Changeset 451
- Timestamp:
- Nov 20, 2009, 2:52:16 PM (15 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/XPressMU
- Files:
- 1 added
- 48 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r425 r451 43 43 define("_MB_XP2_NONE","¤Ê¤·"); 44 44 define("_MB_XP2_TODAY","ËÜÆü¤ÎÅê¹Æ"); 45 define("_MB_XP2_LA STES","ºÇ¿·¤ÎÅê¹Æ");45 define("_MB_XP2_LATEST","ºÇ¿·¤ÎÅê¹Æ"); 46 46 define("_MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN",""); 47 47 define("_MB_XP2_DAYS_AND","¤«¤é"); -
r406 r451 9 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 10 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-06 21:59+0900\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-1 0-07 10:41+0900\n"11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-20 12:52+0900\n" 12 12 "Last-Translator: toemon <>\n" 13 13 "Language-Team: toemon <>\n" … … 23 23 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" 24 24 25 #: xpressme.php: 3325 #: xpressme.php:59 26 26 msgid "Display Settings" 27 27 msgstr "表示設定" 28 28 29 #: xpressme.php: 3429 #: xpressme.php:60 30 30 msgid "Integration Settings" 31 31 msgstr "統合設定" 32 32 33 #: xpressme.php: 3533 #: xpressme.php:61 34 34 msgid "Other Settings" 35 35 msgstr "その他の設定" 36 36 37 #: xpressme.php: 3737 #: xpressme.php:63 38 38 msgid "Upgrade" 39 39 msgstr "アップグレード" 40 40 41 #: xpressme.php: 3841 #: xpressme.php:64 42 42 msgid "to Modules Admin" 43 43 msgstr "モジュール管理へ" 44 44 45 #: xpressme.php:1 3845 #: xpressme.php:164 46 46 msgid "XPressME Display Setting" 47 47 msgstr "XPressME 表示設定" 48 48 49 #: xpressme.php:1 4449 #: xpressme.php:170 50 50 msgid "Thema Sidebar Display" 51 51 msgstr "テーマ表示時にサイドバー表示する。" 52 52 53 #: xpressme.php:1 4554 #: xpressme.php:2 3555 #: xpressme.php:2 4156 #: xpressme.php:2 4657 #: xpressme.php:2 5258 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8359 #: xpressme_class.php: 29960 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3161 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4253 #: xpressme.php:171 54 #: xpressme.php:263 55 #: xpressme.php:269 56 #: xpressme.php:274 57 #: xpressme.php:280 58 #: xpressme_class.php:296 59 #: xpressme_class.php:314 60 #: xpressme_class.php:445 61 #: xpressme_class.php:456 62 62 msgid "YES" 63 63 msgstr "はい" 64 64 65 #: xpressme.php:1 4666 #: xpressme.php:2 3667 #: xpressme.php:2 4268 #: xpressme.php:2 4769 #: xpressme.php:2 5370 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8471 #: xpressme_class.php:3 0072 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3273 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4365 #: xpressme.php:172 66 #: xpressme.php:264 67 #: xpressme.php:270 68 #: xpressme.php:275 69 #: xpressme.php:281 70 #: xpressme_class.php:297 71 #: xpressme_class.php:315 72 #: xpressme_class.php:446 73 #: xpressme_class.php:457 74 74 msgid "NO" 75 75 msgstr "いいえ" 76 76 77 #: xpressme.php:1 5578 #: xpressme.php:2 0479 #: xpressme.php:2 5877 #: xpressme.php:181 78 #: xpressme.php:232 79 #: xpressme.php:291 80 80 msgid "Update Config" 81 81 msgstr "更新" 82 82 83 #: xpressme.php:1 5684 #: xpressme.php:2 0585 #: xpressme.php:2 5983 #: xpressme.php:182 84 #: xpressme.php:233 85 #: xpressme.php:292 86 86 msgid "Preset Config" 87 87 msgstr "プリセット" 88 88 89 #: xpressme.php: 18889 #: xpressme.php:214 90 90 msgid "XPressME Integration Setting" 91 91 msgstr "XPressME 統合設定" 92 92 93 #: xpressme.php: 19393 #: xpressme.php:218 94 94 msgid "Media Upload Base Path" 95 95 msgstr "メディアアップロードのベースパス設定" 96 96 97 #: xpressme.php: 19497 #: xpressme.php:222 98 98 msgid "Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH" 99 99 msgstr "XOOPSのアップロードパスを使用する。" 100 100 101 #: xpressme.php: 195101 #: xpressme.php:223 102 102 msgid "USE WordPress BASE_PATH" 103 103 msgstr "WordPressのベースパスを使用する。" 104 104 105 #: xpressme.php:2 29105 #: xpressme.php:257 106 106 msgid "XPressME Other Setting" 107 107 msgstr "XPressME その他の設定" 108 108 109 #: xpressme.php:2 34109 #: xpressme.php:262 110 110 msgid "The change tracking of the post is preserved" 111 111 msgstr "投稿の変更履歴を有効にする。" 112 112 113 #: xpressme.php:2 40113 #: xpressme.php:268 114 114 msgid "Select Multi user mode" 115 115 msgstr "マルチユーザーモードを選択" 116 116 117 #: xpressme.php:2 45117 #: xpressme.php:273 118 118 msgid "Is the posts author views counted?" 119 119 msgstr "投稿者の閲覧をカウントしますか?" 120 120 121 #: xpressme.php:2 51121 #: xpressme.php:279 122 122 msgid "Is SQL debugging window displayed?" 123 123 msgstr "SQLデバッグウィンドを表示しますか?" 124 124 125 #: xpressme.php:275 126 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 127 msgstr "XPressME アップグレード" 128 129 #: xpressme.php:289 130 #, php-format 131 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 132 msgstr "お使いの XPressME Integration Kit は開発版 (%1$s) です。すばらしい ! どうぞ<a href=\"%2$s\">最新版を使い続けてください</a>。" 133 134 #: xpressme.php:293 135 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 136 msgstr "新しいバージョンの XPressME Integration Kit にアップグレードが可能です" 137 138 #: xpressme.php:296 139 #, php-format 140 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 141 msgstr "バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 142 143 #: xpressme.php:299 144 #, php-format 145 msgid "Download %s" 146 msgstr "%s をダウンロード" 147 148 #: xpressme.php:302 149 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 150 msgstr "最新バージョンの XPressME Integration Kit をご利用中です。アップグレードの必要はありません。" 151 152 #: xpressme.php:306 153 #, php-format 154 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 155 msgstr "現在、<a href=\"%s\">version check API</a>からのレスポンスがありません。 申し訳ありませんが、しばらく後で確認してください。" 156 157 #: xpressme.php:425 158 #, php-format 159 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 160 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! <a href=\"%2$s\">アップデートしてください</a>。" 161 162 #: xpressme.php:427 163 #, php-format 164 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 165 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! サイト管理者に連絡してください。" 166 167 #: xpressme_class.php:55 168 #: xpressme_class.php:232 125 #: xpressme.php:284 126 msgid "Select warning display of block file version check" 127 msgstr "ブロックファイルのバージョンチェック時における警告表示" 128 129 #: xpressme.php:285 130 msgid "Do display" 131 msgstr "表示する" 132 133 #: xpressme.php:286 134 msgid "Do not display" 135 msgstr "表示しない" 136 137 #: xpressme_class.php:61 138 #: xpressme_class.php:243 169 139 msgid "Older Post" 170 140 msgstr "前の投稿へ" 171 141 172 #: xpressme_class.php: 56173 #: xpressme_class.php:2 35142 #: xpressme_class.php:62 143 #: xpressme_class.php:246 174 144 msgid "Newer Post" 175 145 msgstr "次の投稿へ" 176 146 177 #: xpressme_class.php: 58178 #: xpressme_class.php:2 38147 #: xpressme_class.php:64 148 #: xpressme_class.php:249 179 149 msgid "Older Entries" 180 150 msgstr "前ページへ" 181 151 182 #: xpressme_class.php: 59183 #: xpressme_class.php:2 41152 #: xpressme_class.php:65 153 #: xpressme_class.php:252 184 154 msgid "Newer Entries" 185 155 msgstr "次ページへ" 186 156 187 #: xpressme_class.php:7 3188 #: xpressme_class.php: 74189 #: xpressme_class.php:2 44157 #: xpressme_class.php:79 158 #: xpressme_class.php:80 159 #: xpressme_class.php:255 190 160 msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" 191 161 msgstr "この投稿の続きを読む »" 192 162 193 #: xpressme_class.php:3 42163 #: xpressme_class.php:356 194 164 msgid "Single Post Navi Setting" 195 165 msgstr "シングルポストナビの設定" 196 166 197 #: xpressme_class.php:3 47198 #: xpressme_class.php: 392167 #: xpressme_class.php:361 168 #: xpressme_class.php:406 199 169 msgid "Adjustment of Navi link display position" 200 170 msgstr "リンクの表示位置設定" 201 171 202 #: xpressme_class.php:3 50172 #: xpressme_class.php:364 203 173 msgid "'Old Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the right" 204 174 msgstr "以前の記事へのリンクを左に、より新しい記事へのリンクを右に表示" 205 175 206 #: xpressme_class.php:3 51176 #: xpressme_class.php:365 207 177 msgid "'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Post Link' is displayed in the right" 208 178 msgstr "より新しい記事へのリンクを左に、古い記事へのリンクを右に表示" 209 179 210 #: xpressme_class.php:3 57180 #: xpressme_class.php:371 211 181 msgid "Select Display name of PostNavi Link" 212 182 msgstr "表示するリンクテキストを選択" 213 183 214 #: xpressme_class.php:3 60184 #: xpressme_class.php:374 215 185 msgid "Title of post" 216 186 msgstr "投稿記事のタイトルを表示" 217 187 218 #: xpressme_class.php:3 61188 #: xpressme_class.php:375 219 189 msgid "Title of Navi" 220 190 msgstr "ナビタイトルを表示" 221 191 222 #: xpressme_class.php:3 67192 #: xpressme_class.php:381 223 193 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Post Link" 224 194 msgstr "古い記事へのナビタイトルを設定" 225 195 226 #: xpressme_class.php:3 74196 #: xpressme_class.php:388 227 197 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Post Link" 228 198 msgstr "より新しい記事へのナビタイトルを設定" 229 199 230 #: xpressme_class.php: 387200 #: xpressme_class.php:401 231 201 msgid "Posts List Page Navi Setting" 232 202 msgstr "ポストリストページナビの設定" 233 203 234 #: xpressme_class.php: 395204 #: xpressme_class.php:409 235 205 msgid "'Old Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the right" 236 206 msgstr "古いページへのリンクを左に、より新しいページへのリンクを右に表示" 237 207 238 #: xpressme_class.php: 396208 #: xpressme_class.php:410 239 209 msgid "'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Page Link' is displayed in the right" 240 210 msgstr "より新しいページへのリンクを左に、古いページへのリンクを右に表示" 241 211 242 #: xpressme_class.php:4 02212 #: xpressme_class.php:416 243 213 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Page Link" 244 214 msgstr "古いページへのナビタイトルを設定" 245 215 246 #: xpressme_class.php:4 09216 #: xpressme_class.php:423 247 217 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Page Link" 248 218 msgstr "より新しいページへのナビタイトルを設定" 249 219 250 #: xpressme_class.php:4 22220 #: xpressme_class.php:436 251 221 msgid "Dashboard feed Display Setting" 252 222 msgstr "ダッシュボード フィード表示設定" 253 223 254 #: xpressme_class.php:4 28224 #: xpressme_class.php:442 255 225 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Blog" 256 226 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit ブログを表示する。" 257 227 258 #: xpressme_class.php:4 39228 #: xpressme_class.php:453 259 229 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Forum" 260 230 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit フォーラムを表示する。" 261 231 262 #: xpressme_class.php:4 56232 #: xpressme_class.php:471 263 233 msgid "Role Setting at Login" 264 234 msgstr "ログイン時の権限設定" 265 235 266 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59236 #: xpressme_class.php:474 267 237 msgid "XOOPS Groupe" 268 238 msgstr "XOOPSグループ名" 269 239 270 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59240 #: xpressme_class.php:474 271 241 msgid "WordPress Role" 272 242 msgstr "WordPressでの権限" 273 243 274 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59244 #: xpressme_class.php:474 275 245 msgid "Role is set at each login" 276 246 msgstr "ログイン時、常に権限を更新する" 277 247 278 #: xpressme_class.php: 485279 #: xpressme_class.php: 489280 #: xpressme_class.php: 492248 #: xpressme_class.php:500 249 #: xpressme_class.php:504 250 #: xpressme_class.php:507 281 251 msgid "Default Role of WordPress" 282 252 msgstr "WordPressのデフォルト権限" 283 253 284 #: xpressme_class.php: 486285 #: xpressme_class.php: 490286 #: xpressme_class.php: 493254 #: xpressme_class.php:501 255 #: xpressme_class.php:505 256 #: xpressme_class.php:508 287 257 msgid "Group User Doesn't Register" 288 258 msgstr "ユーザ登録しない" 289 259 290 #: xpressme_class.php:524 260 #: xpressme_class.php:521 261 msgid "Only the Admin can set Group Role Setting" 262 msgstr "管理者だけがグループ権限を設定できます。" 263 264 #: xpressme_class.php:541 291 265 msgid "WordPress MU cannot integrate the comments." 292 266 msgstr "WordPress MUはコメント統合できません。" 293 267 294 #: xpressme_class.php:5 26268 #: xpressme_class.php:543 295 269 msgid "Do Not Comment Integration." 296 270 msgstr "コメント統合しません。" 297 271 298 #: xpressme_class.php:5 61272 #: xpressme_class.php:578 299 273 msgid "Comment integration with D3Forum" 300 274 msgstr "D3Forumとのコメント統合" 301 275 302 #: xpressme_class.php:5 63276 #: xpressme_class.php:580 303 277 msgid "Select the forum of D3Forum that does the comment integration from the following lists." 304 278 msgstr "以下のリストからコメント統合をするD3Forumのフォーラムを選択してください。" 305 279 306 #: xpressme_class.php:5 68280 #: xpressme_class.php:585 307 281 msgid "Select the Type of display of D3Forum comment." 308 282 msgstr "D3Forumの表示タイプを選択" 309 283 310 #: xpressme_class.php:5 70311 #: xpressme_class.php:5 73284 #: xpressme_class.php:587 285 #: xpressme_class.php:590 312 286 msgid "Flat" 313 287 msgstr "フラット" 314 288 315 #: xpressme_class.php:5 71316 #: xpressme_class.php:5 74289 #: xpressme_class.php:588 290 #: xpressme_class.php:591 317 291 msgid "Threaded" 318 292 msgstr "スレッド" 319 293 320 #: xpressme_class.php:5 77294 #: xpressme_class.php:594 321 295 msgid "Select the order of display of D3Forum comment." 322 296 msgstr "D3Forumコメントの表示順を選択" 323 297 324 #: xpressme_class.php:5 79325 #: xpressme_class.php:5 82298 #: xpressme_class.php:596 299 #: xpressme_class.php:599 326 300 msgid "DESC" 327 301 msgstr "降順" 328 302 329 #: xpressme_class.php:5 80330 #: xpressme_class.php: 583303 #: xpressme_class.php:597 304 #: xpressme_class.php:600 331 305 msgid "ASC" 332 306 msgstr "昇順" 333 307 334 #: xpressme_class.php: 586308 #: xpressme_class.php:603 335 309 msgid "Number of displays of D3Forum comments." 336 310 msgstr "D3Forumのコメント表示数" 337 311 338 #: xpressme_class.php: 589312 #: xpressme_class.php:606 339 313 msgid "The import and the export between Wordpress Comments and the D3Forum Posts can be done. " 340 314 msgstr "WordPressコメントとD3Forumポスト間の一括転送(エクスポート・インポート)" 341 315 342 #: xpressme_class.php: 590316 #: xpressme_class.php:607 343 317 msgid "Export to D3Forum" 344 318 msgstr "D3Forumへ一括エクスポート" 345 319 346 #: xpressme_class.php: 591320 #: xpressme_class.php:608 347 321 msgid "Import from D3Forum" 348 322 msgstr "D3Forumから一括インポート" 349 323 350 #: xpressme_class.php:6 04324 #: xpressme_class.php:621 351 325 msgid "Contents Excerpt Setting" 352 326 msgstr "記事抜粋の設定" 353 327 354 #: xpressme_class.php:6 09328 #: xpressme_class.php:626 355 329 msgid "Is the excerpt display done with the archive of contents?" 356 330 msgstr "記事のアーカイブで抜粋表示を行いますか?" 357 331 358 #: xpressme_class.php:6 16332 #: xpressme_class.php:633 359 333 msgid "When ASCII character more than the set ratio is included, it is judged ASCII contents. " 360 334 msgstr "ASCII文字が含まれる比率が設定された値より大きい場合、ASCII文字コンテンツと判断します。" 361 335 362 #: xpressme_class.php:6 23336 #: xpressme_class.php:640 363 337 msgid "Excerpt length of word for ASCII contents" 364 338 msgstr "ASCIIコンテンツの抜粋単語数" 365 339 366 #: xpressme_class.php:6 30340 #: xpressme_class.php:647 367 341 msgid "Excerpt length of character for multibyte contents" 368 342 msgstr "マルチバイトコンテンツの抜粋文字数" 369 343 370 #: xpressme_class.php:6 37344 #: xpressme_class.php:654 371 345 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that reads contents not excerpted.(Is not displayed for the blank.)" 372 346 msgstr "抜粋されていないコンテンツを読むためのリンクに表示されるテキスト(空白の場合リンクを表示しません)" 373 347 374 #: xpressme_class.php:6 44348 #: xpressme_class.php:661 375 349 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that more tag (<!--more-->). " 376 350 msgstr "more タグ (<!--more-->)のリンクに表示されるテキスト" 377 351 378 #: xpressme_class.php:6 56352 #: xpressme_class.php:673 379 353 msgid "Display Mode Setting" 380 354 msgstr "表示モード設定" 381 355 382 #: xpressme_class.php:6 59356 #: xpressme_class.php:676 383 357 msgid "Select the XPressME Display Mode." 384 358 msgstr "XPressMEの表示モードの選択" 385 359 386 #: xpressme_class.php:6 64360 #: xpressme_class.php:681 387 361 msgid "Xoops Mode" 388 362 msgstr "XOOPSモード" 389 363 390 #: xpressme_class.php:6 68364 #: xpressme_class.php:685 391 365 msgid "WordPress Mode" 392 366 msgstr "WordPressモード" 393 367 394 #: xpressme_class.php:6 72368 #: xpressme_class.php:689 395 369 msgid "User select" 396 370 msgstr "ユーザによる選択" 397 371 398 #: xpressme_class.php:6 77372 #: xpressme_class.php:694 399 373 msgid "Select the theme used in the XOOPS Mode." 400 374 msgstr "XOOPSモードで使用するテーマを選択" 401 375 402 #: xpressme_class.php:6 82376 #: xpressme_class.php:699 403 377 msgid "Use WordPress Selected Themes" 404 378 msgstr "WordPressで選択したテーマを使う" 405 379 406 #: xpressme_class.php:7 00380 #: xpressme_class.php:717 407 381 msgid "Header Meta Option" 408 382 msgstr "ヘッダメタ オプション" 409 383 410 #: xpressme_class.php:7 05384 #: xpressme_class.php:722 411 385 msgid "Select the Header keyword." 412 386 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するキーワードの選択" 413 387 414 #: xpressme_class.php:7 10388 #: xpressme_class.php:727 415 389 msgid "Xoops KeyWord" 416 390 msgstr "XOOPSのキーワード" 417 391 418 #: xpressme_class.php:7 13392 #: xpressme_class.php:730 419 393 msgid "WordPress KeyWord" 420 394 msgstr "WordPressのキーワード" 421 395 422 #: xpressme_class.php:7 16396 #: xpressme_class.php:733 423 397 msgid "WordPress & Xoops KeyWord" 424 398 msgstr "WordPressjとXOOPSのキーワード" 425 399 426 #: xpressme_class.php:7 22400 #: xpressme_class.php:739 427 401 msgid "Select the Header Description." 428 402 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するディスクリプション(説明)の選択" 429 403 430 #: xpressme_class.php:7 27404 #: xpressme_class.php:744 431 405 msgid "Xoops Description" 432 406 msgstr "XOOPSのディスクリプション" 433 407 434 #: xpressme_class.php:7 30408 #: xpressme_class.php:747 435 409 msgid "WordPress Description" 436 410 msgstr "WordPressのディスクリプション" 437 411 438 #: xpressme_class.php:7 33412 #: xpressme_class.php:750 439 413 msgid "WordPress & Xoops Description" 440 414 msgstr "WordPressとXOOPSのディスクリプション" 441 415 442 #: xpressme_class.php:7 39416 #: xpressme_class.php:756 443 417 msgid "Select the Header Robots Index." 444 418 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するロボットインデックスの選択" 445 419 446 #: xpressme_class.php:7 44420 #: xpressme_class.php:761 447 421 msgid "Xoops Robots Index" 448 422 msgstr "XOOPSのロボットインデックス" 449 423 450 #: xpressme_class.php:7 47424 #: xpressme_class.php:764 451 425 msgid "WordPress Robots Index" 452 426 msgstr "WordPressのロボットインデックス" 453 427 454 #: xpressme_class.php:7 76428 #: xpressme_class.php:793 455 429 #, php-format 456 430 msgid "Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?" 457 431 msgstr "%s ディレクトリーが作成できません。サーバーの親ディレクトリー書き込み権限があるか確認くださいr?" 