// // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits // // of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting // // source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the // // original comment or credit authors. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Author: toemon // // URL:http://www.toemon.com // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // function onaction_comment_post($comment_ID = "") { global $wpdb; $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if (!empty($comment_type)) return ; return wp_comment_sync_to_d3forum($comment_ID,'post'); } function onaction_edit_comment($comment_ID = "") { global $wpdb; $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if (!empty($comment_type)) return ; return wp_comment_sync_to_d3forum($comment_ID,'edit'); } function onaction_delete_comment($comment_ID = "") { global $wpdb; $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if (!empty($comment_type)) return ; return wp_comment_sync_to_d3forum($comment_ID,'delete'); } function onaction_delete_post($post_id) { wp_post_delete_sync($post_id); } function onaction_comment_close($post_id) { global $wpdb; $status = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_status FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = $post_id"); if ($status =='open') $lock = 0; else $lock = 1; d3forum_topic_rock($post_id,$lock); } function onaction_comment_apobe($comment_ID){ global $wpdb; $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); $status = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_approved FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if(is_null($status)) return; // $status = wp_get_comment_status($comment_ID); switch($status){ case 'approved': case 1: if (empty($comment_type)) onaction_edit_comment($comment_ID); break; case 'unapproved': case 0: if (empty($comment_type)) onaction_edit_comment($comment_ID); break; default: break; } } function onaction_trashed_post_comments($post_id){ global $wpdb; set_d3f_topic_invisible($post_id,1); } function onaction_untrashed_post_comments($post_id){ global $wpdb; set_d3f_topic_invisible($post_id,0); } function onaction_trashed_comment($comment_ID = ""){ global $wpdb; $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if (!empty($comment_type)) return ; set_d3f_post_invisible($comment_ID,1); } function onaction_untrashed_comment($comment_ID = ""){ global $wpdb; $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if (!empty($comment_type)) return ; set_d3f_post_invisible($comment_ID,0); } function set_d3f_topic_invisible($topic_external_link_id,$invisible){ global $wpdb,$xoops_db,$blog_id,$xpress_config; if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $xpress_config->d3forum_module_dir . '_'; $d3f_topic = $d3forum_prefix . 'topics'; $d3f_forum_id = $xpress_config->d3forum_forum_id; //xdb_d3forum_posts where topic_external_link_id = topic_external_link_id update topic_invisible $sql = "UPDATE $d3f_topic "; $sql .= "SET topic_invisible = $invisible "; $sql .= "WHERE topic_external_link_id = $topic_external_link_id AND forum_id = $d3f_forum_id" ; $xoops_db->query($sql); } function set_d3f_post_invisible($wp_comment_ID, $invisible){ global $wpdb,$xoops_db,$blog_id,$xpress_config; if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $xpress_config->d3forum_module_dir . '_'; $d3f_posts = $d3forum_prefix . 'posts'; // delete key topic_id $d3f_post_id = get_d3forum_post_ID($wp_comment_ID); //xdb_d3forum_posts where post_id update invisible if ($d3f_post_id){ $sql = "UPDATE $d3f_posts SET invisible = $invisible WHERE post_id =$d3f_post_id"; $xoops_db->query($sql); } } function disp_d3forum_comments($template_dir="", $file_name="") { if (is_xpress_mobile()) return $file_path; $file_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/d3forum_comment_disp.php'; return $file_path; } function d3f_module_found($forum_dir ='d3forum'){ //use admin/admin_enhanced.php return file_exists( get_xoops_root_path() . '/modules/' . $forum_dir); } function d3f_forum_id_found($forum_id = 1 , $forum_dir ='d3forum'){ //use admin/admin_enhanced.php global $xoops_db; $d3f_forums = get_xoops_prefix() . $forum_dir . '_forums'; $sql = "SELECT forum_id "; $sql .= "FROM $d3f_forums "; $sql .= "WHERE ( forum_id = $forum_id )"; $forum_id = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); if (empty($forum_id)){ return false; } return $forum_id; } function get_d3forum_post_ID($wp_comment_ID){ global $xoops_db,$blog_id; if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; $wp_d3forum_link = get_wp_prefix() . 'd3forum_link'; $sql = "SELECT post_id FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE comment_ID = $wp_comment_ID AND blog_id = $blog_id"; $post_id = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); return $post_id; } function get_wp_comment_ID($d3forum_post_ID){ global $xoops_db,$blog_id; if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; $wp_d3forum_link = get_wp_prefix() . 