1 | <?php
2 | if( ! defined( 'XP2_BLOCK_LANG_INCLUDED' ) ) {
3 | define( 'XP2_BLOCK_LANG_INCLUDED' , 1 ) ;
4 | // general
5 | define("_MB_XP2_COUNT",'Number of displays');
6 | define("_MB_XP2_COUNT_ZERO_ALL",'Number of displays (Everything is displayed in case of 0)');
7 | define("_MB_XP2_LENGTH","length");
8 | define("_MB_XP2_ALL","all");
9 | define("_MB_XP2_BLOCK_CACHE_ERR","Cash doesn't exist. <br />Please access the %s module first.");
10 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_NUM_OF_POST","The number of entries is displayed.");
11 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_DROP_DOWN","It displays it by the drop down list.");
12 | define("_MB_XP2_HIDE_EMPTY","hide empty");
13 | define("_MB_XP2_TITLE","title");
14 | define("_MB_XP2_PUBLISH_DATE","publish date");
15 | define("_MB_XP2_SORT_ORDER","sort order");
16 | define("_MB_XP2_SORT_ASC","ASC");
17 | define("_MB_XP2_SORT_DESC","DESC");
18 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_DATE_SELECT","Date Display");
19 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_DATE_NONE","Not display");
20 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_POST_DATE","Post Date");
21 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_MODIFY_DATE","Modify Date");
22 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_DATE","The date is displayed.");
23 | define("_MB_XP2_DATE_FORMAT","Format at date (The setting with WordPress is applied for the blank).");
24 | define("_MB_XP2_TIME_FORMAT","Format at time (The setting with WordPress is applied for the blank).");
25 | define("_MB_XP2_FLAT","Flat");
26 | define("_MB_XP2_LIST","List");
27 | define("_MB_XP2_FILE_NAME","Files Name");
28 |
29 | // recent comment block
30 | define("_MB_XP2_COMM_DISP_AUTH","The comment author name is displayed.");
31 | define("_MB_XP2_COMM_DISP_TYPE","The comment type is displayed.");
32 | define("_MB_XP2_COM_TYPE","select the type of the displayed comment.");
33 | define("_MB_XP2_COMMENT","Comment");
34 | define("_MB_XP2_TRUCKBACK","Trackback");
35 | define("_MB_XP2_PINGBACK","Pingback");
36 |
37 | // recent posts content
38 | define("_MB_XP2_P_EXCERPT","The post is displayed by the except.");
39 | define("_MB_XP2_P_EXCERPT_SIZE","Number of except characters");
40 | define("_MB_XP2_CATS_SELECT","Select categorie");
41 | define("_MB_XP2_TAGS_SELECT","Tags Select(Comma separated list of tags)");
42 |
43 | // recent posts list
44 | define("_MB_XP2_REDNEW_DAYS","Passed days displayed by marking red 'New'");
45 | define("_MB_XP2_GREENNEW_DAYS","Passed days displayed by marking green 'New'");
46 |
47 | // calender
48 | define("_MB_XP2_SUN_COLOR","Color on Sunday");
49 | define("_MB_XP2_SAT_COLOR","Color on Saturday");
50 |
51 | // popular
52 | define("_MB_XP2_MONTH_RANGE","The one in the number a specified month is displayed (0; all).");
53 |
54 | // archives
55 | define("_MB_XP2_ARC_TYPE","The type of archive");
56 | define("_MB_XP2_ARC_YEAR","yearly");
57 | define("_MB_XP2_ARC_MONTH","monthly");
58 | define("_MB_XP2_ARC_WEEK","weekly");
59 | define("_MB_XP2_ARC_DAY","daily");
60 | define("_MB_XP2_ARC_POST","post by post");
61 |
62 | // authors
63 | define("_MB_XP2_EXCLUEDEADMIN","The manager is excluded from the list.");
64 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_FULLNAME","The author name is displayed by the full name.");
65 |
66 | // page
67 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_ORDERBY","List Pages by Page Order ");
68 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_TITLE","post_title");
69 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_MENU_ORDER","menu_order");
70 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_POST_DATE","post_date");
71 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_POST_MODIFY","post_modified");
72 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_ID","ID");
73 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_AUTHOR","post_author ID");
74 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_SLUG","post_name");
75 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_EXCLUDE","Define a comma-separated list of Page IDs to be excluded from the list ");
76 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_EXCLUDE_TREE","Define a comma-separated list of parent Page IDs to be excluded. Use this parameter to exclude a parent and all of that parent's child Pages.");
77 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_INCLUDE","Only include certain Pages in the list , this parameter takes a comma-separated list of Page IDs. ");
