1 | <?php
2 | if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) exit ;
3 | $mydirname = basename( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) ;
4 |
5 | eval( '
6 |
7 | function '.$mydirname.'_new($limit=0, $offset=0){
8 | return _xpress_new("'.$mydirname.'" ,$limit, $offset ) ;
9 | }
10 |
11 | function '.$mydirname.'_num(){
12 | return _xpress_num("'.$mydirname.'") ;
13 | }
14 |
15 | function '.$mydirname.'_data($limit=0, $offset=0){
16 | return _xpress_data("'.$mydirname.'" ,$limit, $offset ) ;
17 | }
18 | ' ) ;
19 |
20 | if (!function_exists('_xpress_new')) {
21 | //================================================================
22 | // What's New Module
23 | // get aritciles from module
24 | // xpress 0.20 <http://www.toemon.com>
25 | // 2007-07-17 toemon
26 | //================================================================
27 |
28 | // --- function start ---
29 | function _xpress_new($mydirname, $limit=0, $offset=0)
30 | {
31 | global $xoopsDB;
32 |
33 | if ($mydirname == 'wordpress'){
34 | $wp_prefix = 'wp';
35 | } else {
36 | $wp_prefix = $mydirname;
37 | }
38 | require_once (XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/include/general_functions.php');
39 | include(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/wp-includes/version.php');
40 |
41 | $modules_table = $xoopsDB->prefix('modules');
42 | $modSQL ="SELECT mid FROM " . $modules_table . " WHERE dirname LIKE '" . $mydirname . "'";
43 | $modRes = $xoopsDB->query($modSQL, 0, 0);
44 | $modRow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($modRes);
45 | $module_id = $modRow['mid'];
46 |
47 | $table_config = $xoopsDB->prefix('config');
48 | $confSQL ="SELECT conf_value FROM " . $table_config . " WHERE (conf_modid = " . $module_id . ") AND (conf_name LIKE 'whatsnew_use_mod_date')";
49 | $confRes = $xoopsDB->query($confSQL, 0, 0);
50 | $confRow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($confRes);
51 | $use_modified_date = $confRow['conf_value'];
52 |
53 | $url_mod = XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$mydirname;
54 |
55 | require_once (XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/include/general_functions.php');
56 | $prefix = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix);
57 | $options_tables = get_table_list($prefix,'options');
58 | $table_count = count($options_tables);
59 | $sql1 = '';
60 | foreach( $options_tables as $options_table){
61 | $blog_url = get_blog_option($options_table , 'siteurl');
62 | $blog_url = preg_replace('/\/$/', '' ,$blog_url);
63 | $blogname = get_blog_option($options_table , 'blogname');
64 |
65 | $table_prefix = get_multi_prefix($options_table,'options');
66 |
67 | $table_posts = $table_prefix . "posts";
68 |
69 | $sub_sql = "SELECT ID, post_author, post_title, post_content, post_type, comment_count, post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS unix_post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_modified) AS unix_post_modified, post_status, '$blog_url' AS blog_url, '$table_prefix' AS table_prefix, '$blogname' AS blogname ";
70 | $sub_sql .= " FROM ".$table_posts;
71 | $sub_sql .= " WHERE (post_status='publish') AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ";
72 |
73 | if ($table_count > 1){
74 | $sub_sql = '(' . $sub_sql . ')';
75 | if (!empty($sql1)) $sql1 = $sql1 . ' UNION ';
76 | $sql1 = $sql1 . $sub_sql;
77 | } else {
78 | $sql1 = $sub_sql;
79 | }
80 | }
81 | $sql1 .= " ORDER BY post_date DESC LIMIT $offset,$limit";
82 |
83 | $res1 = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql1);
84 |
85 | $i = 0;
86 | $ret = array();
87 |
88 | while($row1 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res1))
89 | {