'd3forum_link'; $sql = "SELECT comment_ID FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $d3forum_post_ID AND blog_id = $blog_id"; $comment_ID = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); return $comment_ID; } // Next, auto increment ID value used is acquired. function get_next_auto_increment_id($table_name,$id_name){ global $xoops_db; $sql = "SELECT MAX($id_name) as last_id FROM $table_name"; $get_id = $xoops_db->get_var($sql); if (empty($get_id)){ return 1; } else { return $get_id + 1; } } function is_d3forum_setting(){ global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; $use_d3f = $xpress_config->is_use_d3forum; if (empty($use_d3f)) { return false; } $d3f_forum_id = $xpress_config->d3forum_forum_id; $d3f_forum_dir = $xpress_config->d3forum_module_dir; if (! d3f_module_found($d3f_forum_dir)) die( "D3Forum Directory ($d3f_forum_dir) not found" ) ; if (! d3f_forum_id_found($d3f_forum_id , $d3f_forum_dir)) die( "D3Forum ForumID($d3f_forum_id) not found" ) ; $xoops_db->query( "UPDATE ".get_xoops_prefix() . $d3f_forum_dir."_forums" ." SET forum_external_link_format='".addslashes($xpress_config->d3forum_external_link_format)."' WHERE forum_id= $d3f_forum_id" ) ; return true; } function d3forum_topic_rock($wp_post_id,$lock = '0') { global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; $d3f_forum_id = $xpress_config->d3forum_forum_id; if (!is_d3forum_setting()) die('The setting of the D3Forum comment integration is wrong. '); $d3f_forum_dir = $xpress_config->d3forum_module_dir; $d3f_topic = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3f_forum_dir . '_topics'; $sql = "UPDATE $d3f_topic "; $sql .= "SET topic_locked = $lock "; $sql .= "WHERE topic_external_link_id = $wp_post_id AND forum_id = $d3f_forum_id" ; $xoops_db->query($sql); } // All comments of WordPress are exported to the D3Forum comment. function wp_to_d3forum($forum_id = 1, $d3f_prefix = 'd3forum'){ global $xpress_config,$xoops_db,$wpdb; global $blog_id; if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; if (!is_d3forum_setting()) die('The setting of the D3Forum comment integration is wrong. '); $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3f_prefix . '_'; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix(); $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments; $wp_d3forum_link = $xpress_prefix . 'd3forum_link'; $wp_posts = $wpdb->posts; $d3f_topic = $d3forum_prefix . 'topics'; // delete key forum_id $d3f_forums = $d3forum_prefix . 'forums'; // delete key forum_id $d3f_posts = $d3forum_prefix . 'posts'; // delete key topic_id $d3f_users2topics = $d3forum_prefix . 'users2topics'; // delete key topic_id $d3f_post_histories = $d3forum_prefix . 'post_histories'; // delete key post_id $d3f_post_post_votes = $d3forum_prefix . 'post_votes'; // delete key post_id //DELETE D3FORUM_TOPIC & D3FORUM_POSTS $topics = $xoops_db->get_results("SELECT topic_id FROM $d3f_topic WHERE forum_id = $forum_id"); foreach($topics as $topic){ $now_topic_id = $topic->topic_id; $posts = $xoops_db->get_results("SELECT post_id FROM $d3f_posts WHERE topic_id = $now_topic_id"); foreach($posts as $post){ $now_post_id = $post->post_id; $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $d3f_post_histories WHERE post_id = $now_post_id"); $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $d3f_post_post_votes WHERE post_id = $now_post_id"); } $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $d3f_posts WHERE topic_id = $now_topic_id"); $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $d3f_users2topics WHERE topic_id = $now_topic_id"); } $sql = "UPDATE $d3f_forums "; $sql .= "SET forum_topics_count = 0,forum_posts_count = 0,forum_last_post_id = 0,forum_last_post_time = 0 "; $sql .= "WHERE forum_id = $forum_id" ; $xoops_db->query($sql); $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $d3f_topic WHERE forum_id = $forum_id"); $next_id = get_next_auto_increment_id($d3f_topic,'topic_id'); $xoops_db->query("ALTER TABLE $d3f_topic AUTO_INCREMENT = $next_id"); $next_id = get_next_auto_increment_id($d3f_posts,'post_id'); $xoops_db->query("ALTER TABLE $d3f_posts AUTO_INCREMENT = $next_id"); $next_id = get_next_auto_increment_id($d3f_post_histories,'history_id'); $xoops_db->query("ALTER TABLE $d3f_post_histories AUTO_INCREMENT = $next_id"); $next_id = get_next_auto_increment_id($d3f_post_post_votes,'vote_id'); $xoops_db->query("ALTER TABLE $d3f_post_post_votes AUTO_INCREMENT = $next_id"); //All the records in the wp_d3forum_link table are deleted. $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE blog_id = $blog_id"); //The comment is copied from the wordpress comment. $sql = "SELECT comment_ID "; $sql .= "FROM $wp_comments "; $sql .= "WHERE (comment_approved NOT LIKE 'spam') AND (comment_type = '') "; $sql .= "ORDER BY comment_ID"; $comment_count = 0; $comments = $wpdb->get_results($sql); foreach($comments as $comment){ $comment_ID = $comment->comment_ID; wp_comment_sync_to_d3forum($comment_ID ,'insert'); $comment_count++; } $return_str = "...Export $comment_count Comment OK "; return $return_str; } // All comments of D3Forum are import to the WordPress comment. function d3forum_to_wp($forum_id = 1, $d3f_prefix = 'd3forum'){ global $xpress_config,$xoops_db,$wpdb; global $blog_id; if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; if (!is_d3forum_setting()) die('The setting of the D3Forum comment integration is wrong. '); $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3f_prefix . '_'; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix() ; $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments; $wp_d3forum_link = $xpress_prefix . 