458 432 433 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:17 434 msgid "XPressME User Menu Widget" 435 msgstr "XPressME ユーザメニュー ウィジェット" 436 437 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:19 438 msgid "XPressME MENU" 439 msgstr "XPressME メニュー" 440 441 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:143 442 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:195 443 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:200 444 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:205 445 msgid "Link" 446 msgstr "リンク" 447 448 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:144 449 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:160 450 msgid "Site Home" 451 msgstr "サイトホーム" 452 453 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:145 454 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:165 455 msgid "Add New" 456 msgstr "新規投稿" 457 458 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:146 459 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:170 460 msgid "User Profile" 461 msgstr "ユーザプロファイル" 462 463 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:147 464 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:176 465 msgid "WordPress Admin" 466 msgstr "WordPress管理" 467 468 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:148 469 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:181 470 msgid "Module Admin" 471 msgstr "モジュール管理" 472 473 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:149 474 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:186 475 msgid "XPressME Setting" 476 msgstr "XPressME設定" 477 478 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:150 479 msgid "Display Mode Select" 480 msgstr "表示モード選択" 481 482 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:152 483 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:171 484 msgid "Auto Setting" 485 msgstr "自動設定" 486 487 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:157 488 msgid "User Menu" 489 msgstr "ユーザメニュー" 490 491 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:245 492 msgid "Title:" 493 msgstr "タイトル:" 494 459 495 #: include/custom_functions.php:74 460 496 #, php-format … … 463 499 464 500 #: include/custom_functions.php:429 465 #: include/custom_functions.php:45 4501 #: include/custom_functions.php:459 466 502 #, php-format 467 503 msgid "views :%d" 468 504 msgstr "閲覧数 :%d" 469 505 470 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 08506 #: include/custom_functions.php:623 471 507 msgid "Main" 472 508 msgstr "メイン" 473 509 474 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 11510 #: include/custom_functions.php:626 475 511 #, php-format 476 512 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Category" 477 513 msgstr "カテゴリー ‘%s’ のアーカイブ" 478 514 479 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 14515 #: include/custom_functions.php:629 480 516 #, php-format 481 517 msgid "Posts Tagged ‘%s’" 482 518 msgstr "‘%s’ タグのついている投稿" 483 519 484 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17520 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 485 521 #, php-format 486 522 msgid "Archive for %s|Daily archive page" 487 523 msgstr "%sの日別アーカイブ" 488 524 489 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17525 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 490 526 msgid "F jS, Y" 491 527 msgstr "Y年n月j日" 492 528 493 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19529 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 494 530 #, php-format 495 531 msgid "Archive for %s|Monthly archive page" 496 532 msgstr "%sの月別アーカイブ" 497 533 498 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19534 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 499 535 msgid "F, Y" 500 536 msgstr "Y年n月" 501 537 502 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21538 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 503 539 #, php-format 504 540 msgid "Archive for %s|Yearly archive page" 505 541 msgstr "%sの年別アーカイブ " 506 542 507 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21543 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 508 544 msgid "Y" 509 545 msgstr "Y年" 510 546 511 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 24547 #: include/custom_functions.php:639 512 548 #, php-format 513 549 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Author" 514 550 msgstr "投稿者 ‘%s’ のアーカイブ" 515 551 516 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 27552 #: include/custom_functions.php:642 517 553 #, php-format 518 554 msgid "Search Results of word ‘%s’" 519 555 msgstr "‘%s’ の検索結果" 520 556 521 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 33522 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 35557 #: include/custom_functions.php:648 558 #: include/custom_functions.php:650 523 559 #, php-format 524 560 msgid "Article of %s" 525 561 msgstr "%sの記事" 526 562 527 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 57563 #: include/custom_functions.php:672 528 564 #, php-format 529 565 msgid "From %1$s on site %2$s" 530 566 msgstr "サイト %2$s の %1$s より" 531 567 532 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 78568 #: include/custom_functions.php:693 533 569 msgid "No Trackback/Pingback" 534 570 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバックはありません" 535 571 536 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 79572 #: include/custom_functions.php:694 537 573 msgid "One Trackback/Pingback" 538 574 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバック 1 件" 539 575 540 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 80576 #: include/custom_functions.php:695 541 577 msgid "% TrackBack/Pingback" 542 578 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバック % 件" … … 584 620 msgstr "WordPressモードへ切替" 585 621 622 #: include/xpress_common_functions.php:390 623 #, php-format 624 msgid "Block file %1$s is an old version %2$s.<br />used block file %3$s of new version %4$s." 625 msgstr "ブロックファイル %1$s は古いバージョン %2$s の為、<br /> 新しいバージョン %4$s のブロックファイル %3$s を使用します。" 626 627 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:13 628 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 629 msgstr "XPressME アップグレード" 630 631 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:28 632 #, php-format 633 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 634 msgstr "お使いの XPressME Integration Kit は開発版 (%1$s) です。すばらしい ! どうぞ<a href=\"%2$s\">最新版を使い続けてください</a>。" 635 636 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:32 637 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 638 msgstr "新しいバージョンの XPressME Integration Kit にアップグレードが可能です" 639 640 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:35 641 #, php-format 642 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 643 msgstr "バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 644 645 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:38 646 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:61 647 #, php-format 648 msgid "Download %s" 649 msgstr "%s をダウンロード" 650 651 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:43 652 #, php-format 653 msgid "You can download the differential file from version %s to %s and upgrade it manually:" 654 msgstr "バージョン%sから%sへの差分ファイルをダウンロードし、手動でアップグレードすることができます:" 655 656 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:46 657 #, php-format 658 msgid "Download differential file for %s" 659 msgstr "%sの差分ファイルをダウンロード" 660 661 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:50 662 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 663 msgstr "最新バージョンの XPressME Integration Kit をご利用中です。アップグレードの必要はありません。" 664 665 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:58 666 #, php-format 667 msgid "You can use the development version %s download the package and install it manually:" 668 msgstr "開発バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 669 670 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:67 671 #, php-format 672 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 673 msgstr "現在、<a href=\"%s\">version check API</a>からのレスポンスがありません。 申し訳ありませんが、しばらく後で確認してください。" 674 675 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:212 676 #, php-format 677 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 678 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! <a href=\"%2$s\">アップデートしてください</a>。" 679 680 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:214 681 #, php-format 682 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 683 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! サイト管理者に連絡してください。" 684 685 #~ msgid "Title" 686 #~ msgstr "タイトル" 687 #~ msgid "URL" 688 #~ msgstr "URL" 586 689 #~ msgid "more" 587 690 #~ msgstr "続きを読む" -
r425 r451 43 43 define("_MB_XP2_NONE","なし"); 44 44 define("_MB_XP2_TODAY","本日の投稿"); 45 define("_MB_XP2_LA STES","最新の投稿");45 define("_MB_XP2_LATEST","最新の投稿"); 46 46 define("_MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN",""); 47 47 define("_MB_XP2_DAYS_AND","から"); -
r406 r451 9 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 10 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-06 21:59+0900\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-1 0-07 10:42+0900\n"11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-20 12:53+0900\n" 12 12 "Last-Translator: toemon <>\n" 13 13 "Language-Team: toemon <>\n" … … 23 23 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" 24 24 25 #: xpressme.php: 3325 #: xpressme.php:59 26 26 msgid "Display Settings" 27 27 msgstr "表示設定" 28 28 29 #: xpressme.php: 3429 #: xpressme.php:60 30 30 msgid "Integration Settings" 31 31 msgstr "統合設定" 32 32 33 #: xpressme.php: 3533 #: xpressme.php:61 34 34 msgid "Other Settings" 35 35 msgstr "その他の設定" 36 36 37 #: xpressme.php: 3737 #: xpressme.php:63 38 38 msgid "Upgrade" 39 39 msgstr "アップグレード" 40 40 41 #: xpressme.php: 3841 #: xpressme.php:64 42 42 msgid "to Modules Admin" 43 43 msgstr "モジュール管理へ" 44 44 45 #: xpressme.php:1 3845 #: xpressme.php:164 46 46 msgid "XPressME Display Setting" 47 47 msgstr "XPressME 表示設定" 48 48 49 #: xpressme.php:1 4449 #: xpressme.php:170 50 50 msgid "Thema Sidebar Display" 51 51 msgstr "テーマ表示時にサイドバー表示する。" 52 52 53 #: xpressme.php:1 4554 #: xpressme.php:2 3555 #: xpressme.php:2 4156 #: xpressme.php:2 4657 #: xpressme.php:2 5258 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8359 #: xpressme_class.php: 29960 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3161 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4253 #: xpressme.php:171 54 #: xpressme.php:263 55 #: xpressme.php:269 56 #: xpressme.php:274 57 #: xpressme.php:280 58 #: xpressme_class.php:296 59 #: xpressme_class.php:314 60 #: xpressme_class.php:445 61 #: xpressme_class.php:456 62 62 msgid "YES" 63 63 msgstr "はい" 64 64 65 #: xpressme.php:1 4666 #: xpressme.php:2 3667 #: xpressme.php:2 4268 #: xpressme.php:2 4769 #: xpressme.php:2 5370 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8471 #: xpressme_class.php:3 0072 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3273 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4365 #: xpressme.php:172 66 #: xpressme.php:264 67 #: xpressme.php:270 68 #: xpressme.php:275 69 #: xpressme.php:281 70 #: xpressme_class.php:297 71 #: xpressme_class.php:315 72 #: xpressme_class.php:446 73 #: xpressme_class.php:457 74 74 msgid "NO" 75 75 msgstr "いいえ" 76 76 77 #: xpressme.php:1 5578 #: xpressme.php:2 0479 #: xpressme.php:2 5877 #: xpressme.php:181 78 #: xpressme.php:232 79 #: xpressme.php:291 80 80 msgid "Update Config" 81 81 msgstr "更新" 82 82 83 #: xpressme.php:1 5684 #: xpressme.php:2 0585 #: xpressme.php:2 5983 #: xpressme.php:182 84 #: xpressme.php:233 85 #: xpressme.php:292 86 86 msgid "Preset Config" 87 87 msgstr "プリセット" 88 88 89 #: xpressme.php: 18889 #: xpressme.php:214 90 90 msgid "XPressME Integration Setting" 91 91 msgstr "XPressME 統合設定" 92 92 93 #: xpressme.php: 19393 #: xpressme.php:218 94 94 msgid "Media Upload Base Path" 95 95 msgstr "メディアアップロードのベースパス設定" 96 96 97 #: xpressme.php: 19497 #: xpressme.php:222 98 98 msgid "Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH" 99 99 msgstr "XOOPSのアップロードパスを使用する。" 100 100 101 #: xpressme.php: 195101 #: xpressme.php:223 102 102 msgid "USE WordPress BASE_PATH" 103 103 msgstr "WordPressのベースパスを使用する。" 104 104 105 #: xpressme.php:2 29105 #: xpressme.php:257 106 106 msgid "XPressME Other Setting" 107 107 msgstr "XPressME その他の設定" 108 108 109 #: xpressme.php:2 34109 #: xpressme.php:262 110 110 msgid "The change tracking of the post is preserved" 111 111 msgstr "投稿の変更履歴を有効にする。" 112 112 113 #: xpressme.php:2 40113 #: xpressme.php:268 114 114 msgid "Select Multi user mode" 115 115 msgstr "マルチユーザーモードを選択" 116 116 117 #: xpressme.php:2 45117 #: xpressme.php:273 118 118 msgid "Is the posts author views counted?" 119 119 msgstr "投稿者の閲覧をカウントしますか?" 120 120 121 #: xpressme.php:2 51121 #: xpressme.php:279 122 122 msgid "Is SQL debugging window displayed?" 123 123 msgstr "SQLデバッグウィンドを表示しますか?" 124 124 125 #: xpressme.php:275 126 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 127 msgstr "XPressME アップグレード" 128 129 #: xpressme.php:289 130 #, php-format 131 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 132 msgstr "お使いの XPressME Integration Kit は開発版 (%1$s) です。すばらしい ! どうぞ<a href=\"%2$s\">最新版を使い続けてください</a>。" 133 134 #: xpressme.php:293 135 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 136 msgstr "新しいバージョンの XPressME Integration Kit にアップグレードが可能です" 137 138 #: xpressme.php:296 139 #, php-format 140 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 141 msgstr "バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 142 143 #: xpressme.php:299 144 #, php-format 145 msgid "Download %s" 146 msgstr "%s をダウンロード" 147 148 #: xpressme.php:302 149 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 150 msgstr "最新バージョンの XPressME Integration Kit をご利用中です。アップグレードの必要はありません。" 151 152 #: xpressme.php:306 153 #, php-format 154 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 155 msgstr "現在、<a href=\"%s\">version check API</a>からのレスポンスがありません。 申し訳ありませんが、しばらく後で確認してください。" 156 157 #: xpressme.php:425 158 #, php-format 159 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 160 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! <a href=\"%2$s\">アップデートしてください</a>。" 161 162 #: xpressme.php:427 163 #, php-format 164 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 165 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! サイト管理者に連絡してください。" 166 167 #: xpressme_class.php:55 168 #: xpressme_class.php:232 125 #: xpressme.php:284 126 msgid "Select warning display of block file version check" 127 msgstr "ブロックファイルのバージョンチェック時における警告表示" 128 129 #: xpressme.php:285 130 msgid "Do display" 131 msgstr "表示する" 132 133 #: xpressme.php:286 134 msgid "Do not display" 135 msgstr "表示しない" 136 137 #: xpressme_class.php:61 138 #: xpressme_class.php:243 169 139 msgid "Older Post" 170 140 msgstr "前の投稿へ" 171 141 172 #: xpressme_class.php: 56173 #: xpressme_class.php:2 35142 #: xpressme_class.php:62 143 #: xpressme_class.php:246 174 144 msgid "Newer Post" 175 145 msgstr "次の投稿へ" 176 146 177 #: xpressme_class.php: 58178 #: xpressme_class.php:2 38147 #: xpressme_class.php:64 148 #: xpressme_class.php:249 179 149 msgid "Older Entries" 180 150 msgstr "前ページへ" 181 151 182 #: xpressme_class.php: 59183 #: xpressme_class.php:2 41152 #: xpressme_class.php:65 153 #: xpressme_class.php:252 184 154 msgid "Newer Entries" 185 155 msgstr "次ページへ" 186 156 187 #: xpressme_class.php:7 3188 #: xpressme_class.php: 74189 #: xpressme_class.php:2 44157 #: xpressme_class.php:79 158 #: xpressme_class.php:80 159 #: xpressme_class.php:255 190 160 msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" 191 161 msgstr "この投稿の続きを読む »" 192 162 193 #: xpressme_class.php:3 42163 #: xpressme_class.php:356 194 164 msgid "Single Post Navi Setting" 195 165 msgstr "シングルポストナビの設定" 196 166 197 #: xpressme_class.php:3 47198 #: xpressme_class.php: 392167 #: xpressme_class.php:361 168 #: xpressme_class.php:406 199 169 msgid "Adjustment of Navi link display position" 200 170 msgstr "リンクの表示位置設定" 201 171 202 #: xpressme_class.php:3 50172 #: xpressme_class.php:364 203 173 msgid "'Old Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the right" 204 174 msgstr "以前の記事へのリンクを左に、より新しい記事へのリンクを右に表示" 205 175 206 #: xpressme_class.php:3 51176 #: xpressme_class.php:365 207 177 msgid "'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Post Link' is displayed in the right" 208 178 msgstr "より新しい記事へのリンクを左に、古い記事へのリンクを右に表示" 209 179 210 #: xpressme_class.php:3 57180 #: xpressme_class.php:371 211 181 msgid "Select Display name of PostNavi Link" 212 182 msgstr "表示するリンクテキストを選択" 213 183 214 #: xpressme_class.php:3 60184 #: xpressme_class.php:374 215 185 msgid "Title of post" 216 186 msgstr "投稿記事のタイトルを表示" 217 187 218 #: xpressme_class.php:3 61188 #: xpressme_class.php:375 219 189 msgid "Title of Navi" 220 190 msgstr "ナビタイトルを表示" 221 191 222 #: xpressme_class.php:3 67192 #: xpressme_class.php:381 223 193 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Post Link" 224 194 msgstr "古い記事へのナビタイトルを設定" 225 195 226 #: xpressme_class.php:3 74196 #: xpressme_class.php:388 227 197 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Post Link" 228 198 msgstr "より新しい記事へのナビタイトルを設定" 229 199 230 #: xpressme_class.php: 387200 #: xpressme_class.php:401 231 201 msgid "Posts List Page Navi Setting" 232 202 msgstr "ポストリストページナビの設定" 233 203 234 #: xpressme_class.php: 395204 #: xpressme_class.php:409 235 205 msgid "'Old Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the right" 236 206 msgstr "古いページへのリンクを左に、より新しいページへのリンクを右に表示" 237 207 238 #: xpressme_class.php: 396208 #: xpressme_class.php:410 239 209 msgid "'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Page Link' is displayed in the right" 240 210 msgstr "より新しいページへのリンクを左に、古いページへのリンクを右に表示" 241 211 242 #: xpressme_class.php:4 02212 #: xpressme_class.php:416 243 213 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Page Link" 244 214 msgstr "古いページへのナビタイトルを設定" 245 215 246 #: xpressme_class.php:4 09216 #: xpressme_class.php:423 247 217 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Page Link" 248 218 msgstr "より新しいページへのナビタイトルを設定" 249 219 250 #: xpressme_class.php:4 22220 #: xpressme_class.php:436 251 221 msgid "Dashboard feed Display Setting" 252 222 msgstr "ダッシュボード フィード表示設定" 253 223 254 #: xpressme_class.php:4 28224 #: xpressme_class.php:442 255 225 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Blog" 256 226 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit ブログを表示する。" 257 227 258 #: xpressme_class.php:4 39228 #: xpressme_class.php:453 259 229 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Forum" 260 230 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit フォーラムを表示する。" 261 231 262 #: xpressme_class.php:4 56232 #: xpressme_class.php:471 263 233 msgid "Role Setting at Login" 264 234 msgstr "ログイン時の権限設定" 265 235 266 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59236 #: xpressme_class.php:474 267 237 msgid "XOOPS Groupe" 268 238 msgstr "XOOPSグループ名" 269 239 270 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59240 #: xpressme_class.php:474 271 241 msgid "WordPress Role" 272 242 msgstr "WordPressでの権限" 273 243 274 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59244 #: xpressme_class.php:474 275 245 msgid "Role is set at each login" 276 246 msgstr "ログイン時、常に権限を更新する" 277 247 278 #: xpressme_class.php: 485279 #: xpressme_class.php: 489280 #: xpressme_class.php: 492248 #: xpressme_class.php:500 249 #: xpressme_class.php:504 250 #: xpressme_class.php:507 281 251 msgid "Default Role of WordPress" 282 252 msgstr "WordPressのデフォルト権限" 283 253 284 #: xpressme_class.php: 486285 #: xpressme_class.php: 490286 #: xpressme_class.php: 493254 #: xpressme_class.php:501 255 #: xpressme_class.php:505 256 #: xpressme_class.php:508 287 257 msgid "Group User Doesn't Register" 288 258 msgstr "ユーザ登録しない" 289 259 290 #: xpressme_class.php:524 260 #: xpressme_class.php:521 261 msgid "Only the Admin can set Group Role Setting" 262 msgstr "管理者だけがグループ権限を設定できます。" 