1 | <?php
2 |
3 | function onaction_publish_post_notify($new_status, $old_status, $post)
4 | {
5 | if ($new_status == 'publish'){
6 | do_PostNotifications($post->ID,'newpost');
7 | }
8 | }
9 |
10 | function onaction_edit_post_notify($post_id)
11 | {
12 | do_PostNotifications($post_id,'editpost');
13 | }
14 |
15 | function onaction_comment_notify($commentID){
16 | global $wpdb;
17 | $status = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_approved FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID");
18 | $post_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_post_ID FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID");
19 |
20 | if ($status ==1){
21 | do_CommentNotifications($commentID, $post_id);
22 | } else {
23 | do_CommentWaiting($commentID, $post_id);
24 | }
25 | }
26 |
27 | function onaction_comment_apobe_notify($commentID){
28 | global $wpdb;
29 | $comment_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_type FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID");
30 | $status = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_approved FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = $commentID");
31 | if(is_null($status)) return;
32 | if ($status == 1){
33 | onaction_comment_notify($commentID);
34 | }
35 | }
36 |
37 | function Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve = false,$category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags=array(), $user_list=array(), $omit_user_id=null)
38 | {
39 | global $xoops_db,$xoops_config;
40 | global $xoopsModule,$xoopsUser,$xoopsUserIsAdmin;
41 |
42 | //When notifying by a private message,
43 | //it is evaded that the data base becomes read-only as a result of the check on the referrer and the method.
44 | if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = 'call $notification_handler->triggerEvent');
45 | if (is_wp_cron_page_call() ){
48 | if (function_exists('xpress_debug')) xpress_debug($title = 'wp_cron_page_call',true);
49 | }
50 | if (is_xmlrpc_call() ){
53 | }
54 | // set_error_handler("xpress_error_handler");
55 | // if ($xoops_config->is_impress != true){ // impress cms is error
56 | // if ( !defined("XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED")) {
57 | // require_once $xoops_config->xoops_mainfile_path; // load XOOPS System
58 | // }
59 | // }
60 | if (!$force_reserve && defined("XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED") ) {
61 | if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = 'call $notification_handler->triggerEvent');
62 | $module_id = get_xpress_modid() ;
63 | $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ;
64 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $module_id, $omit_user_id);
65 | } else {
66 | if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = 'not call $notification_handler->triggerEvent');
67 | $module_id = get_xpress_modid() ;
68 | Notification_reserve($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $module_id, $omit_user_id);
69 | }
70 | }
71 |
72 | function do_CommentWaiting($commentID, $comment_post_ID)
73 | {
74 | // require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/notification_functions.php' ;
75 | // $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ;
76 |
77 | // Fixed Compile Error : /wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php - Cannot redeclare class PHPMailer
78 | $comments_notify = get_option('comments_notify');
79 | if($comments_notify) $force_reserve = true; else $force_reserve = false;
80 |
81 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve,'global' , 0 , 'waiting') ;
82 | }
83 |
84 |
85 | function do_CommentNotifications($commentID, $comment_post_ID)
86 | {
87 | global $wpdb, $xoops_config , $xoops_db;
88 |
89 | $table_term_relationships = $wpdb->term_relationships;
90 | $table_term_taxonomy = $wpdb->term_taxonomy;
91 | $table_terms = $wpdb->terms;
92 | $table_categories = $wpdb->categories;
93 | $wp_post = $wpdb->posts;
94 | $wp_options = $wpdb->options;
95 | $wp_users = $wpdb->users;
96 | $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments;
97 |
98 | $post_id = $comment_post_ID;
99 |
100 | $post_title = get_the_title($post_id);
101 | $post_url = get_permalink($post_id). '#comment';
102 | $blog_name = get_bloginfo('name');
103 |
104 | // query
105 | $sql = "SELECT post_author FROM ".$wp_post." WHERE ID=$comment_post_ID ";
106 | $post_author = $xoops_db->get_var($sql);
107 |
108 | $sql = "SELECT display_name FROM $wp_users WHERE ID ='$post_author'";
109 | $user_name = $xoops_db->get_var($sql);
110 |
111 | $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ;