'd3forum_link'; $wp_dummy = $xpress_prefix . 'dummy'; $d3f_topic = $d3forum_prefix . 'topics'; $d3f_posts = $d3forum_prefix . 'posts'; $db_xoops_users = get_xoops_prefix() . 'users'; // The track back data is taken out of the comment table, and it returns it to the initialized comment table. //copies it in the dummy table excluding a usual comment. $xoops_db->query("CREATE TABLE $wp_dummy SELECT * FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_type != ''"); //comment_ID of the dummy table is adjusted to all 0. $xoops_db->query("UPDATE $wp_dummy SET `comment_ID` = 0"); //All the records in the comment table are deleted. $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $wp_comments WHERE 1"); //The auto increment value of the comment table is reset in '1'. $xoops_db->query("ALTER TABLE $wp_comments AUTO_INCREMENT =1"); //The content of dummy table is returned to the comment table. $xoops_db->query("INSERT INTO $wp_comments SELECT * FROM $wp_dummy");; //The dummy table is deleted. $xoops_db->query("DROP TABLE $wp_dummy"); //All the records in the wp_d3forum_link table are deleted. $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE blog_id = $blog_id"); //All wp post comment count clear $wp_posts = $wpdb->posts; $xoops_db->query("UPDATE $wp_posts SET comment_count = 0 WHERE 1 "); //The comment is copied from the d3forum comment. $d3f_sql = "SELECT $d3f_topic.forum_id, $d3f_topic.topic_external_link_id, $d3f_topic.topic_id, $d3f_posts.post_id, $d3f_posts.pid "; $d3f_sql .= "FROM $d3f_topic LEFT JOIN $d3f_posts ON $d3f_topic.topic_id = $d3f_posts.topic_id "; $d3f_sql .= "WHERE $d3f_topic.forum_id=$forum_id "; $d3f_sql .= "ORDER BY $d3f_posts.post_id"; $d3f_res = $xoops_db->get_results($d3f_sql); $import_count = 0; foreach($d3f_res as $d3f_row){ $link_id = $d3f_row->topic_external_link_id; $forum_id = $d3f_row->forum_id; $topic_id = $d3f_row->topic_id; $post_id = $d3f_row->post_id; if(empty($link_id)){ echo "

PASS: empty topic.topic_external_link_id in topic_id($topic_id)

" ; continue;} if(empty($post_id)){ echo "

PASS: empty topic_id=$topic_id in $d3f_posts

" ; continue;} if ($d3f_row->pid == 0){ $mode = 'newtopic'; }else{ $mode = 'reply'; } d3forum_sync_to_wp_comment( $mode , $link_id , $forum_id , $topic_id , $post_id); $import_count++; } $return_str = "...Import $import_count Comment OK "; return $return_str; } //When post of wordpress is deleted, the comment on relating d3forum is deleted. function wp_post_delete_sync($post_id){ global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; if (!is_d3forum_setting()) die('The setting of the D3Forum comment integration is wrong. '); $d3forum_dirname = $xpress_config->d3forum_module_dir; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3forum_dirname . '_'; $d3forum_forum_id = $xpress_config->d3forum_forum_id; $post_id = intval( $post_id ) ; $d3f_topics = $d3forum_prefix . 'topics'; $sql = "SELECT topic_id,topic_first_post_id FROM $d3f_topics WHERE topic_external_link_id = $post_id AND forum_id = $d3forum_forum_id"; $row = $xoops_db->get_row($sql) ; if(empty($row)) return ; $topic_id = $row->topic_id; $topic_first_post_id = $row->topic_first_post_id; wp_d3forum_delete_post_recursive( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_first_post_id ,true); // wp_d3forum_delete_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id ); wp_d3forum_sync_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id ) ; } // The content is reflected in the WordPress comment when there is a change in the D3Forum comment. function d3forum_sync_to_wp_comment( $mode , $link_id , $forum_id , $topic_id , $post_id = 0 ){ global $xpress_config,$xoops_db,$wpdb,$blog_id; if (!is_d3forum_setting()) die('The setting of the D3Forum comment integration is wrong. '); if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; $d3f_forum_id = $xpress_config->d3forum_forum_id; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $xpress_config->d3forum_module_dir . '_'; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix(); $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments; $wp_posts = $wpdb->posts; $wp_d3forum_link = $xpress_prefix . 'd3forum_link'; $d3f_posts = $d3forum_prefix . 'posts'; $d3f_topics = $d3forum_prefix . 'topics'; $d3f_users2topics = $d3forum_prefix . 'users2topics'; $d3f_post_votes = $d3forum_prefix . 'post_votes'; $db_xoops_users = get_xoops_prefix() . 'users'; $comment_post_ID = $link_id; $d3f_sql = "SELECT $d3f_posts.guest_name, "; $d3f_sql .= "$d3f_posts.guest_email, $d3f_posts.guest_url, $d3f_posts.poster_ip, $d3f_posts.post_time, "; $d3f_sql .= "$d3f_posts.post_text, $d3f_posts.approval, $d3f_posts.uid ,$d3f_posts.pid "; $d3f_sql .= "FROM $d3f_posts "; $d3f_sql .