263 264 #: xpressme_class.php:541 291 265 msgid "WordPress MU cannot integrate the comments." 292 266 msgstr "WordPress MUはコメント統合できません。" 293 267 294 #: xpressme_class.php:5 26268 #: xpressme_class.php:543 295 269 msgid "Do Not Comment Integration." 296 270 msgstr "コメント統合しません。" 297 271 298 #: xpressme_class.php:5 61272 #: xpressme_class.php:578 299 273 msgid "Comment integration with D3Forum" 300 274 msgstr "D3Forumとのコメント統合" 301 275 302 #: xpressme_class.php:5 63276 #: xpressme_class.php:580 303 277 msgid "Select the forum of D3Forum that does the comment integration from the following lists." 304 278 msgstr "以下のリストからコメント統合をするD3Forumのフォーラムを選択してください。" 305 279 306 #: xpressme_class.php:5 68280 #: xpressme_class.php:585 307 281 msgid "Select the Type of display of D3Forum comment." 308 282 msgstr "D3Forumの表示タイプを選択" 309 283 310 #: xpressme_class.php:5 70311 #: xpressme_class.php:5 73284 #: xpressme_class.php:587 285 #: xpressme_class.php:590 312 286 msgid "Flat" 313 287 msgstr "フラット" 314 288 315 #: xpressme_class.php:5 71316 #: xpressme_class.php:5 74289 #: xpressme_class.php:588 290 #: xpressme_class.php:591 317 291 msgid "Threaded" 318 292 msgstr "スレッド" 319 293 320 #: xpressme_class.php:5 77294 #: xpressme_class.php:594 321 295 msgid "Select the order of display of D3Forum comment." 322 296 msgstr "D3Forumコメントの表示順を選択" 323 297 324 #: xpressme_class.php:5 79325 #: xpressme_class.php:5 82298 #: xpressme_class.php:596 299 #: xpressme_class.php:599 326 300 msgid "DESC" 327 301 msgstr "降順" 328 302 329 #: xpressme_class.php:5 80330 #: xpressme_class.php: 583303 #: xpressme_class.php:597 304 #: xpressme_class.php:600 331 305 msgid "ASC" 332 306 msgstr "昇順" 333 307 334 #: xpressme_class.php: 586308 #: xpressme_class.php:603 335 309 msgid "Number of displays of D3Forum comments." 336 310 msgstr "D3Forumのコメント表示数" 337 311 338 #: xpressme_class.php: 589312 #: xpressme_class.php:606 339 313 msgid "The import and the export between Wordpress Comments and the D3Forum Posts can be done. " 340 314 msgstr "WordPressコメントとD3Forumポスト間の一括転送(エクスポート・インポート)" 341 315 342 #: xpressme_class.php: 590316 #: xpressme_class.php:607 343 317 msgid "Export to D3Forum" 344 318 msgstr "D3Forumへ一括エクスポート" 345 319 346 #: xpressme_class.php: 591320 #: xpressme_class.php:608 347 321 msgid "Import from D3Forum" 348 322 msgstr "D3Forumから一括インポート" 349 323 350 #: xpressme_class.php:6 04324 #: xpressme_class.php:621 351 325 msgid "Contents Excerpt Setting" 352 326 msgstr "記事抜粋の設定" 353 327 354 #: xpressme_class.php:6 09328 #: xpressme_class.php:626 355 329 msgid "Is the excerpt display done with the archive of contents?" 356 330 msgstr "記事のアーカイブで抜粋表示を行いますか?" 357 331 358 #: xpressme_class.php:6 16332 #: xpressme_class.php:633 359 333 msgid "When ASCII character more than the set ratio is included, it is judged ASCII contents. " 360 334 msgstr "ASCII文字が含まれる比率が設定された値より大きい場合、ASCII文字コンテンツと判断します。" 361 335 362 #: xpressme_class.php:6 23336 #: xpressme_class.php:640 363 337 msgid "Excerpt length of word for ASCII contents" 364 338 msgstr "ASCIIコンテンツの抜粋単語数" 365 339 366 #: xpressme_class.php:6 30340 #: xpressme_class.php:647 367 341 msgid "Excerpt length of character for multibyte contents" 368 342 msgstr "マルチバイトコンテンツの抜粋文字数" 369 343 370 #: xpressme_class.php:6 37344 #: xpressme_class.php:654 371 345 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that reads contents not excerpted.(Is not displayed for the blank.)" 372 346 msgstr "抜粋されていないコンテンツを読むためのリンクに表示されるテキスト(空白の場合リンクを表示しません)" 373 347 374 #: xpressme_class.php:6 44348 #: xpressme_class.php:661 375 349 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that more tag (<!--more-->). " 376 350 msgstr "more タグ (<!--more-->)のリンクに表示されるテキスト" 377 351 378 #: xpressme_class.php:6 56352 #: xpressme_class.php:673 379 353 msgid "Display Mode Setting" 380 354 msgstr "表示モード設定" 381 355 382 #: xpressme_class.php:6 59356 #: xpressme_class.php:676 383 357 msgid "Select the XPressME Display Mode." 384 358 msgstr "XPressMEの表示モードの選択" 385 359 386 #: xpressme_class.php:6 64360 #: xpressme_class.php:681 387 361 msgid "Xoops Mode" 388 362 msgstr "XOOPSモード" 389 363 390 #: xpressme_class.php:6 68364 #: xpressme_class.php:685 391 365 msgid "WordPress Mode" 392 366 msgstr "WordPressモード" 393 367 394 #: xpressme_class.php:6 72368 #: xpressme_class.php:689 395 369 msgid "User select" 396 370 msgstr "ユーザによる選択" 397 371 398 #: xpressme_class.php:6 77372 #: xpressme_class.php:694 399 373 msgid "Select the theme used in the XOOPS Mode." 400 374 msgstr "XOOPSモードで使用するテーマを選択" 401 375 402 #: xpressme_class.php:6 82376 #: xpressme_class.php:699 403 377 msgid "Use WordPress Selected Themes" 404 378 msgstr "WordPressで選択したテーマを使う" 405 379 406 #: xpressme_class.php:7 00380 #: xpressme_class.php:717 407 381 msgid "Header Meta Option" 408 382 msgstr "ヘッダメタ オプション" 409 383 410 #: xpressme_class.php:7 05384 #: xpressme_class.php:722 411 385 msgid "Select the Header keyword." 412 386 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するキーワードの選択" 413 387 414 #: xpressme_class.php:7 10388 #: xpressme_class.php:727 415 389 msgid "Xoops KeyWord" 416 390 msgstr "XOOPSのキーワード" 417 391 418 #: xpressme_class.php:7 13392 #: xpressme_class.php:730 419 393 msgid "WordPress KeyWord" 420 394 msgstr "WordPressのキーワード" 421 395 422 #: xpressme_class.php:7 16396 #: xpressme_class.php:733 423 397 msgid "WordPress & Xoops KeyWord" 424 398 msgstr "WordPressjとXOOPSのキーワード" 425 399 426 #: xpressme_class.php:7 22400 #: xpressme_class.php:739 427 401 msgid "Select the Header Description." 428 402 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するディスクリプション(説明)の選択" 429 403 430 #: xpressme_class.php:7 27404 #: xpressme_class.php:744 431 405 msgid "Xoops Description" 432 406 msgstr "XOOPSのディスクリプション" 433 407 434 #: xpressme_class.php:7 30408 #: xpressme_class.php:747 435 409 msgid "WordPress Description" 436 410 msgstr "WordPressのディスクリプション" 437 411 438 #: xpressme_class.php:7 33412 #: xpressme_class.php:750 439 413 msgid "WordPress & Xoops Description" 440 414 msgstr "WordPressとXOOPSのディスクリプション" 441 415 442 #: xpressme_class.php:7 39416 #: xpressme_class.php:756 443 417 msgid "Select the Header Robots Index." 444 418 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するロボットインデックスの選択" 445 419 446 #: xpressme_class.php:7 44420 #: xpressme_class.php:761 447 421 msgid "Xoops Robots Index" 448 422 msgstr "XOOPSのロボットインデックス" 449 423 450 #: xpressme_class.php:7 47424 #: xpressme_class.php:764 451 425 msgid "WordPress Robots Index" 452 426 msgstr "WordPressのロボットインデックス" 453 427 454 #: xpressme_class.php:7 76428 #: xpressme_class.php:793 455 429 #, php-format 456 430 msgid "Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?" 457 431 msgstr "%s ディレクトリーが作成できません。サーバーの親ディレクトリー書き込み権限があるか確認くださいr?" 458 432 433 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:17 434 msgid "XPressME User Menu Widget" 435 msgstr "XPressME ユーザメニュー ウィジェット" 436 437 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:19 438 msgid "XPressME MENU" 439 msgstr "XPressME メニュー" 440 441 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:143 442 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:195 443 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:200 444 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:205 445 msgid "Link" 446 msgstr "リンク" 447 448 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:144 449 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:160 450 msgid "Site Home" 451 msgstr "サイトホーム" 452 453 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:145 454 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:165 455 msgid "Add New" 456 msgstr "新規投稿" 457 458 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:146 459 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:170 460 msgid "User Profile" 461 msgstr "ユーザプロファイル" 462 463 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:147 464 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:176 465 msgid "WordPress Admin" 466 msgstr "WordPress管理" 467 468 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:148 469 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:181 470 msgid "Module Admin" 471 msgstr "モジュール管理" 472 473 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:149 474 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:186 475 msgid "XPressME Setting" 476 msgstr "XPressME設定" 477 478 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:150 479 msgid "Display Mode Select" 480 msgstr "表示モード選択" 481 482 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:152 483 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:171 484 msgid "Auto Setting" 485 msgstr "自動設定" 486 487 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:157 488 msgid "User Menu" 489 msgstr "ユーザメニュー" 490 491 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:245 492 msgid "Title:" 493 msgstr "タイトル:" 494 459 495 #: include/custom_functions.php:74 460 496 #, php-format … … 463 499 464 500 #: include/custom_functions.php:429 465 #: include/custom_functions.php:45 4501 #: include/custom_functions.php:459 466 502 #, php-format 467 503 msgid "views :%d" 468 504 msgstr "閲覧数 :%d" 469 505 470 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 08506 #: include/custom_functions.php:623 471 507 msgid "Main" 472 508 msgstr "メイン" 473 509 474 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 11510 #: include/custom_functions.php:626 475 511 #, php-format 476 512 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Category" 477 513 msgstr "カテゴリー ‘%s’ のアーカイブ" 478 514 479 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 14515 #: include/custom_functions.php:629 480 516 #, php-format 481 517 msgid "Posts Tagged ‘%s’" 482 518 msgstr "‘%s’ タグのついている投稿" 483 519 484 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17520 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 485 521 #, php-format 486 522 msgid "Archive for %s|Daily archive page" 487 523 msgstr "%sの日別アーカイブ" 488 524 489 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17525 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 490 526 msgid "F jS, Y" 491 527 msgstr "Y年n月j日" 492 528 493 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19529 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 494 530 #, php-format 495 531 msgid "Archive for %s|Monthly archive page" 496 532 msgstr "%sの月別アーカイブ" 497 533 498 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19534 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 499 535 msgid "F, Y" 500 536 msgstr "Y年n月" 501 537 502 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21538 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 503 539 #, php-format 504 540 msgid "Archive for %s|Yearly archive page" 505 541 msgstr "%sの年別アーカイブ " 506 542 507 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21543 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 508 544 msgid "Y" 509 545 msgstr "Y年" 510 546 511 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 24547 #: include/custom_functions.php:639 512 548 #, php-format 513 549 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Author" 514 550 msgstr "投稿者 ‘%s’ のアーカイブ" 515 551 516 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 27552 #: include/custom_functions.php:642 517 553 #, php-format 518 554 msgid "Search Results of word ‘%s’" 519 555 msgstr "‘%s’ の検索結果" 520 556 521 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 33522 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 35557 #: include/custom_functions.php:648 558 #: include/custom_functions.php:650 523 559 #, php-format 524 560 msgid "Article of %s" 525 561 msgstr "%sの記事" 526 562 527 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 57563 #: include/custom_functions.php:672 528 564 #, php-format 529 565 msgid "From %1$s on site %2$s" 530 566 msgstr "サイト %2$s の %1$s より" 531 567 532 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 78568 #: include/custom_functions.php:693 533 569 msgid "No Trackback/Pingback" 534 570 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバックはありません" 535 571 536 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 79572 #: include/custom_functions.php:694 537 573 msgid "One Trackback/Pingback" 538 574 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバック 1 件" 539 575 540 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 80576 #: include/custom_functions.php:695 541 577 msgid "% TrackBack/Pingback" 542 578 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバック % 件" … … 584 620 msgstr "WordPressモードへ切替" 585 621 622 #: include/xpress_common_functions.php:390 623 #, php-format 624 msgid "Block file %1$s is an old version %2$s.<br />used block file %3$s of new version %4$s." 625 msgstr "ブロックファイル %1$s は古いバージョン %2$s の為、<br /> 新しいバージョン %4$s のブロックファイル %3$s を使用します。" 626 627 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:13 628 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 629 msgstr "XPressME アップグレード" 630 631 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:28 632 #, php-format 633 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 634 msgstr "お使いの XPressME Integration Kit は開発版 (%1$s) です。すばらしい ! どうぞ<a href=\"%2$s\">最新版を使い続けてください</a>。" 635 636 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:32 637 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 638 msgstr "新しいバージョンの XPressME Integration Kit にアップグレードが可能です" 639 640 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:35 641 #, php-format 642 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 643 msgstr "バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 644 645 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:38 646 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:61 647 #, php-format 648 msgid "Download %s" 649 msgstr "%s をダウンロード" 650 651 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:43 652 #, php-format 653 msgid "You can download the differential file from version %s to %s and upgrade it manually:" 654 msgstr "バージョン%sから%sへの差分ファイルをダウンロードし、手動でアップグレードすることができます:" 655 656 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:46 657 #, php-format 658 msgid "Download differential file for %s" 659 msgstr "%sの差分ファイルをダウンロード" 660 661 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:50 662 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 663 msgstr "最新バージョンの XPressME Integration Kit をご利用中です。アップグレードの必要はありません。" 664 665 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:58 666 #, php-format 667 msgid "You can use the development version %s download the package and install it manually:" 668 msgstr "開発バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 669 670 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:67 671 #, php-format 672 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 673 msgstr "現在、<a href=\"%s\">version check API</a>からのレスポンスがありません。 申し訳ありませんが、しばらく後で確認してください。" 674 675 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:212 676 #, php-format 677 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 678 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! <a href=\"%2$s\">アップデートしてください</a>。" 679 680 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:214 681 #, php-format 682 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 683 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! サイト管理者に連絡してください。" 684 685 #~ msgid "Title" 686 #~ msgstr "タイトル" 687 #~ msgid "URL" 688 #~ msgstr "URL" 586 689 #~ msgid "more" 587 690 #~ msgstr "続きを読む" -
r425 r451 43 43 define("_MB_XP2_NONE","None"); 44 44 define("_MB_XP2_TODAY","Hoje"); 45 define("_MB_XP2_LA STES","Lastes");45 define("_MB_XP2_LATEST","Latest"); 46 46 define("_MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN","Entre"); 47 47 define("_MB_XP2_DAYS_AND","e"); -
r406 r451 7 7 "Project-Id-Version: XPressME Plugin\n" 8 8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-1 0-06 21:59+0900\n"10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-1 0-07 10:26+0900\n"9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-20 12:51+0900\n" 10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-20 13:01+0900\n" 11 11 "Last-Translator: toemon <>\n" 12 12 "Language-Team: Marcelo Yuji Himoro <>\n" … … 21 21 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" 22 22 23 #: xpressme.php: 3323 #: xpressme.php:59 24 24 msgid "Display Settings" 25 25 msgstr "Configurações de exibição" 26 26 27 #: xpressme.php: 3427 #: xpressme.php:60 28 28 msgid "Integration Settings" 29 29 msgstr "Configurações de integração" 30 30 31 #: xpressme.php: 3531 #: xpressme.php:61 32 32 msgid "Other Settings" 33 33 msgstr "Outras configurações" 34 34 35 #: xpressme.php: 3735 #: xpressme.php:63 36 36 msgid "Upgrade" 37 37 msgstr "Atualizar" 38 38 39 #: xpressme.php: 3839 #: xpressme.php:64 40 40 msgid "to Modules Admin" 41 41 msgstr "Ir para a administração do Modules" 42 42 43 #: xpressme.php:1 3843 #: xpressme.php:164 44 44 msgid "XPressME Display Setting" 45 45 msgstr "Configurações de exibição do XPressME" 46 46 47 #: xpressme.php:1 4447 #: xpressme.php:170 48 48 msgid "Thema Sidebar Display" 49 49 msgstr "Exibir barra lateral no tema?" 50 50 51 #: xpressme.php:1 4552 #: xpressme.php:2 3553 #: xpressme.php:2 4154 #: xpressme.php:2 4655 #: xpressme.php:2 5256 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8357 #: xpressme_class.php: 29958 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3159 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4251 #: xpressme.php:171 52 #: xpressme.php:263 53 #: xpressme.php:269 54 #: xpressme.php:274 55 #: xpressme.php:280 56 #: xpressme_class.php:296 57 #: xpressme_class.php:314 58 #: xpressme_class.php:445 59 #: xpressme_class.php:456 60 60 msgid "YES" 61 61 msgstr "Sim" 62 62 63 #: xpressme.php:1 4664 #: xpressme.php:2 3665 #: xpressme.php:2 4266 #: xpressme.php:2 4767 #: xpressme.php:2 5368 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8469 #: xpressme_class.php:3 0070 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3271 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4363 #: xpressme.php:172 64 #: xpressme.php:264 65 #: xpressme.php:270 66 #: xpressme.php:275 67 #: xpressme.php:281 68 #: xpressme_class.php:297 69 #: xpressme_class.php:315 70 #: xpressme_class.php:446 71 #: xpressme_class.php:457 72 72 msgid "NO" 73 73 msgstr "Não" 74 74 75 #: xpressme.php:1 5576 #: xpressme.php:2 0477 #: xpressme.php:2 5875 #: xpressme.php:181 76 #: xpressme.php:232 77 #: xpressme.php:291 78 78 msgid "Update Config" 79 79 msgstr "Atualizar" 80 80 81 #: xpressme.php:1 5682 #: xpressme.php:2 0583 #: xpressme.php:2 5981 #: xpressme.php:182 82 #: xpressme.php:233 83 #: xpressme.php:292 84 84 msgid "Preset Config" 85 85 msgstr "Padrão" 86 86 87 #: xpressme.php: 18887 #: xpressme.php:214 88 88 msgid "XPressME Integration Setting" 89 89 msgstr "Configurações de integração do XPressME" 90 90 91 #: xpressme.php: 19391 #: xpressme.php:218 92 92 msgid "Media Upload Base Path" 93 93 msgstr "Caminho base para uploads" 94 94 95 #: xpressme.php: 19495 #: xpressme.php:222 96 96 msgid "Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH" 97 97 msgstr "Utilizar o diretório do XOOPS" 98 98 99 #: xpressme.php: 19599 #: xpressme.php:223 100 100 msgid "USE WordPress BASE_PATH" 101 101 msgstr "Utilizar o diretório do WordPress" 102 102 103 #: xpressme.php:2 29103 #: xpressme.php:257 104 104 msgid "XPressME Other Setting" 105 105 msgstr "Outras configurações do XPressME" 106 106 107 #: xpressme.php:2 34107 #: xpressme.php:262 108 108 msgid "The change tracking of the post is preserved" 109 109 msgstr "Ativar revisões dos posts?" 