112 |
113 | // Fixed Compile Error : /wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php - Cannot redeclare class PHPMailer
114 | $moderation_notify = get_option('moderation_notify');
115 | if($moderation_notify) $force_reserve = true; else $force_reserve = false;
116 |
117 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'global' , 0 , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false);
118 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'author' , $post_author , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false);
119 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'post' , $comment_post_ID , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false);
120 |
121 | // categorie notification
122 | if (get_xpress_db_version() < 6124){
123 | $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$comment_post_ID;
124 | } else {
125 | $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $table_terms.name AS cat_name ";
126 | $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id ";
127 | $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $comment_post_ID.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')";
128 | }
129 | $categories = $xoops_db->get_results($sql2);
130 | foreach($categories as $categorie){
131 | $cat_id = $categorie->cat_ID;
132 | $cat_name = $categorie->cat_name;
133 | $comment_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_CAT_TITLE' => $cat_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ;
134 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'category' , $cat_id , 'comment' , $comment_tags , false);
135 |
136 | }
137 | }
138 |
139 | function do_PostNotifications($post_id,$not_event)
140 | {
141 | global $wpdb, $xoops_config, $xoops_db;
142 |
143 | // $not_event: newpost,editpost ; $commentID, $comment_post_ID)
144 |
145 | $table_term_relationships = $wpdb->term_relationships;
146 | $table_term_taxonomy = $wpdb->term_taxonomy;
147 | $table_terms = $wpdb->terms;
148 | $table_categories = $wpdb->categories;
149 | $wp_post = $wpdb->posts;
150 | $wp_options = $wpdb->options;
151 | $wp_users = $wpdb->users;
152 | $wp_comments = $wpdb->comments;
153 |
154 | $post_title = get_the_title($post_id);
155 | $post_url = get_permalink($post_id);
156 | $blog_name = get_bloginfo('name');
157 |
158 | // query
159 | $sql = "SELECT post_author FROM ".$wp_post." WHERE ID=$post_id ";
160 | $post_author = $xoops_db->get_var($sql);
161 |
162 | $sql = "SELECT display_name FROM $wp_users WHERE ID ='$post_author'";
163 | $user_name = $xoops_db->get_var($sql);
164 |
165 | $posts_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ;
166 | $force_reserve = false;
167 | switch ($not_event) {
168 | case 'newpost' :
169 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'global' , 0 , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false);
170 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'author' , $post_author , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false);
171 |
172 | // categorie notification
173 | if (get_xpress_db_version() < 6124){
174 | $sql2 = "SELECT c.cat_ID, c.cat_name FROM ".$table_categories." c, ".$table_post2cat." p2c WHERE c.cat_ID = p2c.category_id AND p2c.post_id=".$post_id;
175 | } else {
176 | $sql2 = "SELECT $table_term_relationships.object_id, $table_terms.term_id AS cat_ID, $table_terms.name AS cat_name ";
177 | $sql2 .= "FROM $table_term_relationships INNER JOIN ($table_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN $table_terms ON $table_term_taxonomy.term_id = $table_terms.term_id) ON $table_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = $table_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id ";
178 | $sql2 .= "WHERE ($table_term_relationships.object_id =" . $post_id.") AND ($table_term_taxonomy.taxonomy='category')";
179 | }
180 | $categories = $xoops_db->get_results($sql2);
181 | foreach($categories as $categorie){
182 | $cat_id = $categorie->cat_ID;
183 | $cat_name = $categorie->cat_name;
184 | $posts_tags = array( 'XPRESS_AUTH_NAME' =>$user_name,'XPRESS_BLOG_NAME' =>$blog_name,'XPRESS_CAT_TITLE' => $cat_name,'XPRESS_POST_TITLE' => $post_title , 'XPRESS_POST_URL' => $post_url ) ;
185 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'category' , $cat_id , 'newpost' , $posts_tags , false);
186 | }
187 | break;
188 | case 'editpost' :
189 | Notification_triggerEvent($force_reserve, 'post' , $post_id , 'editpost' , $posts_tags , false);
190 | break;
191 | default :
192 | }
193 | }
194 |
195 | //When the event cannot notify because the XOOPS system is not loaded, the event is stacked.
