $codename_found = false; for ($i = 0 ; $i module_version = $v_matches[2]; $version_found = true; } if (preg_match( "/$codename_pattern/", $version_file[$i] ,$c_matches )){ $this->module_codename = $c_matches[2]; $codename_found = true; } if ( $version_found && $codename_found ) break; } } } function set_wp_version(){ include dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-includes/version.php'; $this->wp_db_version = $wp_db_version; $this->wp_version = str_replace("ME", "", $wp_version); $pattern = 'ME.*'; if (preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/' ,$wp_version)){ $this->is_wp_me = true; } else { $this->is_wp_me = true; } } function xpress_get_xoops_config($config_name = '',$mid = 0){ $ret = ''; $cn = mysql_connect($this->xoops_db_host, $this->xoops_db_user, $this->xoops_db_pass); if (!$cn) return $ret; $db_selected = mysql_select_db($this->xoops_db_name, $cn); if ($db_selected){ $table_name = $this->xoops_db_prefix . '_config'; $sql = "SELECT conf_value AS value FROM $table_name WHERE `conf_modid` = $mid AND `conf_name` = '$config_name'"; if($result = mysql_query($sql)){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $ret = $row['value']; } else { $ret = $sql; } } if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) mysql_close($cn); return $ret; } function xpress_get_module_config(){ $this->module_config= array(); $cn = mysql_connect($this->xoops_db_host, $this->xoops_db_user, $this->xoops_db_pass); if (!$cn) return $ret; $db_selected = mysql_select_db($this->xoops_db_name, $cn); if ($db_selected){ $table_name = $this->xoops_db_prefix . '_config'; $sql = "SELECT conf_name AS name, conf_value AS value FROM $table_name WHERE `conf_modid` = $this->module_id"; if($result = mysql_query($sql)){ while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $this->module_config[$row['name']] = $row['value']; } } } if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) mysql_close($cn); return $this->module_config; } function xpress_get_module_id(){ $this->module_id = ''; $cn = mysql_connect($this->xoops_db_host, $this->xoops_db_user, $this->xoops_db_pass); if ($cn){ $db_selected = mysql_select_db($this->xoops_db_name, $cn); if ($db_selected){ $table_name = $this->xoops_db_prefix . '_modules'; $sql = "SELECT mid FROM $table_name WHERE `dirname` = '$this->module_name'"; if($result = mysql_query($sql)){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $this->module_id = $row['mid']; } } if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) mysql_close($cn); } return $this->module_id; } // Set XPressME memory limit function xpress_set_memory_limmit(){ $memory = $this->module_config['memory_limit']; if (empty($memory)) return; if ( !defined('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT') ) define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', $memory . 'M'); if ( function_exists('memory_get_usage') && ( (int) @ini_get('memory_limit') < abs(intval(WP_MEMORY_LIMIT)) ) ) @ini_set('memory_limit', WP_MEMORY_LIMIT); } } ?>