110 110 111 #: xpressme.php:2 40111 #: xpressme.php:268 112 112 msgid "Select Multi user mode" 113 113 msgstr "Ativar modo multi-usuário?" 114 114 115 #: xpressme.php:2 45115 #: xpressme.php:273 116 116 msgid "Is the posts author views counted?" 117 117 msgstr "Contar leituras do autor?" 118 118 119 #: xpressme.php:2 51119 #: xpressme.php:279 120 120 msgid "Is SQL debugging window displayed?" 121 121 msgstr "Exibir janela de debug do SQL?" 122 122 123 #: xpressme.php:275 124 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 125 msgstr "XPressME Atualizar" 126 127 #: xpressme.php:289 128 #, php-format 129 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 130 msgstr "Você está usando uma versão para XPressME Integration Kit desenvolvedores (%1$s). Legal! Por favor, <a href=\"%2$s\">mantenha-se atualizado</a>." 131 132 #: xpressme.php:293 133 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 134 msgstr "Há uma versão nova do XPressME Integration Kit disponível para atualização" 135 136 #: xpressme.php:296 137 #, php-format 138 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 139 msgstr "Você pode atualizar para a versão %s fazer o download e instalar manualmente:" 140 141 #: xpressme.php:299 142 #, php-format 143 msgid "Download %s" 144 msgstr "Download %s" 145 146 #: xpressme.php:302 147 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 148 msgstr "Sua versão do XPressME Integration Kit é a mais recente. Não é necessário atualizá-la." 149 150 #: xpressme.php:306 151 #, php-format 152 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 153 msgstr "Não há nenhuma resposta de <a href=\"%s\">cheque de versão API</a> agora. arrependido, por favor confirme depois de." 154 155 #: xpressme.php:425 156 #, php-format 157 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 158 msgstr "O XPressME Integration Kit %1$s está disponível! <a href=\"%2$s\">Por favor, atualize agora</a>." 159 160 #: xpressme.php:427 161 #, php-format 162 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 163 msgstr "O XPressME Integration Kit Versão %1$s está disponível! Por favor, avise o administrador do site." 164 165 #: xpressme_class.php:55 166 #: xpressme_class.php:232 123 #: xpressme.php:284 124 msgid "Select warning display of block file version check" 125 msgstr "Exibição de advertência seleta de bloco cheque de versão de arquivo" 126 127 #: xpressme.php:285 128 msgid "Do display" 129 msgstr "Exiba" 130 131 #: xpressme.php:286 132 msgid "Do not display" 133 msgstr "Não exiba" 134 135 #: xpressme_class.php:61 136 #: xpressme_class.php:243 167 137 msgid "Older Post" 168 138 msgstr "Ir para o post anterior" 169 139 170 #: xpressme_class.php: 56171 #: xpressme_class.php:2 35140 #: xpressme_class.php:62 141 #: xpressme_class.php:246 172 142 msgid "Newer Post" 173 143 msgstr "Ir para o post seguinte" 174 144 175 #: xpressme_class.php: 58176 #: xpressme_class.php:2 38145 #: xpressme_class.php:64 146 #: xpressme_class.php:249 177 147 msgid "Older Entries" 178 148 msgstr "Ir para a página anterior" 179 149 180 #: xpressme_class.php: 59181 #: xpressme_class.php:2 41150 #: xpressme_class.php:65 151 #: xpressme_class.php:252 182 152 msgid "Newer Entries" 183 153 msgstr "Ir para a página seguinte" 184 154 185 #: xpressme_class.php:7 3186 #: xpressme_class.php: 74187 #: xpressme_class.php:2 44155 #: xpressme_class.php:79 156 #: xpressme_class.php:80 157 #: xpressme_class.php:255 188 158 msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" 189 159 msgstr "Continuar lendo este post »" 190 160 191 #: xpressme_class.php:3 42161 #: xpressme_class.php:356 192 162 msgid "Single Post Navi Setting" 193 163 msgstr "Post individual" 194 164 195 #: xpressme_class.php:3 47196 #: xpressme_class.php: 392165 #: xpressme_class.php:361 166 #: xpressme_class.php:406 197 167 msgid "Adjustment of Navi link display position" 198 168 msgstr "Posicionamento de links" 199 169 200 #: xpressme_class.php:3 50170 #: xpressme_class.php:364 201 171 msgid "'Old Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the right" 202 172 msgstr "Exibir link para o post anterior à esquerda, e para o seguinte à direita" 203 173 204 #: xpressme_class.php:3 51174 #: xpressme_class.php:365 205 175 msgid "'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Post Link' is displayed in the right" 206 176 msgstr "Exibir link para o post seguinte à esquerda, e para o anterior à direita" 207 177 208 #: xpressme_class.php:3 57178 #: xpressme_class.php:371 209 179 msgid "Select Display name of PostNavi Link" 210 180 msgstr "Selecione o texto do link a ser exibido" 211 181 212 #: xpressme_class.php:3 60182 #: xpressme_class.php:374 213 183 msgid "Title of post" 214 184 msgstr "Título do post" 215 185 216 #: xpressme_class.php:3 61186 #: xpressme_class.php:375 217 187 msgid "Title of Navi" 218 188 msgstr "Personalizado" 219 189 220 #: xpressme_class.php:3 67190 #: xpressme_class.php:381 221 191 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Post Link" 222 192 msgstr "Texto do link para o post anterior" 223 193 224 #: xpressme_class.php:3 74194 #: xpressme_class.php:388 225 195 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Post Link" 226 196 msgstr "Texto do link para o post seguinte" 227 197 228 #: xpressme_class.php: 387198 #: xpressme_class.php:401 229 199 msgid "Posts List Page Navi Setting" 230 200 msgstr "Lista de posts" 231 201 232 #: xpressme_class.php: 395202 #: xpressme_class.php:409 233 203 msgid "'Old Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the right" 234 204 msgstr "Exibir link para o página anterior à esquerda, e para o seguinte à direita" 235 205 236 #: xpressme_class.php: 396206 #: xpressme_class.php:410 237 207 msgid "'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Page Link' is displayed in the right" 238 208 msgstr "Exibir link para o página seguinte à esquerda, e para o anterior à direita" 239 209 240 #: xpressme_class.php:4 02210 #: xpressme_class.php:416 241 211 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Page Link" 242 212 msgstr "Texto do link para o página anterior" 243 213 244 #: xpressme_class.php:4 09214 #: xpressme_class.php:423 245 215 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Page Link" 246 216 msgstr "Texto do link para o página seguinte anterior" 247 217 248 #: xpressme_class.php:4 22218 #: xpressme_class.php:436 249 219 msgid "Dashboard feed Display Setting" 250 220 msgstr "Painel feed Exibição Colocação" 251 221 252 #: xpressme_class.php:4 28222 #: xpressme_class.php:442 253 223 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Blog" 254 224 msgstr "Exibição XPressME Integration Kit Blog" 255 225 256 #: xpressme_class.php:4 39226 #: xpressme_class.php:453 257 227 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Forum" 258 228 msgstr "Exibição XPressME Integration Kit Folum" 259 229 260 #: xpressme_class.php:4 56230 #: xpressme_class.php:471 261 231 msgid "Role Setting at Login" 262 232 msgstr "Permissões" 263 233 264 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59234 #: xpressme_class.php:474 265 235 msgid "XOOPS Groupe" 266 236 msgstr "Grupo do XOOPS" 267 237 268 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59238 #: xpressme_class.php:474 269 239 msgid "WordPress Role" 270 240 msgstr "Permissão do WordPress" 271 241 272 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59242 #: xpressme_class.php:474 273 243 msgid "Role is set at each login" 274 244 msgstr "Atualizar permissões ao fazer login" 275 245 276 #: xpressme_class.php: 485277 #: xpressme_class.php: 489278 #: xpressme_class.php: 492246 #: xpressme_class.php:500 247 #: xpressme_class.php:504 248 #: xpressme_class.php:507 279 249 msgid "Default Role of WordPress" 280 250 msgstr "Permissão padrão do WordPress" 281 251 282 #: xpressme_class.php: 486283 #: xpressme_class.php: 490284 #: xpressme_class.php: 493252 #: xpressme_class.php:501 253 #: xpressme_class.php:505 254 #: xpressme_class.php:508 285 255 msgid "Group User Doesn't Register" 286 256 msgstr "Não cadastrar usuários" 287 257 288 #: xpressme_class.php:524 258 #: xpressme_class.php:521 259 msgid "Only the Admin can set Group Role Setting" 260 msgstr "Only the Admin can set Group Role Setting" 261 262 #: xpressme_class.php:541 289 263 msgid "WordPress MU cannot integrate the comments." 290 264 msgstr "Não é possível integrar comentários no WordPress MU." 291 265 292 #: xpressme_class.php:5 26266 #: xpressme_class.php:543 293 267 msgid "Do Not Comment Integration." 294 268 msgstr "Não integrar comentários" 295 269 296 #: xpressme_class.php:5 61270 #: xpressme_class.php:578 297 271 msgid "Comment integration with D3Forum" 298 272 msgstr "Integração de comentários com o D3Forum" 299 273 300 #: xpressme_class.php:5 63274 #: xpressme_class.php:580 301 275 msgid "Select the forum of D3Forum that does the comment integration from the following lists." 302 276 msgstr "Selecione o fórum do D3Forum com o qual os comentários serão integrados:" 303 277 304 #: xpressme_class.php:5 68278 #: xpressme_class.php:585 305 279 msgid "Select the Type of display of D3Forum comment." 306 280 msgstr "Selecione o tipo de exibição dos comentários do D3Forum:" 307 281 308 #: xpressme_class.php:5 70309 #: xpressme_class.php:5 73282 #: xpressme_class.php:587 283 #: xpressme_class.php:590 310 284 msgid "Flat" 311 285 msgstr "Plano" 312 286 313 #: xpressme_class.php:5 71314 #: xpressme_class.php:5 74287 #: xpressme_class.php:588 288 #: xpressme_class.php:591 315 289 msgid "Threaded" 316 290 msgstr "Aninhado" 317 291 318 #: xpressme_class.php:5 77292 #: xpressme_class.php:594 319 293 msgid "Select the order of display of D3Forum comment." 320 294 msgstr "Selecione a ordem de exibição dos comentários do D3Forum:" 321 295 322 #: xpressme_class.php:5 79323 #: xpressme_class.php:5 82296 #: xpressme_class.php:596 297 #: xpressme_class.php:599 324 298 msgid "DESC" 325 299 msgstr "Crescente" 326 300 327 #: xpressme_class.php:5 80328 #: xpressme_class.php: 583301 #: xpressme_class.php:597 302 #: xpressme_class.php:600 329 303 msgid "ASC" 330 304 msgstr "Decrescente" 331 305 332 #: xpressme_class.php: 586306 #: xpressme_class.php:603 333 307 msgid "Number of displays of D3Forum comments." 334 308 msgstr "Número de comentários do D3Fórum a serem exibidos:" 335 309 336 #: xpressme_class.php: 589310 #: xpressme_class.php:606 337 311 msgid "The import and the export between Wordpress Comments and the D3Forum Posts can be done. " 338 312 msgstr "Importar/exportar comentários entre o WordPress e o D3Forum" 339 313 340 #: xpressme_class.php: 590314 #: xpressme_class.php:607 341 315 msgid "Export to D3Forum" 342 316 msgstr "Exportar para o D3Forum" 343 317 344 #: xpressme_class.php: 591318 #: xpressme_class.php:608 345 319 msgid "Import from D3Forum" 346 320 msgstr "Importar para o D3Forum" 347 321 348 #: xpressme_class.php:6 04322 #: xpressme_class.php:621 349 323 msgid "Contents Excerpt Setting" 350 324 msgstr "Excerto" 351 325 352 #: xpressme_class.php:6 09326 #: xpressme_class.php:626 353 327 msgid "Is the excerpt display done with the archive of contents?" 354 328 msgstr "Exibir excertos nos arquivos?" 355 329 356 #: xpressme_class.php:6 16330 #: xpressme_class.php:633 357 331 msgid "When ASCII character more than the set ratio is included, it is judged ASCII contents. " 358 332 msgstr "Quando um excerto contiver mais caracteres ASCII do que o valor definido, ele será tratado como ASCII." 359 333 360 #: xpressme_class.php:6 23334 #: xpressme_class.php:640 361 335 msgid "Excerpt length of word for ASCII contents" 362 336 msgstr "N° de caracteres para excerto de conteúdo ASCII" 363 337 364 #: xpressme_class.php:6 30338 #: xpressme_class.php:647 365 339 msgid "Excerpt length of character for multibyte contents" 366 340 msgstr "N° de caracteres para excerto de conteúdo multi-byte" 367 341 368 #: xpressme_class.php:6 37342 #: xpressme_class.php:654 369 343 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that reads contents not excerpted.(Is not displayed for the blank.)" 370 344 msgstr "Texto do link para o texto completo do post (deixe em branco para não exibir)" 371 345 372 #: xpressme_class.php:6 44346 #: xpressme_class.php:661 373 347 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that more tag (<!--more-->). " 374 348 msgstr "Texto do link para posts com a tag <!--more-->:" 375 349 376 #: xpressme_class.php:6 56350 #: xpressme_class.php:673 377 351 msgid "Display Mode Setting" 378 352 msgstr "Modo de exibição" 379 353 380 #: xpressme_class.php:6 59354 #: xpressme_class.php:676 381 355 msgid "Select the XPressME Display Mode." 382 356 msgstr "Selecione o modo de exibição do XPressME" 383 357 384 #: xpressme_class.php:6 64358 #: xpressme_class.php:681 385 359 msgid "Xoops Mode" 386 360 msgstr "XOOPS" 387 361 388 #: xpressme_class.php:6 68362 #: xpressme_class.php:685 389 363 msgid "WordPress Mode" 390 364 msgstr "WordPress" 391 365 392 #: xpressme_class.php:6 72366 #: xpressme_class.php:689 393 367 msgid "User select" 394 368 msgstr "Selecionar usuário" 395 369 396 #: xpressme_class.php:6 77370 #: xpressme_class.php:694 397 371 msgid "Select the theme used in the XOOPS Mode." 398 372 msgstr "Selecione o tema usado no Modo de XOOPS." 399 373 400 #: xpressme_class.php:6 82374 #: xpressme_class.php:699 401 375 msgid "Use WordPress Selected Themes" 402 376 msgstr "Uso WordPress Selected Temas" 403 377 404 #: xpressme_class.php:7 00378 #: xpressme_class.php:717 405 379 msgid "Header Meta Option" 406 380 msgstr "Meta Header" 407 381 408 #: xpressme_class.php:7 05382 #: xpressme_class.php:722 409 383 msgid "Select the Header keyword." 410 384 msgstr "Selecione as palavras-chave a serem utilizadas:" 411 385 412 #: xpressme_class.php:7 10386 #: xpressme_class.php:727 413 387 msgid "Xoops KeyWord" 414 388 msgstr "XOOPS" 415 389 416 #: xpressme_class.php:7 13390 #: xpressme_class.php:730 417 391 msgid "WordPress KeyWord" 418 392 msgstr "WordPress" 419 393 420 #: xpressme_class.php:7 16394 #: xpressme_class.php:733 421 395 msgid "WordPress & Xoops KeyWord" 422 396 msgstr "WordPress e XOOPS" 423 397 424 #: xpressme_class.php:7 22398 #: xpressme_class.php:739 425 399 msgid "Select the Header Description." 426 400 msgstr "Selecione a descrição a ser utilizada:" 427 401 428 #: xpressme_class.php:7 27402 #: xpressme_class.php:744 429 403 msgid "Xoops Description" 430 404 msgstr "XOOPS" 431 405 432 #: xpressme_class.php:7 30406 #: xpressme_class.php:747 433 407 msgid "WordPress Description" 434 408 msgstr "WordPress" 435 409 436 #: xpressme_class.php:7 33410 #: xpressme_class.php:750 437 411 msgid "WordPress & Xoops Description" 438 412 msgstr "WordPress e XOOPS" 439 413 440 #: xpressme_class.php:7 39414 #: xpressme_class.php:756 441 415 msgid "Select the Header Robots Index." 442 416 msgstr "Selecione o robô de indexação a ser utilizado no cabeçalho:" 443 417 444 #: xpressme_class.php:7 44418 #: xpressme_class.php:761 445 419 msgid "Xoops Robots Index" 446 420 msgstr "XOOPS" 447 421 448 #: xpressme_class.php:7 47422 #: xpressme_class.php:764 449 423 msgid "WordPress Robots Index" 450 424 msgstr "WordPress" 451 425 452 #: xpressme_class.php:7 76426 #: xpressme_class.php:793 453 427 #, php-format 454 428 msgid "Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?" 455 429 msgstr "Não foi possível criar o diretório %s. Verifique as permissões de escrita do servidor." 456 430 431 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:17 432 msgid "XPressME User Menu Widget" 433 msgstr "XPressME User Menu Widget" 434 435 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:19 436 msgid "XPressME MENU" 437 msgstr "XPressME MENU" 438 439 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:143 440 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:195 441 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:200 442 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:205 443 msgid "Link" 444 msgstr "Ligação" 445 446 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:144 447 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:160 448 msgid "Site Home" 449 msgstr "Site Home" 450 451 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:145 452 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:165 453 msgid "Add New" 454 msgstr "Some Novo" 455 456 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:146 457 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:170 458 msgid "User Profile" 459 msgstr "Perfil de usuário" 460 461 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:147 462 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:176 463 msgid "WordPress Admin" 464 msgstr "WordPress Admin" 465 466 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:148 467 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:181 468 msgid "Module Admin" 469 msgstr "Module Admin" 470 471 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:149 472 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:186 473 msgid "XPressME Setting" 474 msgstr "Colocação de XPressME" 475 476 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:150 477 msgid "Display Mode Select" 478 msgstr "Exiba Modo Selecione" 479 480 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:152 481 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:171 482 msgid "Auto Setting" 483 msgstr "Colocação de auto" 484 485 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:157 486 msgid "User Menu" 487 msgstr "User Menu" 488 489 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:245 490 msgid "Title:" 491 msgstr "Title:" 492 457 493 #: include/custom_functions.php:74 458 494 #, php-format … … 461 497 462 498 #: include/custom_functions.php:429 463 #: include/custom_functions.php:45 4499 #: include/custom_functions.php:459 464 500 #, php-format 465 501 msgid "views :%d" 466 502 msgstr "Leituras: %d" 467 503 468 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 08504 #: include/custom_functions.php:623 469 505 msgid "Main" 470 506 msgstr "Principal" 471 507 472 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 11508 #: include/custom_functions.php:626 473 509 #, php-format 474 510 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Category" 475 511 msgstr "Arquivo da categoria ‘%s’" 476 512 477 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 14513 #: include/custom_functions.php:629 478 514 #, php-format 479 515 msgid "Posts Tagged ‘%s’" 480 516 msgstr "Posts com a tag ‘%s’ " 481 517 482 