196 | function Notification_reserve($category, $item_id=0, $event, $extra_tags=array(), $user_list=array(), $module_id=0, $omit_user_id=null)
197 | {
198 | global $xpress_config,$xoops_db;
199 |
200 | $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix();
201 | $notfiy_reserve = $xpress_prefix . 'notify_reserve';
202 |
203 | $extra_tags_arry = addslashes(serialize($extra_tags));
204 | $user_list_arry = addslashes(serialize($user_list));
205 | // $extra_tags_arry = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($extra_tags));
206 | // $user_list_arry = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($user_list));
207 |
208 | $notify_reserve_status = 'reserve';
209 |
210 | $sql = "INSERT INTO $notfiy_reserve ";
211 | $sql .= "(notify_reserve_status , category , item_id , event , extra_tags_arry , user_list_arry , module_id , omit_user_id)";
212 | $sql .= "VALUES ";
213 | $sql .= "('$notify_reserve_status' , '$category' , $item_id , '$event' , '$extra_tags_arry' , '$user_list_arry' , $module_id , '$omit_user_id')";
214 | if ( defined("XPRESS_EVENT_DEBUG")) xpress_debug_message($message = $sql);
215 |
216 | $xoops_db->query($sql);
217 | }
218 |
219 | //It calls when the XOOPS system is loaded, and the stacked event notification processing is done.
220 | function Notification_reserve_send()
221 | {
222 | global $xpress_config,$xoops_db;
223 | if ( ! defined("XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED")) return;
224 |
225 | $notification_handler =& xoops_gethandler( 'notification' ) ;
226 |
227 | $xpress_prefix = get_wp_prefix();
228 | $notfiy_reserve_db = $xpress_prefix . 'notify_reserve';
229 |
230 | $extra_tags_arry = addslashes(serialize($extra_tags));
231 | $user_list_arry = addslashes(serialize($user_list));
232 |
233 | $sql = "SELECT * ";
234 | $sql .= "FROM $notfiy_reserve_db ";
235 | $sql .= "WHERE notify_reserve_status = 'reserve'";
236 |
237 | $notify_reserves = $xoops_db->get_results($sql);
238 |
239 | //So as not to process it by other sessions while processing it, status is changed.
240 | foreach($notify_reserves as $notify){
241 | $notify_reserve_id = $notify->notify_reserve_id;
242 | $sql = "UPDATE $notfiy_reserve_db SET notify_reserve_status = 'sending' WHERE notify_reserve_id = $notify_reserve_id";
243 | $xoops_db->query($sql);
244 | }
245 |
246 | foreach($notify_reserves as $notify){
247 | $notify_reserve_id = $notify->notify_reserve_id;
248 | $category = $notify->category;
249 | $item_id = $notify->item_id;
250 | $event = $notify->event;
251 | $extra_tags = unserialize($notify->extra_tags_arry);
252 | $user_list = unserialize($notify->user_list_arry);
253 | $module_id = $notify->module_id;
254 | $omit_user_id = $notify->omit_user_id;
255 | $notification_handler->triggerEvent($category, $item_id, $event, $extra_tags, $user_list, $module_id, $omit_user_id);
256 | $sql = "DELETE FROM $notfiy_reserve_db WHERE notify_reserve_id = $notify_reserve_id";
257 | $xoops_db->query($sql);
258 | }
259 | }
260 |
261 | ?> |