78 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_DEPTH","how many levels in the hierarchy of pages are to be included in the list (0=all Pages and sub-pages displayedj");
79 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_CHILD_OF","Displays the sub-pages of a single Page onlyB(uses the ID for a Page as the valuej");
80 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_HIERARCHICAL","Display sub-Pages in an indented manner below their parent or list the Pages inline.");
81 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_META_KEY","Only include the Pages that have this Custom Field Key (use in conjunction with the meta_value field).");
82 | define("_MB_XP2_PAGE_META_VALUE","Only include the Pages that have this Custom Field Value (use in conjuntion with the meta_key field).");
83 |
84 | // Search
85 | define("_MB_XP2_SEARCH_LENGTH","Length of search textbox");
86 |
87 | // tag cloud
88 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_SMALLEST",'The text size of the tag with the smallest count value ');
89 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_LARGEST",'The text size of the tag with the highest count value');
90 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_UNIT","Unit of measure as pertains to the smallest and largest values. This can be any CSS length value, e.g. pt, px, em, %;");
91 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_NUMBER","The number of actual tags to display in the cloud. (Use '0' to display all tags.)");
92 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_FORMAT","Format of the cloud display");
93 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_ORDERBY","Order of the tags");
94 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_ORDER","Sort order. Valid values('RAND' tags are in a random order. Note: this parameter was introduced with Version 2.5.)");
95 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_EXCLUDE","Comma separated list of tags (term_id) to exclude.");
96 | define("_MB_XP2_CLOUD_INCLUDE","Comma separated list of tags (term_id) to include.");
97 | define("_MB_XP2_RAND","RAND");
98 | define("_MB_XP2_TAG_NAME","tag name");
99 | define("_MB_XP2_TAG_COUNT","count");
100 |
101 | // Categorie
102 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_ALL_STR","All categories link Display Title. (blank is not displayj");
103 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_ORDERBY","Order of the categories");
104 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_NAME","name");
105 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_COUNT","count");
106 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_ID","ID");
107 | define("_MB_XP2_SHOW_LAST_UPDATE","Should the last updated timestamp for posts be displayed.");
108 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_HIDE_EMPTY","hide display of categories with no posts.");
109 | define("_MB_XP2_DESC_FOR_TITLE","Sets whether a category's description is inserted into the title attribute of the links created");
110 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_EXCLUDE","Exclude one or more categories from the results. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of categories by unique ID");
111 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_INCLUDE","Only include the categories detailed in a comma-separated list by unique ID, in ascending order.");
112 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_HIERARCHICAL","Display sub-categories as inner list items (below the parent list item) or inline.");
113 | define("_MB_XP2_CAT_DEPTH","how many levels in the hierarchy of Categories are to be included in the list of Categories.(0=All Categories and child Categories)");
114 |
115 | // meta
116 | define("_MB_XP2_META_WP_LINK","The link to the WordPress site is displayed.");
117 | define("_MB_XP2_META_XOOPS_LINK","The link to the Xoops site is displayed.");
118 | define("_MB_XP2_META_POST_RSS","RSS of the posts is displayed.");
119 | define("_MB_XP2_META_COMMENT_RSS","RSS of the comments is displayed.");
120 | define("_MB_XP2_META_POST_NEW","'new post' is displayed.");
121 | define("_MB_XP2_META_ADMIN","'admin' is displayed.");
122 | define("_MB_XP2_META_README","ReadMe is displayed.");
123 | define("_MB_XP2_META_CH_STYLE","'display mode' is displayed.");
124 |
125 | // meta
126 | define("_MB_XP2_SELECT_WIDGET","Displayed Widget is selected.");
127 |
128 | // custom
129 | define("_MB_XP2_ENHACED_FILE","Input the file name used in the custom block.");
130 | define("_MB_XP2_MAKE_ENHACED_FILE","Please make the file specified here in the block directory of the theme.");
131 | }
132 | ?> |