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17518 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 483 519 #, php-format 484 520 msgid "Archive for %s|Daily archive page" 485 521 msgstr "Arquivo de %s|Arquivo por dia" 486 522 487 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17523 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 488 524 msgid "F jS, Y" 489 525 msgstr "j \\d\\e F \\d\\e Y" 490 526 491 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19527 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 492 528 #, php-format 493 529 msgid "Archive for %s|Monthly archive page" 494 530 msgstr "Arquivo de %s|Arquivo por mês" 495 531 496 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19532 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 497 533 msgid "F, Y" 498 534 msgstr "F \\d\\e Y" 499 535 500 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21536 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 501 537 #, php-format 502 538 msgid "Archive for %s|Yearly archive page" 503 539 msgstr "Arquivo de %s|Arquivo por ano" 504 540 505 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21541 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 506 542 msgid "Y" 507 543 msgstr "Y" 508 544 509 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 24545 #: include/custom_functions.php:639 510 546 #, php-format 511 547 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Author" 512 548 msgstr "Arquivo do autor ‘%s’" 513 549 514 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 27550 #: include/custom_functions.php:642 515 551 #, php-format 516 552 msgid "Search Results of word ‘%s’" 517 553 msgstr "Resultados da pesquisa por ‘%s’" 518 554 519 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 33520 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 35555 #: include/custom_functions.php:648 556 #: include/custom_functions.php:650 521 557 #, php-format 522 558 msgid "Article of %s" 523 559 msgstr "Posts de %s" 524 560 525 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 57561 #: include/custom_functions.php:672 526 562 #, php-format 527 563 msgid "From %1$s on site %2$s" 528 564 msgstr "De %2$s em %1$s" 529 565 530 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 78566 #: include/custom_functions.php:693 531 567 msgid "No Trackback/Pingback" 532 568 msgstr "Nenhum trackback/pingback" 533 569 534 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 79570 #: include/custom_functions.php:694 535 571 msgid "One Trackback/Pingback" 536 572 msgstr "1 trackback/pingback" 537 573 538 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 80574 #: include/custom_functions.php:695 539 575 msgid "% TrackBack/Pingback" 540 576 msgstr "% trackbacks/pingbacks" … … 582 618 msgstr "Mudar para o WordPress" 583 619 620 #: include/xpress_common_functions.php:390 621 #, php-format 622 msgid "Block file %1$s is an old version %2$s.<br />used block file %3$s of new version %4$s." 623 msgstr "Bloco arquivo %1$s são uma versão velha %2$s.<br />bloco usado arquivo %3$s de versão nova %4$s." 624 625 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:13 626 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 627 msgstr "XPressME Atualizar" 628 629 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:28 630 #, php-format 631 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 632 msgstr "Você está usando uma versão para XPressME Integration Kit desenvolvedores (%1$s). Legal! Por favor, <a href=\"%2$s\">mantenha-se atualizado</a>." 633 634 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:32 635 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 636 msgstr "Há uma versão nova do XPressME Integration Kit disponível para atualização" 637 638 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:35 639 #, php-format 640 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 641 msgstr "Você pode atualizar para a versão %s fazer o download e instalar manualmente:" 642 643 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:38 644 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:61 645 #, php-format 646 msgid "Download %s" 647 msgstr "Download %s" 648 649 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:43 650 #, php-format 651 msgid "You can download the differential file from version %s to %s and upgrade it manually:" 652 msgstr "You can download the differential file from version %s to %s and upgrade it manually:" 653 654 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:46 655 #, php-format 656 msgid "Download differential file for %s" 657 msgstr "Download differential file for %s" 658 659 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:50 660 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 661 msgstr "Sua versão do XPressME Integration Kit é a mais recente. Não é necessário atualizá-la." 662 663 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:58 664 #, php-format 665 msgid "You can use the development version %s download the package and install it manually:" 666 msgstr "You can use the development version %s download the package and install it manually:" 667 668 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:67 669 #, php-format 670 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 671 msgstr "Não há nenhuma resposta de <a href=\"%s\">cheque de versão API</a> agora. arrependido, por favor confirme depois de." 672 673 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:212 674 #, php-format 675 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 676 msgstr "O XPressME Integration Kit %1$s está disponível! <a href=\"%2$s\">Por favor, atualize agora</a>." 677 678 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:214 679 #, php-format 680 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 681 msgstr "O XPressME Integration Kit Versão %1$s está disponível! Por favor, avise o administrador do site." 682 683 #~ msgid "Title" 684 #~ msgstr "Title" 685 #~ msgid "URL" 686 #~ msgstr "URL" 584 687 #~ msgid "more" 585 688 #~ msgstr "続きを読む" -
r425 r451 43 43 define("_MB_XP2_NONE","None"); 44 44 define("_MB_XP2_TODAY","Today"); 45 define("_MB_XP2_LA STES","Lastes");45 define("_MB_XP2_LATEST","Latest"); 46 46 define("_MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN","Between"); 47 47 define("_MB_XP2_DAYS_AND","and"); -
r406 r451 8 8 "Project-Id-Version: XPressME Plugin\n" 9 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-1 0-06 21:59+0900\n"10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-20 12:51+0900\n" 11 11 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" 12 12 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" … … 17 17 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" 18 18 19 #: xpressme.php: 3319 #: xpressme.php:59 20 20 msgid "Display Settings" 21 21 msgstr "" 22 22 23 #: xpressme.php: 3423 #: xpressme.php:60 24 24 msgid "Integration Settings" 25 25 msgstr "" 26 26 27 #: xpressme.php: 3527 #: xpressme.php:61 28 28 msgid "Other Settings" 29 29 msgstr "" 30 30 31 #: xpressme.php: 3731 #: xpressme.php:63 32 32 msgid "Upgrade" 33 33 msgstr "" 34 34 35 #: xpressme.php: 3835 #: xpressme.php:64 36 36 msgid "to Modules Admin" 37 37 msgstr "" 38 38 39 #: xpressme.php:1 3839 #: xpressme.php:164 40 40 msgid "XPressME Display Setting" 41 41 msgstr "" 42 42 43 #: xpressme.php:1 4443 #: xpressme.php:170 44 44 msgid "Thema Sidebar Display" 45 45 msgstr "" 46 46 47 #: xpressme.php:145 48 #: xpressme.php:235 49 #: xpressme.php:241 50 #: xpressme.php:246 51 #: xpressme.php:252 52 #: xpressme_class.php:283 53 #: xpressme_class.php:299 54 #: xpressme_class.php:431 47 #: xpressme.php:171 48 #: xpressme.php:263 49 #: xpressme.php:269 50 #: xpressme.php:274 51 #: xpressme.php:280 52 #: xpressme_class.php:296 53 #: xpressme_class.php:314 54 #: xpressme_class.php:445 55 #: xpressme_class.php:456 56 msgid "YES" 57 msgstr "" 58 59 #: xpressme.php:172 60 #: xpressme.php:264 61 #: xpressme.php:270 62 #: xpressme.php:275 63 #: xpressme.php:281 64 #: xpressme_class.php:297 65 #: xpressme_class.php:315 66 #: xpressme_class.php:446 67 #: xpressme_class.php:457 68 msgid "NO" 69 msgstr "" 70 71 #: xpressme.php:181 72 #: xpressme.php:232 73 #: xpressme.php:291 74 msgid "Update Config" 75 msgstr "" 76 77 #: xpressme.php:182 78 #: xpressme.php:233 79 #: xpressme.php:292 80 msgid "Preset Config" 81 msgstr "" 82 83 #: xpressme.php:214 84 msgid "XPressME Integration Setting" 85 msgstr "" 86 87 #: xpressme.php:218 88 msgid "Media Upload Base Path" 89 msgstr "" 90 91 #: xpressme.php:222 92 msgid "Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH" 93 msgstr "" 94 95 #: xpressme.php:223 96 msgid "USE WordPress BASE_PATH" 97 msgstr "" 98 99 #: xpressme.php:257 100 msgid "XPressME Other Setting" 101 msgstr "" 102 103 #: xpressme.php:262 104 msgid "The change tracking of the post is preserved" 105 msgstr "" 106 107 #: xpressme.php:268 108 msgid "Select Multi user mode" 109 msgstr "" 110 111 #: xpressme.php:273 112 msgid "Is the posts author views counted?" 113 msgstr "" 114 115 #: xpressme.php:279 116 msgid "Is SQL debugging window displayed?" 117 msgstr "" 118 119 #: xpressme.php:284 120 msgid "Select warning display of block file version check" 121 msgstr "" 122 123 #: xpressme.php:285 124 msgid "Do display" 125 msgstr "" 126 127 #: xpressme.php:286 128 msgid "Do not display" 129 msgstr "" 130 131 #: xpressme_class.php:61 132 #: xpressme_class.php:243 133 msgid "Older Post" 134 msgstr "" 135 136 #: xpressme_class.php:62 137 #: xpressme_class.php:246 138 msgid "Newer Post" 139 msgstr "" 140 141 #: xpressme_class.php:64 142 #: xpressme_class.php:249 143 msgid "Older Entries" 144 msgstr "" 145 146 #: xpressme_class.php:65 147 #: xpressme_class.php:252 148 msgid "Newer Entries" 149 msgstr "" 150 151 #: xpressme_class.php:79 152 #: xpressme_class.php:80 153 #: xpressme_class.php:255 154 msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" 155 msgstr "" 156 157 #: xpressme_class.php:356 158 msgid "Single Post Navi Setting" 159 msgstr "" 160 161 #: xpressme_class.php:361 162 #: xpressme_class.php:406 163 msgid "Adjustment of Navi link display position" 164 msgstr "" 165 166 #: xpressme_class.php:364 167 msgid "'Old Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the right" 168 msgstr "" 169 170 #: xpressme_class.php:365 171 msgid "'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Post Link' is displayed in the right" 172 msgstr "" 173 174 #: xpressme_class.php:371 175 msgid "Select Display name of PostNavi Link" 176 msgstr "" 177 178 #: xpressme_class.php:374 179 msgid "Title of post" 180 msgstr "" 181 182 #: xpressme_class.php:375 183 msgid "Title of Navi" 184 msgstr "" 185 186 #: xpressme_class.php:381 187 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Post Link" 188 msgstr "" 189 190 #: xpressme_class.php:388 191 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Post Link" 192 msgstr "" 193 194 #: xpressme_class.php:401 195 msgid "Posts List Page Navi Setting" 196 msgstr "" 197 198 #: xpressme_class.php:409 199 msgid "'Old Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the right" 200 msgstr "" 201 202 #: xpressme_class.php:410 203 msgid "'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Page Link' is displayed in the right" 204 msgstr "" 205 206 #: xpressme_class.php:416 207 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Page Link" 208 msgstr "" 209 210 #: xpressme_class.php:423 211 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Page Link" 212 msgstr "" 213 214 #: xpressme_class.php:436 215 msgid "Dashboard feed Display Setting" 216 msgstr "" 217 55 218 #: xpressme_class.php:442 56 msgid "YES"57 msgstr ""58 59 #: xpressme.php:14660 #: xpressme.php:23661 #: xpressme.php:24262 #: xpressme.php:24763 #: xpressme.php:25364 #: xpressme_class.php:28465 #: xpressme_class.php:30066 #: xpressme_class.php:43267 #: xpressme_class.php:44368 msgid "NO"69 msgstr ""70 71 #: xpressme.php:15572 #: xpressme.php:20473 #: xpressme.php:25874 msgid "Update Config"75 msgstr ""76 77 #: xpressme.php:15678 #: xpressme.php:20579 #: xpressme.php:25980 msgid "Preset Config"81 msgstr ""82 83 #: xpressme.php:18884 msgid "XPressME Integration Setting"85 msgstr ""86 87 #: xpressme.php:19388 msgid "Media Upload Base Path"89 msgstr ""90 91 #: xpressme.php:19492 msgid "Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH"93 msgstr ""94 95 #: xpressme.php:19596 msgid "USE WordPress BASE_PATH"97 msgstr ""98 99 #: xpressme.php:229100 msgid "XPressME Other Setting"101 msgstr ""102 103 #: xpressme.php:234104 msgid "The change tracking of the post is preserved"105 msgstr ""106 107 #: xpressme.php:240108 msgid "Select Multi user mode"109 msgstr ""110 111 #: xpressme.php:245112 msgid "Is the posts author views counted?"113 msgstr ""114 115 #: xpressme.php:251116 msgid "Is SQL debugging window displayed?"117 msgstr ""118 119 #: xpressme.php:275120 msgid "XPressME Upgrade"121 msgstr ""122 123 #: xpressme.php:289124 #, php-format125 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>."126 msgstr ""127 128 #: xpressme.php:293129 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade"130 msgstr ""131 132 #: xpressme.php:296133 #, php-format134 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:"135 msgstr ""136 137 #: xpressme.php:299138 #, php-format139 msgid "Download %s"140 msgstr ""141 142 #: xpressme.php:302143 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade"144 msgstr ""145 146 #: xpressme.php:306147 #, php-format148 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after."149 msgstr ""150 151 #: xpressme.php:425152 #, php-format153 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>."154 msgstr ""155 156 #: xpressme.php:427157 #, php-format158 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator."159 msgstr ""160 161 #: xpressme_class.php:55162 #: xpressme_class.php:232163 msgid "Older Post"164 msgstr ""165 166 #: xpressme_class.php:56167 #: xpressme_class.php:235168 msgid "Newer Post"169 msgstr ""170 171 #: xpressme_class.php:58172 #: xpressme_class.php:238173 msgid "Older Entries"174 msgstr ""175 176 #: xpressme_class.php:59177 #: xpressme_class.php:241178 msgid "Newer Entries"179 msgstr ""180 181 #: xpressme_class.php:73182 #: xpressme_class.php:74183 #: xpressme_class.php:244184 msgid "Read the rest of this entry »"185 msgstr ""186 187 #: xpressme_class.php:342188 msgid "Single Post Navi Setting"189 msgstr ""190 191 #: xpressme_class.php:347192 #: xpressme_class.php:392193 msgid "Adjustment of Navi link display position"194 msgstr ""195 196 #: xpressme_class.php:350197 msgid "'Old Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the right"198 msgstr ""199 200 #: xpressme_class.php:351201 msgid "'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Post Link' is displayed in the right"202 msgstr ""203 204 #: xpressme_class.php:357205 msgid "Select Display name of PostNavi Link"206 msgstr ""207 208 #: xpressme_class.php:360209 msgid "Title of post"210 msgstr ""211 212 #: xpressme_class.php:361213 msgid "Title of Navi"214 msgstr ""215 216 #: xpressme_class.php:367217 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Post Link"218 msgstr ""219 220 #: xpressme_class.php:374221 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Post Link"222 msgstr ""223 224 #: xpressme_class.php:387225 msgid "Posts List Page Navi Setting"226 msgstr ""227 228 #: xpressme_class.php:395229 msgid "'Old Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the right"230 msgstr ""231 232 #: xpressme_class.php:396233 msgid "'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Page Link' is displayed in the right"234 msgstr ""235 236 #: xpressme_class.php:402237 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Page Link"238 msgstr ""239 240 #: xpressme_class.php:409241 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Page Link"242 msgstr ""243 244 #: xpressme_class.php:422245 msgid "Dashboard feed Display Setting"246 msgstr ""247 248 #: xpressme_class.php:428249 219 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Blog" 250 220 msgstr "" 251 221 252 #: xpressme_class.php:4 39222 #: xpressme_class.php:453 253 223 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Forum" 254 224 msgstr "" 255 225 256 #: xpressme_class.php:4 56226 #: xpressme_class.php:471 257 227 msgid "Role Setting at Login" 258 228 msgstr "" 259 229 260 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59230 #: xpressme_class.php:474 261 231 msgid "XOOPS Groupe" 262 232 msgstr "" 263 233 264 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59234 #: xpressme_class.php:474 265 235 msgid "WordPress Role" 266 236 msgstr "" 267 237 268 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59238 #: xpressme_class.php:474 269 239 msgid "Role is set at each login" 270 240 msgstr "" 271 241 272 #: xpressme_class.php: 485273 #: xpressme_class.php: 489274 #: xpressme_class.php: 492242 #: xpressme_class.php:500 243 #: xpressme_class.php:504 244 #: xpressme_class.php:507 275 245 msgid "Default Role of WordPress" 276 246 msgstr "" 277 247 278 #: xpressme_class.php: 486279 #: xpressme_class.php: 490280 #: xpressme_class.php: 493248 #: xpressme_class.php:501 249 #: xpressme_class.php:505 250 #: xpressme_class.php:508 281 251 msgid "Group User Doesn't Register" 282 252 msgstr "" 283 253 284 #: xpressme_class.php:524 254 #: xpressme_class.php:521 255 msgid "Only the Admin can set Group Role Setting" 256 msgstr "" 257 258 #: xpressme_class.php:541 285 259 msgid "WordPress MU cannot integrate the comments." 286 260 msgstr "" 287 261 288 #: xpressme_class.php:5 26262 #: xpressme_class.php:543 289 263 msgid "Do Not Comment Integration." 290 264 msgstr "" 291 265 292 #: xpressme_class.php:5 61266 #: xpressme_class.php:578 293 267 msgid "Comment integration with D3Forum" 294 268 msgstr "" 295 269 296 #: xpressme_class.php:5 63270 #: xpressme_class.php:580 297 271 msgid "Select the forum of D3Forum that does the comment integration from the following lists." 298 272 msgstr "" 299 273 300 #: xpressme_class.php:5 68274 #: xpressme_class.php:585 301 275 msgid "Select the Type of display of D3Forum comment." 302 276 msgstr "" 303 277 304 #: xpressme_class.php:5 70305 #: xpressme_class.php:5 73278 #: xpressme_class.php:587 279 #: xpressme_class.php:590 306 280 msgid "Flat" 307 281 msgstr "" 308 282 309 #: xpressme_class.php:5 71310 #: xpressme_class.php:5 74283 #: xpressme_class.php:588 284 #: xpressme_class.php:591 311 285 msgid "Threaded" 312 286 msgstr "" 313 287 314 #: xpressme_class.php:5 77288 #: xpressme_class.php:594 315 289 msgid "Select the order of display of D3Forum comment." 316 290 msgstr "" 317 291 318 #: xpressme_class.php:5 79319 #: xpressme_class.php:5 82292 #: xpressme_class.php:596 293 #: xpressme_class.php:599 320 294 msgid "DESC" 321 295 msgstr "" 322 296 323 #: xpressme_class.php:5 80324 #: xpressme_class.php: 583297 #: xpressme_class.php:597 298 #: xpressme_class.php:600 325 299 msgid "ASC" 326 300 msgstr "" 327 301 328 #: xpressme_class.php: 586302 #: xpressme_class.php:603 329 303 msgid "Number of displays of D3Forum comments." 