= "WHERE $d3f_posts.post_id = $post_id"; $d3f_row = $xoops_db->get_row($d3f_sql) ; if (empty($d3f_row)) die('...Err. OPEN D3Forum Data (' . $d3f_sql . ')'); $uid = $d3f_row->uid; if (!empty($uid)) { $xu_sql = "SELECT uid ,name ,uname ,email , url FROM $db_xoops_users WHERE uid = $uid"; $xu_row = $xoops_db->get_row($xu_sql); if (empty($xu_row)){ $user_display_name = ''; }else { if (empty($xu_row->name)){ $user_display_name = $xu_row->uname; } else { $user_display_name = $xu_row->name; } $comment_author_email = "'" . $xu_row->email . "'"; $comment_author_url = "'" . $xu_row->url . "'"; } $comment_author = "'" . addSlashes($user_display_name) . "'"; } else { $comment_author = "'" . addSlashes($d3f_row->guest_name) . "'"; $comment_author_email = "'" . $d3f_row->guest_email . "'"; $comment_author_url = "'" . $d3f_row->guest_url . "'"; } $comment_author_IP = "'" . $d3f_row->poster_ip . "'"; $gmt_offset = get_option('gmt_offset'); $local_timestamp = $d3f_row->post_time + ($gmt_offset * 3600); $comment_date = "'" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s' , $local_timestamp) . "'"; $comment_content = "'" . addSlashes($d3f_row->post_text) . "'"; $comment_approved = "'" . $d3f_row->approval . "'"; $user_ID = $d3f_row->uid; $comment_date_gmt = "'" . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s' , $d3f_row->post_time) . "'"; $comment_type = ''; if ($d3f_row->pid > 0) { $comment_parent = get_wp_comment_ID($d3f_row->pid); } else { $comment_parent = 0 ; } switch($mode){ case 'reply': case 'newtopic' : $wp_sql = "INSERT INTO $wp_comments "; $wp_sql .= "(comment_post_ID , comment_author , comment_author_email , comment_author_url , comment_author_IP , "; $wp_sql .= "comment_date , comment_content , comment_approved , user_id , comment_date_gmt, comment_parent) "; $wp_sql .= "VALUES "; $wp_sql .= "($comment_post_ID, $comment_author, $comment_author_email, $comment_author_url, $comment_author_IP, "; $wp_sql .= "$comment_date, $comment_content, $comment_approved, $user_ID, $comment_date_gmt, $comment_parent)"; $wp_res = $xoops_db->query($wp_sql); if ($wp_res === false) die( '...Err. INSERT' . $wp_comments . '(' . $wp_sql . ')'); $comment_ID = mysql_insert_id(); $wp_sql = "UPDATE $wp_posts SET comment_count = comment_count +1 WHERE ID = $comment_post_ID"; $xoops_db->query($wp_sql); $wp_sql = "INSERT INTO $wp_d3forum_link "; $wp_sql .= "(comment_ID , post_id, wp_post_ID, forum_id, blog_id) "; $wp_sql .= "VALUES "; $wp_sql .= "($comment_ID, $post_id, $link_id, $d3f_forum_id, $blog_id)"; $xoops_db->query($wp_sql); if ($comment_approved ==0) do_CommentWaiting($comment_ID, $post_id); break; case 'edit': $comment_ID = "SELECT comment_ID FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $post_id"; $comment_ID = $xoops_db->get_var("SELECT comment_ID FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $post_id"); if (empty($comment_ID)) die('...Err. EDIT' . $wp_comments . '(' . $wp_sql . ')'); $wp_sql = "UPDATE $wp_comments SET comment_content = $comment_content , comment_date_gmt = $comment_date_gmt WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"; $wp_res = $xoops_db->query($wp_sql); if (empty($wp_res)) die( '...Err. UPDATE' . $wp_comments . '(' . $wp_sql . ')'); break; case 'delete': // wordpress comments delete $comment_ID = get_wp_comment_ID($post_id); if ($comment_ID > 0){ $sql= "SELECT comment_type FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"; $comment_type= $xoops_db->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if (!empty($comment_type)) break; $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $post_id"); $xoops_db->query("UPDATE $wp_posts SET comment_count = comment_count -1 WHERE ID = $comment_post_ID"); } break; default : } return true ; } // The content is reflected in the D3Forum comment when there is a change in the WordPress comment. function wp_comment_sync_to_d3forum($comment_ID = 0,$sync_mode){ global $xpress_config,$xoops_db,$modInfo,$wpdb,$blog_id; if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; if (!is_d3forum_setting()) die('The setting of the D3Forum comment integration is wrong. '); $mydirname = $modInfo->get_module_dirname(); $d3f_forum_id = $xpress_config->d3forum_forum_id; $d3f_forum_dir = $xpress_config->d3forum_module_dir; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3f_forum_dir . '_'; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix(); $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments; // $wp_comments = $xpress_prefix . 'comments'; $wp_posts = $wpdb->posts; // $wp_posts = $xpress_prefix . 'posts'; $wp_d3forum_link = $xpress_prefix . 'd3forum_link'; $d3f_topic = $d3forum_prefix . 'topics'; $d3f_posts = $d3forum_prefix . 'posts'; $sql = "SELECT $wp_comments.comment_ID,$wp_comments.comment_post_ID, "; $sql .= "$wp_comments.comment_author, $wp_comments.comment_author_email, $wp_comments.comment_date, $wp_comments.comment_date_gmt, "; $sql .= "$wp_comments.comment_author_url, $wp_comments.comment_author_IP, "; $sql .= "$wp_comments.comment_content, $wp_comments.comment_karma, "; $sql .= "$wp_comments.comment_approved, $wp_comments.comment_agent, "; $sql .= "$wp_comments.comment_type, $wp_comments.comment_parent, $wp_comments.user_id, "; $sql .= "$wp_posts.post_title ,$wp_posts.comment_count "; $sql .