90 | $id = $row1['ID'];
91 | $blog_url = $row1['blog_url'];
92 | $blogname = $row1['blogname'];
93 | $table_views =$modules_table = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix) . "_views";
94 | $table_term_relationships = $row1['table_prefix'] . "term_relationships";
95 | $table_term_taxonomy = $row1['table_prefix'] . "term_taxonomy";
96 | $table_terms = $row1['table_prefix'] . "terms";
97 | $table_categories = $row1['table_prefix'] . "categories";
98 | $table_post2cat = $row1['table_prefix'] . "post2cat";
99 |
100 | if ($table_count <= 1){
101 | if ($wp_db_version < 6124){
102 | $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$id;
103 | } else {
104 | $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $table_terms.name AS cat_name ";
105 | $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id ";
106 | $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $id.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')";
107 | }
108 | $row2 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray( $xoopsDB->query($sql2) );
109 | $ret[$i]['cat_link'] = $blog_url."/index.php?cat=".$row2['cat_ID'];
110 | $ret[$i]['cat_name'] = $row2['cat_name'];
111 | } else {
112 | $ret[$i]['cat_link'] = $blog_url;
113 | $ret[$i]['cat_name'] = $blogname;
114 | }
115 |
116 | if ($row1['post_type'] == 'page'){
117 | $ret[$i]['link'] = $blog_url."/?page_id=".$id;
118 | } else {
119 | $ret[$i]['link'] = $blog_url."/index.php?p=".$id;
120 | }
121 |
122 | $ret[$i]['title'] = $row1['post_title'];
123 |
124 | $ret[$i]['uid'] = wp_uid_to_xoops_uid($row1['post_author'],$mydirname);
125 | $ret[$i]['replies'] = $row1['comment_count'];
126 |
127 |
128 | if(empty($use_modified_date)) {
129 | $time = $row1['unix_post_date'];
130 | } else {
131 |
132 | if ($row1['unix_post_modified'] > $row1['unix_post_date']){
133 | $time = $row1['unix_post_modified'];
134 | } else {
135 | $time = $row1['unix_post_date'];
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | $ret[$i]['time'] = $time;
140 | $ret[$i]['modified'] = $time;
141 | $ret[$i]['issued'] = $row1['unix_post_date'];
142 | $content=$row1['post_content'];
143 | $content = strip_tags($content);
144 |
145 | $ret[$i]['description'] = $content;
146 |
147 | $sql3 = "SELECT post_views FROM " . $table_views . " WHERE post_id = " . $id;
148 | $row3 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray( $xoopsDB->query($sql3) );
149 | $ret[$i]['hits'] = $row3['post_views'];
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 | $i++;
154 | }
155 |
156 | return $ret;
157 | }
158 |
159 | function _xpress_num($mydirname)
160 | {
161 | // get $mydirnumber
162 | if( ! preg_match( '/^(\D+)(\d*)$/' , $mydirname , $regs ) ) echo ( "invalid dirname: " . htmlspecialchars( $mydirname ) ) ;
163 |
164 | global $xoopsDB;
165 |
166 | if ($mydirname == 'wordpress'){
167 | $wp_prefix = 'wp';
168 | } else {
169 | $wp_prefix = $mydirname;
170 | }
171 | require_once (XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/include/general_functions.php');
172 | $prefix = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix);
173 | $options_tables = get_table_list($prefix,'options');
174 | $table_count = count($options_tables);
175 | $sql = '';
176 | foreach( $options_tables as $options_table){
177 | $blog_url = get_blog_option($options_table , 'siteurl');
178 | $blog_url = preg_replace('/\/$/', '' ,$blog_url);
179 | $blogname = get_blog_option($options_table , 'blogname');
180 |
181 | $table_prefix = get_multi_prefix($options_table,'options');
182 | $table_posts = $table_prefix . "posts";
183 |