330 304 msgstr "" 331 305 332 #: xpressme_class.php: 589306 #: xpressme_class.php:606 333 307 msgid "The import and the export between Wordpress Comments and the D3Forum Posts can be done. " 334 308 msgstr "" 335 309 336 #: xpressme_class.php: 590310 #: xpressme_class.php:607 337 311 msgid "Export to D3Forum" 338 312 msgstr "" 339 313 340 #: xpressme_class.php: 591314 #: xpressme_class.php:608 341 315 msgid "Import from D3Forum" 342 316 msgstr "" 343 317 344 #: xpressme_class.php:6 04318 #: xpressme_class.php:621 345 319 msgid "Contents Excerpt Setting" 346 320 msgstr "" 347 321 348 #: xpressme_class.php:6 09322 #: xpressme_class.php:626 349 323 msgid "Is the excerpt display done with the archive of contents?" 350 324 msgstr "" 351 325 352 #: xpressme_class.php:6 16326 #: xpressme_class.php:633 353 327 msgid "When ASCII character more than the set ratio is included, it is judged ASCII contents. " 354 328 msgstr "" 355 329 356 #: xpressme_class.php:6 23330 #: xpressme_class.php:640 357 331 msgid "Excerpt length of word for ASCII contents" 358 332 msgstr "" 359 333 360 #: xpressme_class.php:6 30334 #: xpressme_class.php:647 361 335 msgid "Excerpt length of character for multibyte contents" 362 336 msgstr "" 363 337 364 #: xpressme_class.php:6 37338 #: xpressme_class.php:654 365 339 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that reads contents not excerpted.(Is not displayed for the blank.)" 366 340 msgstr "" 367 341 368 #: xpressme_class.php:6 44342 #: xpressme_class.php:661 369 343 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that more tag (<!--more-->). " 370 344 msgstr "" 371 345 372 #: xpressme_class.php:6 56346 #: xpressme_class.php:673 373 347 msgid "Display Mode Setting" 374 348 msgstr "" 375 349 376 #: xpressme_class.php:6 59350 #: xpressme_class.php:676 377 351 msgid "Select the XPressME Display Mode." 378 352 msgstr "" 379 353 380 #: xpressme_class.php:6 64354 #: xpressme_class.php:681 381 355 msgid "Xoops Mode" 382 356 msgstr "" 383 357 384 #: xpressme_class.php:6 68358 #: xpressme_class.php:685 385 359 msgid "WordPress Mode" 386 360 msgstr "" 387 361 388 #: xpressme_class.php:6 72362 #: xpressme_class.php:689 389 363 msgid "User select" 390 364 msgstr "" 391 365 392 #: xpressme_class.php:6 77366 #: xpressme_class.php:694 393 367 msgid "Select the theme used in the XOOPS Mode." 394 368 msgstr "" 395 369 396 #: xpressme_class.php:6 82370 #: xpressme_class.php:699 397 371 msgid "Use WordPress Selected Themes" 398 372 msgstr "" 399 373 400 #: xpressme_class.php:7 00374 #: xpressme_class.php:717 401 375 msgid "Header Meta Option" 402 376 msgstr "" 403 377 404 #: xpressme_class.php:7 05378 #: xpressme_class.php:722 405 379 msgid "Select the Header keyword." 406 380 msgstr "" 407 381 408 #: xpressme_class.php:7 10382 #: xpressme_class.php:727 409 383 msgid "Xoops KeyWord" 410 384 msgstr "" 411 385 412 #: xpressme_class.php:7 13386 #: xpressme_class.php:730 413 387 msgid "WordPress KeyWord" 414 388 msgstr "" 415 389 416 #: xpressme_class.php:7 16390 #: xpressme_class.php:733 417 391 msgid "WordPress & Xoops KeyWord" 418 392 msgstr "" 419 393 420 #: xpressme_class.php:7 22394 #: xpressme_class.php:739 421 395 msgid "Select the Header Description." 422 396 msgstr "" 423 397 424 #: xpressme_class.php:7 27398 #: xpressme_class.php:744 425 399 msgid "Xoops Description" 426 400 msgstr "" 427 401 428 #: xpressme_class.php:7 30402 #: xpressme_class.php:747 429 403 msgid "WordPress Description" 430 404 msgstr "" 431 405 432 #: xpressme_class.php:7 33406 #: xpressme_class.php:750 433 407 msgid "WordPress & Xoops Description" 434 408 msgstr "" 435 409 436 #: xpressme_class.php:7 39410 #: xpressme_class.php:756 437 411 msgid "Select the Header Robots Index." 438 412 msgstr "" 439 413 440 #: xpressme_class.php:7 44414 #: xpressme_class.php:761 441 415 msgid "Xoops Robots Index" 442 416 msgstr "" 443 417 444 #: xpressme_class.php:7 47418 #: xpressme_class.php:764 445 419 msgid "WordPress Robots Index" 446 420 msgstr "" 447 421 448 #: xpressme_class.php:7 76422 #: xpressme_class.php:793 449 423 #, php-format 450 424 msgid "Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?" 451 425 msgstr "" 452 426 427 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:17 428 msgid "XPressME User Menu Widget" 429 msgstr "" 430 431 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:19 432 msgid "XPressME MENU" 433 msgstr "" 434 435 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:143 436 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:195 437 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:200 438 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:205 439 msgid "Link" 440 msgstr "" 441 442 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:144 443 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:160 444 msgid "Site Home" 445 msgstr "" 446 447 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:145 448 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:165 449 msgid "Add New" 450 msgstr "" 451 452 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:146 453 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:170 454 msgid "User Profile" 455 msgstr "" 456 457 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:147 458 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:176 459 msgid "WordPress Admin" 460 msgstr "" 461 462 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:148 463 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:181 464 msgid "Module Admin" 465 msgstr "" 466 467 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:149 468 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:186 469 msgid "XPressME Setting" 470 msgstr "" 471 472 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:150 473 msgid "Display Mode Select" 474 msgstr "" 475 476 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:152 477 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:171 478 msgid "Auto Setting" 479 msgstr "" 480 481 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:157 482 msgid "User Menu" 483 msgstr "" 484 485 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:245 486 msgid "Title:" 487 msgstr "" 488 453 489 #: include/custom_functions.php:74 454 490 #, php-format … … 457 493 458 494 #: include/custom_functions.php:429 459 #: include/custom_functions.php:45 4495 #: include/custom_functions.php:459 460 496 #, php-format 461 497 msgid "views :%d" 462 498 msgstr "" 463 499 464 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 08500 #: include/custom_functions.php:623 465 501 msgid "Main" 466 502 msgstr "" 467 503 468 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 11504 #: include/custom_functions.php:626 469 505 #, php-format 470 506 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Category" 471 507 msgstr "" 472 508 473 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 14509 #: include/custom_functions.php:629 474 510 #, php-format 475 511 msgid "Posts Tagged ‘%s’" 476 512 msgstr "" 477 513 478 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17514 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 479 515 #, php-format 480 516 msgid "Archive for %s|Daily archive page" 481 517 msgstr "" 482 518 483 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17519 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 484 520 msgid "F jS, Y" 485 521 msgstr "" 486 522 487 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19523 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 488 524 #, php-format 489 525 msgid "Archive for %s|Monthly archive page" 490 526 msgstr "" 491 527 492 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19528 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 493 529 msgid "F, Y" 494 530 msgstr "" 495 531 496 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21532 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 497 533 #, php-format 498 534 msgid "Archive for %s|Yearly archive page" 499 535 msgstr "" 500 536 501 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21537 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 502 538 msgid "Y" 503 539 msgstr "" 504 540 505 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 24541 #: include/custom_functions.php:639 506 542 #, php-format 507 543 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Author" 508 544 msgstr "" 509 545 510 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 27546 #: include/custom_functions.php:642 511 547 #, php-format 512 548 msgid "Search Results of word ‘%s’" 513 549 msgstr "" 514 550 515 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 33516 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 35551 #: include/custom_functions.php:648 552 #: include/custom_functions.php:650 517 553 #, php-format 518 554 msgid "Article of %s" 519 555 msgstr "" 520 556 521 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 57557 #: include/custom_functions.php:672 522 558 #, php-format 523 559 msgid "From %1$s on site %2$s" 524 560 msgstr "" 525 561 526 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 78562 #: include/custom_functions.php:693 527 563 msgid "No Trackback/Pingback" 528 564 msgstr "" 529 565 530 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 79566 #: include/custom_functions.php:694 531 567 msgid "One Trackback/Pingback" 532 568 msgstr "" 533 569 534 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 80570 #: include/custom_functions.php:695 535 571 msgid "% TrackBack/Pingback" 536 572 msgstr "" … … 578 614 msgstr "" 579 615 616 #: include/xpress_common_functions.php:390 617 #, php-format 618 msgid "Block file %1$s is an old version %2$s.<br />used block file %3$s of new version %4$s." 619 msgstr "" 620 621 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:13 622 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 623 msgstr "" 624 625 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:28 626 #, php-format 627 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 628 msgstr "" 629 630 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:32 631 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 632 msgstr "" 633 634 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:35 635 #, php-format 636 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 637 msgstr "" 638 639 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:38 640 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:61 641 #, php-format 642 msgid "Download %s" 643 msgstr "" 644 645 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:43 646 #, php-format 647 msgid "You can download the differential file from version %s to %s and upgrade it manually:" 648 msgstr "" 649 650 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:46 651 #, php-format 652 msgid "Download differential file for %s" 653 msgstr "" 654 655 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:50 656 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 657 msgstr "" 658 659 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:58 660 #, php-format 661 msgid "You can use the development version %s download the package and install it manually:" 662 msgstr "" 663 664 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:67 665 #, php-format 666 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 667 msgstr "" 668 669 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:212 670 #, php-format 671 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 672 msgstr "" 673 674 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:214 675 #, php-format 676 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 677 msgstr "" 678 679 #~ msgid "Title" 680 #~ msgstr "" 681 #~ msgid "URL" 682 #~ msgstr "" 580 683 #~ msgid "more" 581 684 #~ msgstr "" -
r63 r451 18 18 endif; 19 19 20 if(!function_exists(" dropdown_cats_options")):21 function dropdown_cats_options($sort_column = 'ID', $sort_order = 'asc', $selected=array())20 if(!function_exists("categorie_select")): 21 function categorie_select($option_name = '',$value='',$row_num=0 ,$sort_column = 'ID', $sort_order = 'asc') 22 22 { 23 23 $mydirpath = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)); … … 30 30 $xoopsDB =& Database::getInstance(); 31 31 $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); 32 $selected = is_array($selected)?$selected:array($selected); 32 $selected = explode(',' , $value); 33 $isAll = (count($selected)==0||empty($selected[0]))?true:false; 33 34 $sort_column = 'cat_'.$sort_column; 35 if (empty($row_num)) $size = ''; else $size = 'size="' . $row_num . '"'; 34 36 include $mydirpath.'/wp-includes/version.php'; 35 37 if ($wp_db_version < 6124) { … … 53 55 } 54 56 $res = $xoopsDB->query($query, 0, 0); 57 $option = "\t<option value=\"0\" "; 58 if ($isAll) $option .= " selected=\"selected\""; 59 $option .= ">"._MB_XP2_ALL ."</option>\n"; 60 55 61 if ($res !== false){ 56 62 while($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($res)){ 57 63 $cat_name = $row['cat_name']; 58 64 $cat_ID = $row['cat_ID']; 59 echo"\t<option value=\"".$cat_ID."\"";65 $option .= "\t<option value=\"".$cat_ID."\""; 60 66 if (in_array($cat_ID, $selected)) 61 echo' selected="selected"';62 echo'>';63 echo$myts->htmlspecialchars($cat_name);64 echo"</option>\n";67 $option .= ' selected="selected"'; 68 $option .= '>'; 69 $option .= $myts->htmlspecialchars($cat_name); 70 $option .= "</option>\n"; 65 71 } 66 72 } 67 return; 73 $output = _MB_XP2_CATS_SELECT ."<br />\n"; 74 $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='$option_name' value='$value' />\n"; 75 $output .= ' <select name="categorie" '.$size.' multiple="multiple" onclick="CatSelect()">' ."\n"; 76 $output .= $option; 77 $output .= '</select><br />'; 78 $output .= ' 79 <script type="text/javascript"> 80 function CatSelect(){ 81 var idx=new Array(); 82 var sel=document.forms["blockform"].elements["categorie"].options; 83 for(var i=0, n=0; i<sel.length; i++){ 84 if(sel[i].selected){ idx[n++]=sel[i].value; } 85 } 86 if(idx.length>0){ 87 document.forms["blockform"].elements["' .$option_name . '"].value = idx; 88 } 89 } 90 </script> 91 '; 92 93 return $output; 94 95 } 96 endif; 97 98 if(!function_exists("comment_type_select")): 99 function comment_type_select($option_name = '',$value='') 100 { 101 $selected = explode(',' , $value); 102 $isAll = (count($selected)==0||empty($selected[0]))?true:false; 103 104 $option = "<option value=\"0\" "; 105 if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 106 $option .= ">"._MB_XP2_ALL ."</option>"; 107 108 $option .= "<option value=\"1\" "; 109 if (in_array(1, $selected)) 110 $option .= " selected=\"selected\""; 111 $option .= ">"._MB_XP2_COMMENT ."</option>"; 112 113 $option .= "<option value=\"2\" "; 114 if (in_array(2, $selected)) 115 $option .= " selected=\"selected\""; 116 $option .= ">"._MB_XP2_TRUCKBACK ."</option>"; 117 118 $option .= "<option value=\"3\" "; 119 if (in_array(3, $selected)) 120 $option .= " selected=\"selected\""; 121 $option .= ">"._MB_XP2_PINGBACK ."</option>"; 122 123 $output = _MB_XP2_COM_TYPE . "<br />\n"; 124 $output .= "<input type='hidden' name='$option_name' value='$value' />\n"; 125 $output .= ' <select name="com_type" multiple="multiple" onclick="ComTypeSelect()">' ."\n"; 126 $output .= $option; 127 $output .= '</select><br />'; 128 $output .= ' 129 <script type="text/javascript"> 130 function ComTypeSelect(){ 131 var idx=new Array(); 132 var sel=document.forms["blockform"].elements["com_type"].options; 133 for(var i=0, n=0; i<sel.length; i++){ 134 if(sel[i].selected){ idx[n++]=sel[i].value; } 135 } 136 if(idx.length>0){ 137 document.forms["blockform"].elements["' .$option_name . '"].value = idx; 138 } 139 } 140 </script> 141 '; 142 143 return $output; 144 68 145 } 69 146 endif; 70 147 71 148 72 73 149 ?> -
r365 r451 23 23 $time_format = empty( $options[5] ) ? '' : $options[5] ; 24 24 $tag_select = $options[6] ; 25 $ selected = array_slice($options, 7); // get allowed cats25 $cat_select = empty( $options[7] ) ? '0' : $options[7] ; 26 26 27 27 $mydirpath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $mydirname; … … 44 44 } 45 45 46 $form .= _MB_XP2_CATS_SELECT ."<br />\n"; 47 $isAll = (count($selected)==0||empty($selected[0]))?true:false; 48 $form .= " <select name=\"options[]\" multiple=\"multiple\">"; 49 $form .= "<option value=\"0\" "; 50 if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 51 $form .= ">"._MB_XP2_ALL ."</option>"; 52 ob_start(); 53 dropdown_cats_options('ID','asc',$selected); 54 $list_str = ob_get_contents(); 55 ob_end_clean(); 56 $form .= $list_str. "</select><br />"; 57 // $form .="<br /><input type='text' size='60' name='options[5]' value='".htmlspecialchars($this_template,ENT_QUOTES)."' />"; 58 46 $form .= categorie_select('options[7]' , $cat_select); 59 47 return $form; 60 48 } -
r232 r451 23 23 $date_format = empty( $options[4] ) ? '' : $options[4] ; 24 24 $time_format = empty( $options[5] ) ? '' : $options[5] ; 25 $selected = array_slice($options,6); // get allowed cats25 $com_select = empty( $options[6] ) ? '0' : $options[6] ; 26 26 27 27 $mydirpath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $mydirname; … … 37 37 $form .= _MB_XP2_TIME_FORMAT .": <input type='text' name='options[5]' value='" . $time_format . "' /><br />\n"; 38 38 $form .= "<br />\n"; 39 $form .= _MB_XP2_COM_TYPE . "<br />\n"; 40 $isAll = (count($selected)==0||empty($selected[0]))?true:false; 41 $form .= " <select name=\"options[]\" multiple=\"multiple\">"; 42 $form .= "<option value=\"0\" "; 43 if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 44 $form .= ">"._MB_XP2_ALL ."</option>"; 45 46 $form .= "<option value=\"1\" "; 47 if (in_array(1, $selected)) 48 $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 49 $form .= ">"._MB_XP2_COMMENT ."</option>"; 50 51 $form .= "<option value=\"2\" "; 52 if (in_array(2, $selected)) 53 $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 54 $form .= ">"._MB_XP2_TRUCKBACK ."</option>"; 55 56 $form .= "<option value=\"3\" "; 57 if (in_array(3, $selected)) 58 $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 59 $form .= ">"._MB_XP2_PINGBACK ."</option>"; 60 $form .= "</select><br />"; 61 // $form .="<br /><input type='text' size='60' name='options[5]' id='this_template' value='".htmlspecialchars($this_template,ENT_QUOTES)."' />"; 39 $form .= comment_type_select('options[6]' , $com_select); 62 40 63 41 -