= "FROM $wp_comments INNER JOIN $wp_posts ON $wp_comments.comment_post_ID = $wp_posts.ID "; $sql .= "WHERE (comment_ID = $comment_ID) AND ($wp_comments.comment_approved NOT LIKE 'spam') "; // $row = $xoops_db->get_row($sql) ; $row = $wpdb->get_row($sql) ; if(empty($row)) die( 'READ ' . $wp_comments . '_NG...' .$sql); if (! empty($row->comment_type)) return; $forum_id = $d3f_forum_id; $d3forum_dirname =$d3f_forum_dir; $topic_external_link_id = $row->comment_post_ID; //There is information on WP post_ID in topic_external_link_id of D3Forum $topic_title = 'Re.' . addSlashes($row->post_title); $post_time = strtotime($row->comment_date_gmt); $modified_time = strtotime($row->comment_date_gmt); require_once (get_xpress_dir_path() . 'include/general_functions.php'); if (empty($row->user_id)){ $uid = wp_comment_author_to_xoops_uid($row->comment_author,$row->comment_author_email); } else { $uid = wp_uid_to_xoops_uid($row->user_id,$mydirname); } $poster_ip = "'" . addslashes($row->comment_author_IP ). "'"; $modifier_ip = "'" . addslashes($row->comment_author_IP) . "'"; $subject = "'" . $topic_title . "'"; $post_text = "'" . addSlashes($row->comment_content) . "'"; $guest_name = "'" . addSlashes($row->comment_author) . "'"; $guest_email = "'" . $row->comment_author_email . "'"; $guest_url = "'" . $row->comment_author_url . "'"; $approval = $row->comment_approved; $comment_count = $row->comment_count; $comment_parent = $row->comment_parent; if ($sync_mode == 'delete'){ $mode = 'delete'; $delete_post_id = $xoops_db->get_var("SELECT post_id FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID AND blog_id = $blog_id"); if (empty($delete_post_id)) return; $topic_id = $xoops_db->get_var("SELECT topic_id FROM $d3f_topic WHERE topic_external_link_id = $topic_external_link_id AND forum_id = $forum_id"); if (empty($topic_id)) return; }else{ // Does the first comment (= topic) on the post exist? $sql = "SELECT * FROM $d3f_topic WHERE topic_external_link_id = $topic_external_link_id AND forum_id = $forum_id"; $row = $xoops_db->get_row($sql) ; $topic_first_post_id = $row->topic_first_post_id; if (empty($row)){ $mode = $mode = 'newtopic'; } else { $topic_id = $row->topic_id; // if comment on same ID exists then edits comment else reply comment $row = $xoops_db->get_row("SELECT * FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID AND blog_id = $blog_id" ) ; if (!empty($row)){ $mode = $mode = 'edit'; $edit_post_id = $row->post_id; } else { $mode = $mode = 'reply'; $reply_pid = 0; if ($comment_parent > 0) { $reply_pid = get_d3forum_post_ID($comment_parent); } if ($reply_pid == 0) { $reply_pid = $topic_first_post_id; //reply_first_comment } } } } $modified_time = $post_time; // make set part of INSERT or UPDATE (refalence d3forum main/post.php) $set4sql = "modified_time= $modified_time , modifier_ip= $modifier_ip " ; $set4sql .= ",subject= $subject " ; $set4sql .= ",post_text= $post_text " ; if($uid == 0) { @list( $guest_name , $trip_base ) = explode( '#' , $guest_name , 2 ) ; if( ! trim( @$guest_name ) ) $guest_name = get_xoops_config('anonymous_name',$d3f_forum_dir) ; if( ! empty( $trip_base ) && function_exists( 'crypt' ) ) { $salt = strtr( preg_replace( '/[^\.-z]/' , '.' , substr( $trip_base . 'H.' , 1 , 2 ) ) , ':;<=>?@[\]^_`' , 'ABCDEFGabcdef' ) ; $guest_trip = substr( crypt( $trip_base , $salt ) , -10 ) ; } else { $guest_trip = '' ; } $guest_url = preg_match( '#^https?\://#' , $guest_url ) ? $guest_url : '' ; foreach( array('guest_name','guest_email','guest_url','guest_trip') as $key ) { $set4sql .= ",$key='".addslashes($$key)."'" ; } if( ! empty( $guest_pass ) ) { $set4sql .= ",guest_pass_md5='".md5($guest_pass.'d3forum')."'" ; } } $hide_uid = get_xoops_config('allow_hideuid',$d3f_forum_dir); switch($mode){ case 'edit': $edit_post = $xoops_db->get_row("SELECT * FROM $d3f_posts WHERE post_id= $edit_post_id "); if(empty($edit_post)) die( 'READ ' . $d3forum_comments . '_NG...' .$sql); // approval if( $approval ) { $set4sql .= ',approval=1' ; $topic_invisible = 0 ; $need_notify = true ; } else { $set4sql .= ',approval=0' ; $topic_invisible = 0 ; $need_admin_notify = true ; } // hide_uid if( $hide_uid ) { $set4sql .= ",uid=0,uid_hidden='$uid'" ; } else { $set4sql .= ",uid='$uid',uid_hidden=0" ; } // update post specified post_id wp_d3forum_transact_make_post_history( $d3forum_dirname , $edit_post_id ) ; $sql = "UPDATE ".$d3f_posts." SET $set4sql WHERE post_id=$edit_post_id"; $xoops_db->query($sql); $xoops_db->query($sql) ; if ($edit_post_pid == 0){ $sql = "UPDATE ".$d3f_topic." SET topic_invisible=$topic_invisible WHERE topic_id=$topic_id"; $xoops_db->query($sql); } wp_d3forum_sync_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id , true , ! $edit_post_pid ) ; break; case 'reply' : // approval if( $approval ) { $set4sql .= ',approval=1' ; $need_notify = true ; } else { $set4sql .= ',approval=0' ; $need_admin_notify = true ; } // hide_uid if( $hide_uid ) { $set4sql .= ",uid=0,uid_hidden='$uid'" ; } else { $set4sql .= ",uid='$uid',uid_hidden=0" ; } // create post under specified post_id $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$d3f_posts." SET $set4sql,pid=$reply_pid,topic_id=$topic_id,post_time=$post_time,poster_ip=$poster_ip"; $xoops_db->query($sql) ; $post_id = mysql_insert_id(); wp_d3forum_sync_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id ) ; $wp_sql = "INSERT INTO $wp_d3forum_link "; $wp_sql .