184 | $sub_sql = "SELECT ID, post_author, post_title, post_content, post_type, comment_count, post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS unix_post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_modified) AS unix_post_modified, post_status, '$blog_url' AS blog_url, '$table_prefix' AS table_prefix, '$blogname' AS blogname ";
185 | $sub_sql .= " FROM ".$table_posts;
186 | $sub_sql .= " WHERE (post_status='publish') AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ";
187 |
188 | if ($table_count > 1){
189 | $sub_sql = '(' . $sub_sql . ')';
190 | if (!empty($sql)) $sql = $sql . ' UNION ';
191 | $sql = $sql . $sub_sql;
192 | } else {
193 | $sql = $sub_sql;
194 | }
195 | }
196 |
197 | $array = $xoopsDB->fetchRow( $xoopsDB->queryF($sql) );
198 | $num = $array[0];
199 | if (empty($num)) $num = 0;
200 |
201 | return $num;
202 | }
203 |
204 | function _xpress_data($mydirname,$limit=0, $offset=0)
205 | {
206 | // get $mydirnumber
207 | if( ! preg_match( '/^(\D+)(\d*)$/' , $mydirname , $regs ) ) echo ( "invalid dirname: " . htmlspecialchars( $mydirname ) ) ;
208 |
209 | global $xoopsDB;
210 |
211 | if ($mydirname == 'wordpress'){
212 | $wp_prefix = 'wp';
213 | } else {
214 | $wp_prefix = $mydirname;
215 | }
216 |
217 | require_once (XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/'.$mydirname . '/include/general_functions.php');
218 | $prefix = $xoopsDB->prefix($wp_prefix);
219 | $options_tables = get_table_list($prefix,'options');
220 | $table_count = count($options_tables);
221 | $sql = '';
222 | foreach( $options_tables as $options_table){
223 | $blog_url = get_blog_option($options_table , 'siteurl');
224 | $blog_url = preg_replace('/\/$/', '' ,$blog_url);
225 | $blogname = get_blog_option($options_table , 'blogname');
226 |
227 | $table_prefix = get_multi_prefix($options_table,'options');
228 | $table_posts = $table_prefix . "posts";
229 |
230 | $sub_sql = "SELECT ID, post_author, post_title, post_content, post_type, comment_count, post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) AS unix_post_date, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_modified) AS unix_post_modified, post_status, '$blog_url' AS blog_url, '$table_prefix' AS table_prefix, '$blogname' AS blogname ";
231 | $sub_sql .= " FROM ".$table_posts;
232 | $sub_sql .= " WHERE (post_status='publish') AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(post_date) <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ";
233 |
234 | if ($table_count > 1){
235 | $sub_sql = '(' . $sub_sql . ')';
236 | if (!empty($sql)) $sql = $sql . ' UNION ';
237 | $sql = $sql . $sub_sql;
238 | } else {
239 | $sql = $sub_sql;
240 | }
241 | }
242 |
243 | $result = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql,$limit,$offset);
244 |
245 | $i = 0;
246 | $ret = array();
247 |
248 | while($row1 = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))
249 | {
250 | $id = $row1['ID'];
251 | $blog_url = $row1['blog_url'];
252 | $blogname = $row1['blogname'];
253 | $ret[$i]['id'] = $id;
254 | $ret[$i]['link'] = $blog_url . "/index.php?p=".$id;
255 | $ret[$i]['title'] = $row1['post_title'];
256 | $ret[$i]['time'] = $row1['unix_post_date'];
257 | $i++;
258 | }
259 |
260 | return $ret;
261 |
262 | }
263 |
264 | if( ! function_exists( 'get_blog_option' ) ) {
265 | function get_blog_option($option_table,$option_name){
266 | $xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance();
267 |
268 | $sql = "SELECT option_value FROM $option_table WHERE option_name = '" . $option_name . "'";
269 |
270 | $result = $xoopsDB->query($sql, 0, 0);
271 | if ($xoopsDB->getRowsNum($result) > 0){
272 | $row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result);
273 | return $row['option_value'];
274 | }
275 | return 0;
276 | }
277 | }
278 |
279 |
280 | // --- function end ---
281 |
282 | }
283 |
284 | ?>