r425 r451 19 19 $mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'xpress' : $options[0] ; 20 20 $this_template = empty( $options[1] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_recent_posts_content_block.html' : trim( $options[1] ); 21 $d ay_select = ($options[2])?intval($options[2]):0;22 $ day_size = ($options[3])?intval($options[3]):0;23 $ disp_count = ($options[4])?intval($options[4]):10;24 $ excerpt = empty( $options[5] ) ? false : true;25 $ excerpt_size = ($options[6])?intval($options[6]):100;26 $ date_format = empty( $options[7] ) ? '' :$options[7] ;27 $ time_format = empty( $options[8] ) ? '' : $options[8] ;28 $ tag_select = $options[9];29 $selected = array_slice($options,10); // get allowed cats21 $disp_count = ($options[2])?intval($options[2]):10; 22 $excerpt = empty( $options[3] ) ? false : true ; 23 $excerpt_size = ($options[4])?intval($options[4]):100; 24 $date_format = empty( $options[5] ) ? '' : $options[5] ; 25 $time_format = empty( $options[6] ) ? '' : $options[6] ; 26 $tag_select = $options[7] ; 27 $cat_select = empty( $options[8] ) ? '0' : $options[8] ; 28 $day_select = ($options[9])?intval($options[9]):0; 29 $day_size = ($options[10])?intval($options[10]):0; 30 30 31 31 $mydirpath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $mydirname; … … 35 35 $form = "MyDirectory <input type='text' name='options[0]' value='" . $mydirname . "' /><br />\n"; 36 36 $form .= "<input type='hidden' name='options[1]' id='this_template' value='".htmlspecialchars($this_template,ENT_QUOTES)."' /><br />"; 37 $form .= "<br />"; 38 $form .= _MB_XP2_DAY_SELECT . ':' . _MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN . '<select name="options[2]">'; 37 $form .= _MB_XP2_COUNT .": <input type='text' name='options[2]' value='" . $disp_count . "' /><br />\n"; 38 $form .= yes_no_radio_option('options[3]', _MB_XP2_P_EXCERPT , $excerpt) . "<br />\n"; 39 $form .= _MB_XP2_P_EXCERPT_SIZE .": <input type='text' name='options[4]' value='" . $excerpt_size . "' /><br />\n"; 40 $form .= _MB_XP2_DATE_FORMAT .": <input type='text' name='options[5]' value='" . $date_format . "' /><br />\n"; 41 $form .= _MB_XP2_TIME_FORMAT .": <input type='text' name='options[6]' value='" . $time_format . "' /><br />\n"; 42 43 include $mydirpath .'/wp-includes/version.php' ; 44 if (wp_version_compare($wp_version, '>=','2.3')){ 45 $form .= "<br />\n"; 46 $form .= _MB_XP2_TAGS_SELECT .": <input type='text' name='options[7]' value='" . $tag_select . "' /><br />\n"; 47 } else { 48 $form .= "<input type='hidden' name='options[7]' value='' /><br />\n"; 49 } 50 51 $form .= categorie_select('options[8]' , $cat_select); 52 53 $form .= "<br />"; 54 $form .= _MB_XP2_DAY_SELECT . ':' . _MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN . '<select name="options[9]">'; 39 55 switch ($day_select){ 40 56 case 1: 41 57 $form .= '<option value="0">' . _MB_XP2_NONE . '</option>'; 42 58 $form .= '<option value="1" selected>'. _MB_XP2_TODAY . '</option>'; 43 $form .= '<option value="2">' . _MB_XP2_LA STES. '</option>';59 $form .= '<option value="2">' . _MB_XP2_LATEST . '</option>'; 44 60 break; 45 61 case 2: 46 62 $form .= '<option value="0">' . _MB_XP2_NONE . '</option>'; 47 63 $form .= '<option value="1">'. _MB_XP2_TODAY . '</option>'; 48 $form .= '<option value="2" selected>' . _MB_XP2_LA STES. '</option>';64 $form .= '<option value="2" selected>' . _MB_XP2_LATEST . '</option>'; 49 65 break; 50 66 default : 51 67 $form .= '<option value="0" selected>' . _MB_XP2_NONE . '</option>'; 52 68 $form .= '<option value="1">'. _MB_XP2_TODAY . '</option>'; 53 $form .= '<option value="2">' . _MB_XP2_LA STES. '</option>';69 $form .= '<option value="2">' . _MB_XP2_LATEST . '</option>'; 54 70 } 55 71 $form .= '</select>'; 56 72 57 $form .= ' ' . _MB_XP2_DAYS_AND . " <input type='text' size='2' name='options[3]' value='" . $day_size . "' />" . _MB_XP2_DAYS_AGO . "<br />\n"; 58 59 $form .= _MB_XP2_COUNT .": <input type='text' name='options[4]' value='" . $disp_count . "' /><br />\n"; 60 $form .= yes_no_radio_option('options[5]', _MB_XP2_P_EXCERPT , $excerpt) . "<br />\n"; 61 $form .= _MB_XP2_P_EXCERPT_SIZE .": <input type='text' name='options[6]' value='" . $excerpt_size . "' /><br />\n"; 62 $form .= _MB_XP2_DATE_FORMAT .": <input type='text' name='options[7]' value='" . $date_format . "' /><br />\n"; 63 $form .= _MB_XP2_TIME_FORMAT .": <input type='text' name='options[8]' value='" . $time_format . "' /><br />\n"; 64 65 include $mydirpath .'/wp-includes/version.php' ; 66 if (wp_version_compare($wp_version, '>=','2.3')){ 67 $form .= "<br />\n"; 68 $form .= _MB_XP2_TAGS_SELECT .": <input type='text' name='options[9]' value='" . $tag_select . "' /><br />\n"; 69 } else { 70 $form .= "<input type='hidden' name='options[9]' value='' /><br />\n"; 71 } 72 73 $form .= _MB_XP2_CATS_SELECT ."<br />\n"; 74 $isAll = (count($selected)==0||empty($selected[0]))?true:false; 75 $form .= " <select name=\"options[]\" multiple=\"multiple\">\n"; 76 $form .= "\t<option value=\"0\" "; 77 if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 78 $form .= ">"._MB_XP2_ALL ."</option>\n"; 79 ob_start(); 80 dropdown_cats_options('ID','asc',$selected); 81 $list_str = ob_get_contents(); 82 ob_end_clean(); 83 $form .= $list_str. "</select><br />\n"; 84 85 // $form .="<br /><input type='text' size='60' name='options[11]' id='this_template' value='".htmlspecialchars($this_template,ENT_QUOTES)."' />"; 73 $form .= ' ' . _MB_XP2_DAYS_AND . " <input type='text' size='2' name='options[10]' value='" . $day_size . "' />" . _MB_XP2_DAYS_AGO . "<br />\n"; 86 74 87 75 return $form; -
r365 r451 24 24 $time_format = empty( $options[6] ) ? '' : $options[6] ; 25 25 $tag_select = $options[7] ; 26 $ selected = array_slice($options,8); // get allowed cats26 $cat_select = empty( $options[8] ) ? '0' : $options[8] ; 27 27 28 28 $mydirpath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $mydirname; … … 47 47 } 48 48 49 $form .= _MB_XP2_CATS_SELECT ."<br />\n"; 50 $isAll = (count($selected)==0||empty($selected[0]))?true:false; 51 $form .= " <select name=\"options[]\" multiple=\"multiple\">\n"; 52 $form .= "\t<option value=\"0\" "; 53 if ($isAll) $form .= " selected=\"selected\""; 54 $form .= ">"._MB_XP2_ALL ."</option>\n"; 55 ob_start(); 56 dropdown_cats_options('ID','asc',$selected); 57 $list_str = ob_get_contents(); 58 ob_end_clean(); 59 $form .= $list_str. "</select><br />\n"; 60 61 // $form .="<br /><input type='text' size='60' name='options[5]' value='".htmlspecialchars($this_template,ENT_QUOTES)."' />"; 49 $form .= categorie_select('options[8]' , $cat_select); 62 50 63 51 return $form; -
r339 r451 20 20 $this_template = empty( $options[1] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_widget_block.html' : trim( $options[1] ); 21 21 $title_show = empty( $options[2] ) ? false : true ; 22 $selected = array_slice($options,3); // get allowed cats 22 $widget_select = empty( $options[3] ) ? '' : $options[3] ; 23 24 $selected = explode(',' , $widget_select); 23 25 24 26 if ($mydirname == 'wordpress'){ … … 48 50 $form .= "<br />"; 49 51 $form .= _MB_XP2_SELECT_WIDGET .":<br />\n"; 50 $select = " <select name='options[]' multiple=\"multiple\">\n"; 52 $form .= "<input type='hidden' name='options[3]' value='$widget_select' />\n"; 53 54 $select = " <select name='widget_sel' multiple=\"multiple\" onclick=\"WidgetSelect()\">\n"; 51 55 $found = false; 52 56 foreach ( (array) $sidebars_widgets as $index => $sidebar ){ … … 67 71 68 72 $select .= "</select><br/>\n"; 73 $select .= ' 74 <script type="text/javascript"> 75 function WidgetSelect(){ 76 var idx=new Array(); 77 var sel=document.forms["blockform"].elements["widget_sel"].options; 78 for(var i=0, n=0; i<sel.length; i++){ 79 if(sel[i].selected){ idx[n++]=sel[i].value; } 80 } 81 if(idx.length>0){ 82 document.forms["blockform"].elements["options[3]"].value = idx; 83 } 84 } 85 </script> 86 '; 87 69 88 if ($found){ 70 89 $form = $form . $select; -
r300 r451 218 218 $option_arr_2 = explode( '|', $block_obj->getVar('options', 'n') ); 219 219 220 $excludes_block = array( 'widget_block.php','popular_posts_block.php','recent_comments_block.php','recent_posts_content_block.php','recent_posts_list_block.php');220 $excludes_block = array(); 221 221 222 222 if (in_array($info['file'],$excludes_block)){ -
r421 r451 14 14 15 15 require_once $xoops_config->xoops_mainfile_path; //It is necessary to execute it for the user attestation before wp-settings.php. 16 unset($offset); 16 17 require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-settings.php'); 17 18 if (!is_object($xoopsUser)){ // before login auth cookie clear -
r406 r451 137 137 } 138 138 139 function get_block_file_path($mydirname,$file_name)140 {141 global $xoops_config;142 $mydirpath = $xoops_config->xoops_root_path . '/modules/' . $mydirname;143 $select_theme = get_xpress_theme_name($mydirname);144 $block_file = $mydirpath . '/wp-content/themes/' . $select_theme . '/blocks/' . $file_name;145 146 if (!file_exists($block_file))147 $block_file = $xoops_config->xoops_root_path . '/modules/' .$mydirname . '/wp-content/themes/xpress_default/blocks/' . $file_name;148 return $block_file;149 }150 139 151 140 function xpress_block_cache_found($mydirname,$block_name) … … 184 173 if (strstr($call_url,$this_url)){ 185 174 $block_theme_file = get_block_file_path($mydirname,$inc_theme_file_name); 186 require_once $block_theme_file ;175 require_once $block_theme_file['file_path']; 187 176 $block = $call_theme_function_name($options); //The block name and the called function name should be assumed to be the same name. 177 if (!empty($block_theme_file['error'])) 178 $block['err_message'] = $block_theme_file['error']; 188 179 } else { 189 180 if (xpress_block_cache_found($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID)){ … … 227 218 228 219 $block_theme_file = get_block_file_path($mydirname,$inc_theme_file_name); 229 require_once $block_theme_file ;220 require_once $block_theme_file['file_path']; 230 221 $render = $call_theme_function_name($options); //The block name and the called function name should be assumed to be the same name. 231 222 $render_array['block'] = $render; 232 223 $render_array['block']['options'] = $block->options; 224 if (!empty($block_theme_file['error'])) 225 $render_array['block']['err_message'] = $block_theme_file['error']; 233 226 if (xpress_block_cache_found($mydirname,$cache_title. $blockID)){ 234 227 $render_serialize = xpress_XML_serialize($render_array); … … 295 288 } 296 289 } 297 290 298 291 } 299 292 ?> -
r59 r451 1 1 <?php 2 function get_breadcrumbs(){ 2 3 // $xoops_breadcrumbs[0] = array( 'name' => get_bloginfo('description') , 'url' => get_settings('home')); 3 4 $xoops_breadcrumbs[0] = array( 'name' => get_bloginfo('name') , 'url' => get_settings('home')); … … 46 47 } 47 48 } 48 $xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_breadcrumbs', $xoops_breadcrumbs); 49 return $xoops_breadcrumbs; 50 } 49 51 ?> -
r422 r451 11 11 12 12 $pattern = "<head[^>]*?>(.*)<\/head>"; 13 preg_match("/".$pattern."/s", $body_cut, $head_matches); 14 $head_str = $head_matches[1]; 15 13 $head_str = ''; 14 if (preg_match("/".$pattern."/s", $body_cut, $head_matches)){ 15 $head_str = $head_matches[1]; 16 } 16 17 $pattern = '<head[^>]*?>'; 17 18 $head_str = preg_replace("/".$pattern."/s" , '' , $head_str); … … 51 52 { 52 53 $pattern = '<title[^>]*?>(.*)<\s*\/\s*title\s*>'; 53 preg_match("/".$pattern."/i", $contents, $head_matches); 54 $title_str = $head_matches[1]; 54 $title_str = ''; 55 if (preg_match("/".$pattern."/i", $contents, $head_matches)){ 56 $title_str = $head_matches[1]; 57 } 55 58 return $title_str; 56 59 } … … 59 62 { 60 63 $pattern = '<\s*meta\s+name\s*=\s*["\']' . $name . '["\']\s*content\s*=\s*[\'"](.*)[\'"]\s*\/\s*>'; 61 preg_match("/".$pattern."/i", $contents, $head_matches); 62 $meta = $head_matches[1]; 64 $meta = ''; 65 if (preg_match("/".$pattern."/i", $contents, $head_matches)){ 66 $meta = @$head_matches[1]; 67 } 63 68 return $meta; 64 69 } … … 89 94 $xpess_config = new XPressME_Class(); 90 95 $pattern = "<body[^>]*?>(.*)<\/body>"; 91 preg_match("/".$pattern."/s", $contents, $body_matches); 92 $body = $body_matches[1]; 93 96 $body = ''; 97 if(preg_match("/".$pattern."/s", $contents, $body_matches)){ 98 $body = $body_matches[1]; 99 } 94 100 if (!$xpess_config->is_theme_sidebar_disp){ 95 101 $side_panel = get_sidebar_rander(); … … 151 157 152 158 require_once( ABSPATH .'/include/xpress_breadcrumbs.php' ); 153 159 $xoops_breadcrumbs = get_breadcrumbs(); 160 154 161 xpress_remake_global_for_permlink(); 155 162 $mydirname = basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); 156 163 include $xoops_config->xoops_root_path ."/header.php"; 164 $xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_breadcrumbs', $xoops_breadcrumbs); 157 165 $xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_module_header', get_xpress_module_header($contents)); 158 166 $page_title = $GLOBALS["xoopsModule"]->getVar("name"). ' »'. get_xpress_title($contents); … … 216 224 $xpress_data['body_contents'] = get_body($contents); 217 225 // used $GLOBALS. becose xpress_left_arrow_post_link() and xpress_right_arrow_post_link() is other loop in this position 218 $xpress_data['left_post_link'] = $GLOBALS['left_arrow_post_link'];219 $xpress_data['right_post_link'] = $GLOBALS['right_arrow_post_link'];226 $xpress_data['left_post_link'] = @$GLOBALS['left_arrow_post_link']; 227 $xpress_data['right_post_link'] = @$GLOBALS['right_arrow_post_link']; 220 228 $xpress_data['left_posts_link'] = str_replace('«','',xpress_left_arrow_posts_link('echo=0')); 221 229 $xpress_data['right_posts_link'] = str_replace('»','',xpress_right_arrow_posts_link('echo=0')); -
r425 r451 43 43 define("_MB_XP2_NONE","None"); 44 44 define("_MB_XP2_TODAY","Today"); 45 define("_MB_XP2_LA STES","Lastes");45 define("_MB_XP2_LATEST","Latest"); 46 46 define("_MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN","Between"); 47 47 define("_MB_XP2_DAYS_AND","and"); -
r425 r451 43 43 define("_MB_XP2_NONE","なし"); 44 44 define("_MB_XP2_TODAY","本日の投稿"); 45 define("_MB_XP2_LA STES","最新の投稿");45 define("_MB_XP2_LATEST","最新の投稿"); 46 46 define("_MB_XP2_DAY_BETWEEN",""); 47 47 define("_MB_XP2_DAYS_AND","から"); -
r428 r451 792 792 793 793 $week_begins = intval(get_option('start_of_week')); 794 $head_pattrn = '<thead>\s*<tr>\s*(<th[^>]*> .*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>.*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>.*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>.*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>.*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>.*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>.*<\/th>)\s*<\/tr>\s*<\/thead>';794 $head_pattrn = '<thead>\s*<tr>\s*(<th[^>]*>[^<]*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>[^<]*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>[^<]*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>[^<]*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>[^<]*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>[^<]*<\/th>)\s*(<th[^>]*>[^<]*<\/th>)\s*<\/tr>\s*<\/thead>'; 795 795 if(preg_match('/'. $head_pattrn . '/s' ,$calendar,$head_match)){ 796 796 $sun_index = 1 - $week_begins; -
r389 r451 365 365 } 366 366 367 function get_block_file_path($mydirname,$file_name) 368 { 369 global $xoops_config, $xpress_config; 370 $mydirpath = $xoops_config->xoops_root_path . '/modules/' . $mydirname; 371 $select_theme = xpress_ThemeTemplate(get_xpress_theme_name($mydirname)); 372 $xpress_default_theme = 'xpress_default'; 373 $select_block = '/wp-content/themes/' . $select_theme . '/blocks/' . $file_name; 374 $default_block = '/wp-content/themes/xpress_default/blocks/' . $file_name; 375 $select_block_path = $mydirpath . $select_block; 376 $default_block_path = $mydirpath . $default_block; 377 378 $block_file_data = array(); 379 $block_file_data['file_path'] = $default_block_path; 380 $block_file_data['error'] = ''; 381 382 if($select_theme != $xpress_default_theme){ 383 if (file_exists($select_block_path)){ 384 $select_block_version = get_block_version($select_block_path); 385 $default_block_version = get_block_version($default_block_path); 386 if (version_compare($select_block_version,$default_block_version, "<")){ 387 $block_file_data['file_path'] = $default_block_path; 388 if ($xpress_config->is_block_error_display){ 389 $error_str = '<div style="color:red">'; 390 $error_str .= sprintf(__('Block file %1$s is an old version %2$s.<br />used block file %3$s of new version %4$s.','xpressme'),$select_block,$select_block_version,$default_block,$default_block_version); 391 $error_str .= '</div>'; 392 $block_file_data['error'] = $error_str; 393 } 394 } else { 395 $block_file_data['file_path'] = $select_block_path; 396 $block_file_data['error'] = ''; 397 } 398 } 399 } 400 return $block_file_data; 401 } 402 403 function get_block_version($file_path = ''){ 404 $array_file = file($file_path); 405 $pattern = '^[\s|\/]*[B|b]lock\s+[V|v]ersion\s*[:|;]\s*([0-9|.]*)'; 406 $version = '0.1'; 407 if (empty($file_path)) return $version; 408 if (!file_exists($file_path)) return $version; 409 if (count($array_file) > 5) $file_count = 5; else $file_count = count($array_file); 410 for ($i = 0 ; $i < $file_count ; $i++){ 411 if (preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/' ,$array_file[$i],$matchs)){ 412 $version = $matchs[1]; 413 break; 414 } 415 } 416 return $version; 417 } 418 367 419 ?> -