= "(comment_ID , post_id, wp_post_ID, forum_id, blog_id) "; $wp_sql .= "VALUES "; $wp_sql .= "($comment_ID, $post_id, $topic_external_link_id, $d3f_forum_id, $blog_id)"; $xoops_db->query($wp_sql); break; case 'newtopic': // approval if( $approval ) { $set4sql .= ',approval=1' ; $topic_invisible = 0 ; $need_notify = true ; } else { $set4sql .= ',approval=0' ; $topic_invisible = 0 ; $need_admin_notify = true ; } // hide_uid if( $hide_uid ) { $set4sql .= ",uid=0,uid_hidden='$uid'" ; } else { $set4sql .= ",uid='$uid',uid_hidden=0" ; } // create topic and get a new topic_id $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$d3f_topic." SET forum_id=$forum_id,topic_invisible=$topic_invisible,topic_external_link_id='".addslashes($topic_external_link_id)."'"; $xoops_db->query($sql) ; $topic_id = mysql_insert_id(); // create post in the topic $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$d3f_posts." SET $set4sql,topic_id=$topic_id,post_time=$post_time,poster_ip=$poster_ip"; $xoops_db->query($sql) ; $post_id = mysql_insert_id(); wp_d3forum_sync_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id , true , true ) ; $wp_sql = "INSERT INTO $wp_d3forum_link "; $wp_sql .= "(comment_ID , post_id , wp_post_ID, forum_id, blog_id) "; $wp_sql .= "VALUES "; $wp_sql .= "($comment_ID, $post_id, $topic_external_link_id, $d3f_forum_id, $blog_id)"; $xoops_db->query($wp_sql); break; case 'delete': wp_d3forum_delete_post_recursive( $d3forum_dirname , $delete_post_id ); wp_d3forum_sync_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id ) ; break; default: } // increment post if( is_object( @$xoopsUser ) && $mode != 'edit' ) { $xoopsUser->incrementPost() ; } // set u2t_marked $allow_mark = get_xoops_config('allow_mark',$d3f_forum_dir); if( $uid && $allow_mark) { $u2t_marked = empty( $_POST['u2t_marked'] ) ? 0 : 1 ; $sql = "UPDATE ".$d3forum_prefix."users2topics"." SET u2t_marked=$u2t_marked,u2t_time=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE uid=$uid AND topic_id=$topic_id" ; if( ! $xoops_db->query($sql)){ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$d3forum_prefix."users2topics"." SET uid=$uid,topic_id=$topic_id,u2t_marked=$u2t_marked,u2t_time=UNIX_TIMESTAMP()" ; $xoops_db->query($sql); } } } // ********************** refrence by d3forum ********************************************* // delete posts recursively function wp_d3forum_delete_post_recursive( $d3forum_dirname , $post_id ,$isChild = false) { global $wpdb,$blog_id; global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; $post_id = intval( $post_id ) ; // post_id is d3forum post(comments) id. if (empty($blog_id)) $blog_id =1; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3forum_dirname . '_'; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix(); $topic_id = $xoops_db->get_var("SELECT topic_id FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE post_id=$post_id"); //It deletes it if there is a child comment. $sql = "SELECT post_id FROM ".$d3forum_prefix ."posts"." WHERE pid=$post_id" ; $child_comments = $xoops_db->get_results("SELECT post_id FROM ".$d3forum_prefix ."posts"." WHERE pid=$post_id"); foreach($child_comments as $child_comment){ wp_d3forum_delete_post_recursive( $d3forum_dirname , $child_comment->post_id ,true) ; } wp_d3forum_transact_make_post_history( $d3forum_dirname , $post_id , true ) ; $xoops_db->query( "DELETE FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE post_id=$post_id" ) ; $xoops_db->query( "DELETE FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."post_votes WHERE post_id=$post_id" ) ; $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments; $wp_posts = $wpdb->posts; $wp_d3forum_link = $xpress_prefix . 'd3forum_link'; $comment_ID = get_wp_comment_ID($post_id); // get wordpress comment ID if ($comment_ID > 0){ $comment_post_ID = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_post_ID FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if ($isChild){ //The first comment is deleted on the WordPress side. $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $wp_comments WHERE comment_ID = $comment_ID"); if (!empty($comment_post_ID)){ $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wp_posts SET comment_count = comment_count -1 WHERE ID = $comment_post_ID"); } } $xoops_db->query("DELETE FROM $wp_d3forum_link WHERE post_id = $post_id AND blog_id = $blog_id"); } } // delete a topic function wp_d3forum_delete_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id , $delete_also_posts = true ) { global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3forum_dirname . '_'; $topic_id = intval( $topic_id ) ; // delete posts if( $delete_also_posts ) { $posts = $xoops_db->query("SELECT post_id FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE topic_id=$topic_id"); if( !empty($posts)) { foreach($posts as $post){ wp_d3forum_delete_post_recursive( $d3forum_dirname , $post->post_id ) ; } } } // delete notifications about this topic // delete topic $xoops_db->query( "DELETE FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."topics WHERE topic_id=$topic_id" ); // delete u2t $xoops_db->query( "DELETE FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."users2topics WHERE topic_id=$topic_id" ); } // store redundant informations to a topic from its posts // and rebuild tree informations (depth, order_in_tree) function wp_d3forum_sync_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id , $sync_also_forum = true , $sync_topic_title = false ) { global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3forum_dirname . '_'; $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix(); $topic_id = intval( $topic_id ) ; $forum_id = $xoops_db->get_var("SELECT forum_id FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."topics WHERE topic_id=$topic_id"); // get first_post_id $first_post_id = $xoops_db->get_var("SELECT post_id FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE topic_id=$topic_id AND pid=0"); // get last_post_id and total_posts $sql = "SELECT MAX(post_id) as last_post_id,COUNT(post_id) as total_posts FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE topic_id=$topic_id" ; $row = $xoops_db->get_row($sql); $last_post_id = $row->last_post_id; $total_posts = $row->total_posts; if( empty( $total_posts ) ) { // this is empty topic should be removed wp_d3forum_delete_topic( $d3forum_dirname , $topic_id ,0) ; } else { // update redundant columns in topics table $row = $xoops_db->get_row( "SELECT post_time,uid,subject,unique_path FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE post_id=$first_post_id" ) ; $first_post_time = $row->post_time; $first_uid = $row->uid; $first_subject = $row->subject; $unique_path = $row->unique_path; $row = $xoops_db->get_row( "SELECT post_time,uid FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE post_id=$last_post_id" ) ; $last_post_time = $row->post_time; $last_uid = $row->uid; // sync topic_title same as first post's subject if specified $topictitle4set = $sync_topic_title ? "topic_title='".addslashes($first_subject)."'," : "" ; $xoops_db->query( "UPDATE ".$d3forum_prefix."topics SET {$topictitle4set} topic_posts_count=$total_posts, topic_first_uid=$first_uid, topic_first_post_id=$first_post_id, topic_first_post_time=$first_post_time, topic_last_uid=$last_uid, topic_last_post_id=$last_post_id, topic_last_post_time=$last_post_time WHERE topic_id=$topic_id" ); // rebuild tree informations $tree_array = wp_d3forum_maketree_recursive( $d3forum_prefix."posts" , intval( $first_post_id ) , 'post_id' , array() , 0 , empty( $unique_path ) ? '.1' : $unique_path ) ; if( ! empty( $tree_array ) ) { foreach( $tree_array as $key => $val ) { $xoops_db->query( "UPDATE ".$d3forum_prefix."posts SET depth_in_tree=".$val['depth'].", order_in_tree=".($key+1).", unique_path='".addslashes($val['unique_path'])."' WHERE post_id=".$val['post_id'] ) ; } } } if( $sync_also_forum ) return wp_d3forum_sync_forum( $d3forum_dirname , $forum_id ) ; else return true ; } function wp_d3forum_maketree_recursive( $tablename , $post_id , $order = 'post_id' , $parray = array() , $depth = 0 , $unique_path = '.1' ) { global $xpress_config,$xoops_db; $parray[] = array( 'post_id' => $post_id , 'depth' => $depth , 'unique_path' => $unique_path ) ; $sql = "SELECT post_id,unique_path FROM $tablename WHERE pid=$post_id ORDER BY $order" ; if( ! $result = $xoops_db->get_results( $sql )) { return $parray ; } $new_post_ids = array() ; $max_count_of_last_level = 0 ; foreach($result as $row){ $new_post_id = $row->post_id; $new_unique_path = $row->unique_path; $new_post_ids[ intval( $new_post_id ) ] = $new_unique_path ; if( ! empty( $new_unique_path ) ) { $count_of_last_level = intval( substr( strrchr( $new_unique_path , '.' ) , 1 ) ) ; if( $max_count_of_last_level < $count_of_last_level ) { $max_count_of_last_level = $count_of_last_level ; } } } foreach( $new_post_ids as $new_post_id => $new_unique_path ) { if( empty( $new_unique_path ) ) { $new_unique_path = $unique_path . '.' . ++ $max_count_of_last_level ; } $parray = wp_d3forum_maketree_recursive( $tablename , $new_post_id , $order , $parray , $depth + 1 , $new_unique_path ) ; } return $parray ; } function wp_d3forum_makecattree_recursive( $tablename , $cat_id , $order = 'cat_weight' , $parray = array() , $depth = 0 , $cat_title = '' ) { global $xoops_db; $parray[] = array( 'cat_id' => $cat_id , 'depth' => $depth , 'cat_title' => $cat_title ) ; $sql = "SELECT cat_id,cat_title FROM $tablename WHERE pid=$cat_id ORDER BY $order" ; $results = $xoops_db->get_results( $sql ) ; if( empty($results) ) { return $parray ; } foreach($result as $row){ $new_cat_id = $row->cat_id; $new_cat_title = $row->cat_title; $parray = wp_d3forum_makecattree_recursive( $tablename , $new_cat_id , $order , $parray , $depth + 1 , $new_cat_title ) ; } return $parray ; } // store redundant informations to a forum from its topics function wp_d3forum_sync_forum( $d3forum_dirname , $forum_id , $sync_also_category = true ) { global $xoops_db; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3forum_dirname . '_'; $forum_id = intval( $forum_id ) ; $sql = "SELECT cat_id FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."forums WHERE forum_id=$forum_id" ; if( ! $cat_id = $xoops_db->get_var( $sql ) ) die( "ERROR SELECT forum in sync forum" ) ; $sql = "SELECT MAX(topic_last_post_id) as last_post_id ,MAX(topic_last_post_time) as last_post_time ,COUNT(topic_id) as topics_count,SUM(topic_posts_count) as posts_count FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."topics WHERE forum_id=$forum_id" ; if( ! $row = $xoops_db->get_row( $sql ) ) die( "ERROR SELECT topics in sync forum" ) ; $last_post_id = $row->last_post_id; $last_post_time = $row->last_post_time; $topics_count = $row->topics_count; $posts_count = $row->posts_count; $xoops_db->query( "UPDATE ".$d3forum_prefix."forums SET forum_topics_count=".intval($topics_count).",forum_posts_count=".intval($posts_count).", forum_last_post_id=".intval($last_post_id).", forum_last_post_time=".intval($last_post_time)." WHERE forum_id=$forum_id" ) ; if( $sync_also_category ) return wp_d3forum_sync_category( $d3forum_dirname , $cat_id ) ; else return true ; } function get_d3forum_all_child_catid($d3forum_prefix,$sel_id, $order="", $idarray = array()) { global $xoops_db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."categories WHERE pid =".$sel_id.""; if ( $order != "" ) { $sql .= " ORDER BY $order"; } $categories =$xoops_db->get_results($sql); if ( empty($cat_ids)) { return $idarray; } foreach( categories as $categorie ) { $r_id = $categorie->cat_id; array_push($idarray, $r_id); $idarray = get_d3forum_all_child_catid($d3forum_prefix, $r_id,$order,$idarray); } return $idarray; } // store redundant informations to a category from its forums function wp_d3forum_sync_category( $d3forum_dirname , $cat_id ) { global $xoops_db; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3forum_dirname . '_'; $cat_id = intval( $cat_id ) ; // get children $children = get_d3forum_all_child_catid( $d3forum_prefix."categories" , $cat_id ) ; $children[] = $cat_id ; $children = array_map( 'intval' , $children ) ; // topics/posts information belonging this category directly $sql = "SELECT MAX(forum_last_post_id) as last_post_id,MAX(forum_last_post_time) as last_post_time,SUM(forum_topics_count) as topics_count,SUM(forum_posts_count) as posts_count FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."forums WHERE cat_id=$cat_id" ; if( ! $row = $xoops_db->get_row( $sql ) ) die( "ERROR SELECT forum in sync category" ) ; $last_post_id = $row->last_post_id ; $last_post_time = $row->last_post_time ; $topics_count = $row->topics_count ; $posts_count = $row->posts_count ; // topics/posts information belonging this category and/or subcategories $sql = "SELECT MAX(forum_last_post_id) as last_post_id_in_tree,MAX(forum_last_post_time) as last_post_time_in_tree,SUM(forum_topics_count) as topics_count_in_tree,SUM(forum_posts_count) as posts_count_in_tree FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."forums WHERE cat_id IN (".implode(",",$children).")" ; if( ! $row = $xoops_db->get_row( $sql ) ) die( "ERROR SELECT forum in sync category" ) ; $last_post_id_in_tree = $row->last_post_id_in_tree ; $last_post_time_in_tree = $row->last_post_time_in_tree ; $topics_count_in_tree = $row->topics_count_in_tree ; $posts_count_in_tree = $row->posts_count_in_tree ; // update query $xoops_db->query( "UPDATE ".$d3forum_prefix."categories SET cat_topics_count=".intval($topics_count).",cat_posts_count=".intval($posts_count).", cat_last_post_id=".intval($last_post_id).", cat_last_post_time=".intval($last_post_time).",cat_topics_count_in_tree=".intval($topics_count_in_tree).",cat_posts_count_in_tree=".intval($posts_count_in_tree).", cat_last_post_id_in_tree=".intval($last_post_id_in_tree).", cat_last_post_time_in_tree=".intval($last_post_time_in_tree)." WHERE cat_id=$cat_id" ); // do sync parents $pid = $xoops_db->get_var( "SELECT pid FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."categories WHERE cat_id=$cat_id" ) ; if( $pid != $cat_id && $pid > 0 ) { wp_d3forum_sync_category( $d3forum_dirname , $pid ) ; } return true ; } // make a new history entry for a post function wp_d3forum_transact_make_post_history( $d3forum_dirname , $post_id , $full_backup = false ) { global $xoops_db; $d3forum_prefix = get_xoops_prefix() . $d3forum_dirname . '_'; $post_id = intval( $post_id ) ; $results = $xoops_db->get_results( "SELECT * FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."posts WHERE post_id=$post_id" ) ; if(empty($results)) return ; $post_row = $results ; $data = array() ; $indexes = $full_backup ? array_keys( $post_row ) : array( 'subject' , 'post_text' ) ; foreach( $indexes as $index ) { $data[ $index ] = $post_row[ $index ] ; } // check the latest data in history $old_data_serialized = $xoops_db->get_var( "SELECT data FROM ".$d3forum_prefix."post_histories WHERE post_id=$post_id ORDER BY history_time DESC" ) ; if( !empty( $old_data_serialized ) ) { $old_data = unserialize( $old_data_serialized ) ; if( $old_data == $data ) return ; } $xoops_db->query( "INSERT INTO ".$d3forum_prefix."post_histories SET post_id=$post_id, history_time=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), data='".mysql_real_escape_string( serialize( $data ) )."'" ) ; } ?>