r406 r451 8 8 "Project-Id-Version: XPressME Plugin\n" 9 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-1 0-06 21:59+0900\n"11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-1 0-06 22:00+0900\n"10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-11-20 12:51+0900\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-20 12:51+0900\n" 12 12 "Last-Translator: toemon <>\n" 13 13 "Language-Team: toemon <>\n" … … 23 23 "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" 24 24 25 #: xpressme.php: 3325 #: xpressme.php:59 26 26 msgid "Display Settings" 27 27 msgstr "表示設定" 28 28 29 #: xpressme.php: 3429 #: xpressme.php:60 30 30 msgid "Integration Settings" 31 31 msgstr "統合設定" 32 32 33 #: xpressme.php: 3533 #: xpressme.php:61 34 34 msgid "Other Settings" 35 35 msgstr "その他の設定" 36 36 37 #: xpressme.php: 3737 #: xpressme.php:63 38 38 msgid "Upgrade" 39 39 msgstr "アップグレード" 40 40 41 #: xpressme.php: 3841 #: xpressme.php:64 42 42 msgid "to Modules Admin" 43 43 msgstr "モジュール管理へ" 44 44 45 #: xpressme.php:1 3845 #: xpressme.php:164 46 46 msgid "XPressME Display Setting" 47 47 msgstr "XPressME 表示設定" 48 48 49 #: xpressme.php:1 4449 #: xpressme.php:170 50 50 msgid "Thema Sidebar Display" 51 51 msgstr "テーマ表示時にサイドバー表示する。" 52 52 53 #: xpressme.php:1 4554 #: xpressme.php:2 3555 #: xpressme.php:2 4156 #: xpressme.php:2 4657 #: xpressme.php:2 5258 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8359 #: xpressme_class.php: 29960 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3161 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4253 #: xpressme.php:171 54 #: xpressme.php:263 55 #: xpressme.php:269 56 #: xpressme.php:274 57 #: xpressme.php:280 58 #: xpressme_class.php:296 59 #: xpressme_class.php:314 60 #: xpressme_class.php:445 61 #: xpressme_class.php:456 62 62 msgid "YES" 63 63 msgstr "はい" 64 64 65 #: xpressme.php:1 4666 #: xpressme.php:2 3667 #: xpressme.php:2 4268 #: xpressme.php:2 4769 #: xpressme.php:2 5370 #: xpressme_class.php:2 8471 #: xpressme_class.php:3 0072 #: xpressme_class.php:4 3273 #: xpressme_class.php:4 4365 #: xpressme.php:172 66 #: xpressme.php:264 67 #: xpressme.php:270 68 #: xpressme.php:275 69 #: xpressme.php:281 70 #: xpressme_class.php:297 71 #: xpressme_class.php:315 72 #: xpressme_class.php:446 73 #: xpressme_class.php:457 74 74 msgid "NO" 75 75 msgstr "いいえ" 76 76 77 #: xpressme.php:1 5578 #: xpressme.php:2 0479 #: xpressme.php:2 5877 #: xpressme.php:181 78 #: xpressme.php:232 79 #: xpressme.php:291 80 80 msgid "Update Config" 81 81 msgstr "更新" 82 82 83 #: xpressme.php:1 5684 #: xpressme.php:2 0585 #: xpressme.php:2 5983 #: xpressme.php:182 84 #: xpressme.php:233 85 #: xpressme.php:292 86 86 msgid "Preset Config" 87 87 msgstr "プリセット" 88 88 89 #: xpressme.php: 18889 #: xpressme.php:214 90 90 msgid "XPressME Integration Setting" 91 91 msgstr "XPressME 統合設定" 92 92 93 #: xpressme.php: 19393 #: xpressme.php:218 94 94 msgid "Media Upload Base Path" 95 95 msgstr "メディアアップロードのベースパス設定" 96 96 97 #: xpressme.php: 19497 #: xpressme.php:222 98 98 msgid "Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH" 99 99 msgstr "XOOPSのアップロードパスを使用する。" 100 100 101 #: xpressme.php: 195101 #: xpressme.php:223 102 102 msgid "USE WordPress BASE_PATH" 103 103 msgstr "WordPressのベースパスを使用する。" 104 104 105 #: xpressme.php:2 29105 #: xpressme.php:257 106 106 msgid "XPressME Other Setting" 107 107 msgstr "XPressME その他の設定" 108 108 109 #: xpressme.php:2 34109 #: xpressme.php:262 110 110 msgid "The change tracking of the post is preserved" 111 111 msgstr "投稿の変更履歴を有効にする。" 112 112 113 #: xpressme.php:2 40113 #: xpressme.php:268 114 114 msgid "Select Multi user mode" 115 115 msgstr "マルチユーザーモードを選択" 116 116 117 #: xpressme.php:2 45117 #: xpressme.php:273 118 118 msgid "Is the posts author views counted?" 119 119 msgstr "投稿者の閲覧をカウントしますか?" 120 120 121 #: xpressme.php:2 51121 #: xpressme.php:279 122 122 msgid "Is SQL debugging window displayed?" 123 123 msgstr "SQLデバッグウィンドを表示しますか?" 124 124 125 #: xpressme.php:275 126 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 127 msgstr "XPressME アップグレード" 128 129 #: xpressme.php:289 130 #, php-format 131 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 132 msgstr "お使いの XPressME Integration Kit は開発版 (%1$s) です。すばらしい ! どうぞ<a href=\"%2$s\">最新版を使い続けてください</a>。" 133 134 #: xpressme.php:293 135 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 136 msgstr "新しいバージョンの XPressME Integration Kit にアップグレードが可能です" 137 138 #: xpressme.php:296 139 #, php-format 140 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 141 msgstr "バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 142 143 #: xpressme.php:299 144 #, php-format 145 msgid "Download %s" 146 msgstr "%s をダウンロード" 147 148 #: xpressme.php:302 149 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 150 msgstr "最新バージョンの XPressME Integration Kit をご利用中です。アップグレードの必要はありません。" 151 152 #: xpressme.php:306 153 #, php-format 154 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 155 msgstr "現在、<a href=\"%s\">version check API</a>からのレスポンスがありません。 申し訳ありませんが、しばらく後で確認してください。" 156 157 #: xpressme.php:425 158 #, php-format 159 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 160 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! <a href=\"%2$s\">アップデートしてください</a>。" 161 162 #: xpressme.php:427 163 #, php-format 164 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 165 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! サイト管理者に連絡してください。" 166 167 #: xpressme_class.php:55 168 #: xpressme_class.php:232 125 #: xpressme.php:284 126 msgid "Select warning display of block file version check" 127 msgstr "ブロックファイルのバージョンチェック時における警告表示" 128 129 #: xpressme.php:285 130 msgid "Do display" 131 msgstr "表示する" 132 133 #: xpressme.php:286 134 msgid "Do not display" 135 msgstr "表示しない" 136 137 #: xpressme_class.php:61 138 #: xpressme_class.php:243 169 139 msgid "Older Post" 170 140 msgstr "前の投稿へ" 171 141 172 #: xpressme_class.php: 56173 #: xpressme_class.php:2 35142 #: xpressme_class.php:62 143 #: xpressme_class.php:246 174 144 msgid "Newer Post" 175 145 msgstr "次の投稿へ" 176 146 177 #: xpressme_class.php: 58178 #: xpressme_class.php:2 38147 #: xpressme_class.php:64 148 #: xpressme_class.php:249 179 149 msgid "Older Entries" 180 150 msgstr "前ページへ" 181 151 182 #: xpressme_class.php: 59183 #: xpressme_class.php:2 41152 #: xpressme_class.php:65 153 #: xpressme_class.php:252 184 154 msgid "Newer Entries" 185 155 msgstr "次ページへ" 186 156 187 #: xpressme_class.php:7 3188 #: xpressme_class.php: 74189 #: xpressme_class.php:2 44157 #: xpressme_class.php:79 158 #: xpressme_class.php:80 159 #: xpressme_class.php:255 190 160 msgid "Read the rest of this entry »" 191 161 msgstr "この投稿の続きを読む »" 192 162 193 #: xpressme_class.php:3 42163 #: xpressme_class.php:356 194 164 msgid "Single Post Navi Setting" 195 165 msgstr "シングルポストナビの設定" 196 166 197 #: xpressme_class.php:3 47198 #: xpressme_class.php: 392167 #: xpressme_class.php:361 168 #: xpressme_class.php:406 199 169 msgid "Adjustment of Navi link display position" 200 170 msgstr "リンクの表示位置設定" 201 171 202 #: xpressme_class.php:3 50172 #: xpressme_class.php:364 203 173 msgid "'Old Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the right" 204 174 msgstr "以前の記事へのリンクを左に、より新しい記事へのリンクを右に表示" 205 175 206 #: xpressme_class.php:3 51176 #: xpressme_class.php:365 207 177 msgid "'Newer Post Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Post Link' is displayed in the right" 208 178 msgstr "より新しい記事へのリンクを左に、古い記事へのリンクを右に表示" 209 179 210 #: xpressme_class.php:3 57180 #: xpressme_class.php:371 211 181 msgid "Select Display name of PostNavi Link" 212 182 msgstr "表示するリンクテキストを選択" 213 183 214 #: xpressme_class.php:3 60184 #: xpressme_class.php:374 215 185 msgid "Title of post" 216 186 msgstr "投稿記事のタイトルを表示" 217 187 218 #: xpressme_class.php:3 61188 #: xpressme_class.php:375 219 189 msgid "Title of Navi" 220 190 msgstr "ナビタイトルを表示" 221 191 222 #: xpressme_class.php:3 67192 #: xpressme_class.php:381 223 193 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Post Link" 224 194 msgstr "古い記事へのナビタイトルを設定" 225 195 226 #: xpressme_class.php:3 74196 #: xpressme_class.php:388 227 197 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Post Link" 228 198 msgstr "より新しい記事へのナビタイトルを設定" 229 199 230 #: xpressme_class.php: 387200 #: xpressme_class.php:401 231 201 msgid "Posts List Page Navi Setting" 232 202 msgstr "ポストリストページナビの設定" 233 203 234 #: xpressme_class.php: 395204 #: xpressme_class.php:409 235 205 msgid "'Old Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the right" 236 206 msgstr "古いページへのリンクを左に、より新しいページへのリンクを右に表示" 237 207 238 #: xpressme_class.php: 396208 #: xpressme_class.php:410 239 209 msgid "'Newer Page Link' is displayed in the left, and 'Old Page Link' is displayed in the right" 240 210 msgstr "より新しいページへのリンクを左に、古いページへのリンクを右に表示" 241 211 242 #: xpressme_class.php:4 02212 #: xpressme_class.php:416 243 213 msgid "Display Navi Title of Old Page Link" 244 214 msgstr "古いページへのナビタイトルを設定" 245 215 246 #: xpressme_class.php:4 09216 #: xpressme_class.php:423 247 217 msgid "Display Navi Title of Newer Page Link" 248 218 msgstr "より新しいページへのナビタイトルを設定" 249 219 250 #: xpressme_class.php:4 22220 #: xpressme_class.php:436 251 221 msgid "Dashboard feed Display Setting" 252 222 msgstr "ダッシュボード フィード表示設定" 253 223 254 #: xpressme_class.php:4 28224 #: xpressme_class.php:442 255 225 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Blog" 256 226 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit ブログを表示する。" 257 227 258 #: xpressme_class.php:4 39228 #: xpressme_class.php:453 259 229 msgid "Display XPressMe Integration Kit Forum" 260 230 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit フォーラムを表示する。" 261 231 262 #: xpressme_class.php:4 56232 #: xpressme_class.php:471 263 233 msgid "Role Setting at Login" 264 234 msgstr "ログイン時の権限設定" 265 235 266 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59236 #: xpressme_class.php:474 267 237 msgid "XOOPS Groupe" 268 238 msgstr "XOOPSグループ名" 269 239 270 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59240 #: xpressme_class.php:474 271 241 msgid "WordPress Role" 272 242 msgstr "WordPressでの権限" 273 243 274 #: xpressme_class.php:4 59244 #: xpressme_class.php:474 275 245 msgid "Role is set at each login" 276 246 msgstr "ログイン時、常に権限を更新する" 277 247 278 #: xpressme_class.php: 485279 #: xpressme_class.php: 489280 #: xpressme_class.php: 492248 #: xpressme_class.php:500 249 #: xpressme_class.php:504 250 #: xpressme_class.php:507 281 251 msgid "Default Role of WordPress" 282 252 msgstr "WordPressのデフォルト権限" 283 253 284 #: xpressme_class.php: 486285 #: xpressme_class.php: 490286 #: xpressme_class.php: 493254 #: xpressme_class.php:501 255 #: xpressme_class.php:505 256 #: xpressme_class.php:508 287 257 msgid "Group User Doesn't Register" 288 258 msgstr "ユーザ登録しない" 289 259 290 #: xpressme_class.php:524 260 #: xpressme_class.php:521 261 msgid "Only the Admin can set Group Role Setting" 262 msgstr "管理者だけがグループ権限を設定できます。" 263 264 #: xpressme_class.php:541 291 265 msgid "WordPress MU cannot integrate the comments." 292 266 msgstr "WordPress MUはコメント統合できません。" 293 267 294 #: xpressme_class.php:5 26268 #: xpressme_class.php:543 295 269 msgid "Do Not Comment Integration." 296 270 msgstr "コメント統合しません。" 297 271 298 #: xpressme_class.php:5 61272 #: xpressme_class.php:578 299 273 msgid "Comment integration with D3Forum" 300 274 msgstr "D3Forumとのコメント統合" 301 275 302 #: xpressme_class.php:5 63276 #: xpressme_class.php:580 303 277 msgid "Select the forum of D3Forum that does the comment integration from the following lists." 304 278 msgstr "以下のリストからコメント統合をするD3Forumのフォーラムを選択してください。" 305 279 306 #: xpressme_class.php:5 68280 #: xpressme_class.php:585 307 281 msgid "Select the Type of display of D3Forum comment." 308 282 msgstr "D3Forumの表示タイプを選択" 309 283 310 #: xpressme_class.php:5 70311 #: xpressme_class.php:5 73284 #: xpressme_class.php:587 285 #: xpressme_class.php:590 312 286 msgid "Flat" 313 287 msgstr "フラット" 314 288 315 #: xpressme_class.php:5 71316 #: xpressme_class.php:5 74289 #: xpressme_class.php:588 290 #: xpressme_class.php:591 317 291 msgid "Threaded" 318 292 msgstr "スレッド" 319 293 320 #: xpressme_class.php:5 77294 #: xpressme_class.php:594 321 295 msgid "Select the order of display of D3Forum comment." 322 296 msgstr "D3Forumコメントの表示順を選択" 323 297 324 #: xpressme_class.php:5 79325 #: xpressme_class.php:5 82298 #: xpressme_class.php:596 299 #: xpressme_class.php:599 326 300 msgid "DESC" 327 301 msgstr "降順" 328 302 329 #: xpressme_class.php:5 80330 #: xpressme_class.php: 583303 #: xpressme_class.php:597 304 #: xpressme_class.php:600 331 305 msgid "ASC" 332 306 msgstr "昇順" 333 307 334 #: xpressme_class.php: 586308 #: xpressme_class.php:603 335 309 msgid "Number of displays of D3Forum comments." 336 310 msgstr "D3Forumのコメント表示数" 337 311 338 #: xpressme_class.php: 589312 #: xpressme_class.php:606 339 313 msgid "The import and the export between Wordpress Comments and the D3Forum Posts can be done. " 340 314 msgstr "WordPressコメントとD3Forumポスト間の一括転送(エクスポート・インポート)" 341 315 342 #: xpressme_class.php: 590316 #: xpressme_class.php:607 343 317 msgid "Export to D3Forum" 344 318 msgstr "D3Forumへ一括エクスポート" 345 319 346 #: xpressme_class.php: 591320 #: xpressme_class.php:608 347 321 msgid "Import from D3Forum" 348 322 msgstr "D3Forumから一括インポート" 349 323 350 #: xpressme_class.php:6 04324 #: xpressme_class.php:621 351 325 msgid "Contents Excerpt Setting" 352 326 msgstr "記事抜粋の設定" 353 327 354 #: xpressme_class.php:6 09328 #: xpressme_class.php:626 355 329 msgid "Is the excerpt display done with the archive of contents?" 356 330 msgstr "記事のアーカイブで抜粋表示を行いますか?" 357 331 358 #: xpressme_class.php:6 16332 #: xpressme_class.php:633 359 333 msgid "When ASCII character more than the set ratio is included, it is judged ASCII contents. " 360 334 msgstr "ASCII文字が含まれる比率が設定された値より大きい場合、ASCII文字コンテンツと判断します。" 361 335 362 #: xpressme_class.php:6 23336 #: xpressme_class.php:640 363 337 msgid "Excerpt length of word for ASCII contents" 364 338 msgstr "ASCIIコンテンツの抜粋単語数" 365 339 366 #: xpressme_class.php:6 30340 #: xpressme_class.php:647 367 341 msgid "Excerpt length of character for multibyte contents" 368 342 msgstr "マルチバイトコンテンツの抜粋文字数" 369 343 370 #: xpressme_class.php:6 37344 #: xpressme_class.php:654 371 345 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that reads contents not excerpted.(Is not displayed for the blank.)" 372 346 msgstr "抜粋されていないコンテンツを読むためのリンクに表示されるテキスト(空白の場合リンクを表示しません)" 373 347 374 #: xpressme_class.php:6 44348 #: xpressme_class.php:661 375 349 msgid "This text is displayed in the link that more tag (<!--more-->). " 376 350 msgstr "more タグ (<!--more-->)のリンクに表示されるテキスト" 377 351 378 #: xpressme_class.php:6 56352 #: xpressme_class.php:673 379 353 msgid "Display Mode Setting" 380 354 msgstr "表示モード設定" 381 355 382 #: xpressme_class.php:6 59356 #: xpressme_class.php:676 383 357 msgid "Select the XPressME Display Mode." 384 358 msgstr "XPressMEの表示モードの選択" 385 359 386 #: xpressme_class.php:6 64360 #: xpressme_class.php:681 387 361 msgid "Xoops Mode" 388 362 msgstr "XOOPSモード" 389 363 390 #: xpressme_class.php:6 68364 #: xpressme_class.php:685 391 365 msgid "WordPress Mode" 392 366 msgstr "WordPressモード" 393 367 394 #: xpressme_class.php:6 72368 #: xpressme_class.php:689 395 369 msgid "User select" 396 370 msgstr "ユーザによる選択" 397 371 398 #: xpressme_class.php:6 77372 #: xpressme_class.php:694 399 373 msgid "Select the theme used in the XOOPS Mode." 400 374 msgstr "XOOPSモードで使用するテーマを選択" 401 375 402 #: xpressme_class.php:6 82376 #: xpressme_class.php:699 403 377 msgid "Use WordPress Selected Themes" 404 378 msgstr "WordPressで選択したテーマを使う" 405 379 406 #: xpressme_class.php:7 00380 #: xpressme_class.php:717 407 381 msgid "Header Meta Option" 408 382 msgstr "ヘッダメタ オプション" 409 383 410 #: xpressme_class.php:7 05384 #: xpressme_class.php:722 411 385 msgid "Select the Header keyword." 412 386 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するキーワードの選択" 413 387 414 #: xpressme_class.php:7 10388 #: xpressme_class.php:727 415 389 msgid "Xoops KeyWord" 416 390 msgstr "XOOPSのキーワード" 417 391 418 #: xpressme_class.php:7 13392 #: xpressme_class.php:730 419 393 msgid "WordPress KeyWord" 420 394 msgstr "WordPressのキーワード" 421 395 422 #: xpressme_class.php:7 16396 #: xpressme_class.php:733 423 397 msgid "WordPress & Xoops KeyWord" 424 398 msgstr "WordPressjとXOOPSのキーワード" 425 399 426 #: xpressme_class.php:7 22400 #: xpressme_class.php:739 427 401 msgid "Select the Header Description." 428 402 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するディスクリプション(説明)の選択" 429 403 430 #: xpressme_class.php:7 27404 #: xpressme_class.php:744 431 405 msgid "Xoops Description" 432 406 msgstr "XOOPSのディスクリプション" 433 407 434 #: xpressme_class.php:7 30408 #: xpressme_class.php:747 435 409 msgid "WordPress Description" 436 410 msgstr "WordPressのディスクリプション" 437 411 438 #: xpressme_class.php:7 33412 #: xpressme_class.php:750 439 413 msgid "WordPress & Xoops Description" 440 414 msgstr "WordPressとXOOPSのディスクリプション" 441 415 442 #: xpressme_class.php:7 39416 #: xpressme_class.php:756 443 417 msgid "Select the Header Robots Index." 444 418 msgstr "ヘッダで使用するロボットインデックスの選択" 445 419 446 #: xpressme_class.php:7 44420 #: xpressme_class.php:761 447 421 msgid "Xoops Robots Index" 448 422 msgstr "XOOPSのロボットインデックス" 449 423 450 #: xpressme_class.php:7 47424 #: xpressme_class.php:764 451 425 msgid "WordPress Robots Index" 452 426 msgstr "WordPressのロボットインデックス" 453 427 454 #: xpressme_class.php:7 76428 #: xpressme_class.php:793 455 429 #, php-format 456 430 msgid "Unable to create directory %s. Is its parent directory writable by the server?" 457 431 msgstr "%s ディレクトリーが作成できません。サーバーの親ディレクトリー書き込み権限があるか確認くださいr?" 458 432 433 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:17 434 msgid "XPressME User Menu Widget" 435 msgstr "XPressME ユーザメニュー ウィジェット" 436 437 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:19 438 msgid "XPressME MENU" 439 msgstr "XPressME メニュー" 440 441 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:143 442 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:195 443 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:200 444 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:205 445 msgid "Link" 446 msgstr "リンク" 447 448 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:144 449 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:160 450 msgid "Site Home" 451 msgstr "サイトホーム" 452 453 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:145 454 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:165 455 msgid "Add New" 456 msgstr "新規投稿" 457 458 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:146 459 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:170 460 msgid "User Profile" 461 msgstr "ユーザプロファイル" 462 463 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:147 464 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:176 465 msgid "WordPress Admin" 466 msgstr "WordPress管理" 467 468 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:148 469 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:181 470 msgid "Module Admin" 471 msgstr "モジュール管理" 472 473 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:149 474 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:186 475 msgid "XPressME Setting" 476 msgstr "XPressME設定" 477 478 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:150 479 msgid "Display Mode Select" 480 msgstr "表示モード選択" 481 482 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:152 483 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:171 484 msgid "Auto Setting" 485 msgstr "自動設定" 486 487 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:157 488 msgid "User Menu" 489 msgstr "ユーザメニュー" 490 491 #: xpressme_widget_class.php:245 492 msgid "Title:" 493 msgstr "タイトル:" 494 459 495 #: include/custom_functions.php:74 460 496 #, php-format … … 463 499 464 500 #: include/custom_functions.php:429 465 #: include/custom_functions.php:45 4501 #: include/custom_functions.php:459 466 502 #, php-format 467 503 msgid "views :%d" 468 504 msgstr "閲覧数 :%d" 469 505 470 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 08506 #: include/custom_functions.php:623 471 507 msgid "Main" 472 508 msgstr "メイン" 473 509 474 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 11510 #: include/custom_functions.php:626 475 511 #, php-format 476 512 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Category" 477 513 msgstr "カテゴリー ‘%s’ のアーカイブ" 478 514 479 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 14515 #: include/custom_functions.php:629 480 516 #, php-format 481 517 msgid "Posts Tagged ‘%s’" 482 518 msgstr "‘%s’ タグのついている投稿" 483 519 484 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17520 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 485 521 #, php-format 486 522 msgid "Archive for %s|Daily archive page" 487 523 msgstr "%sの日別アーカイブ" 488 524 489 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 17525 #: include/custom_functions.php:632 490 526 msgid "F jS, Y" 491 527 msgstr "Y年n月j日" 492 528 493 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19529 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 494 530 #, php-format 495 531 msgid "Archive for %s|Monthly archive page" 496 532 msgstr "%sの月別アーカイブ" 497 533 498 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 19534 #: include/custom_functions.php:634 499 535 msgid "F, Y" 500 536 msgstr "Y年n月" 501 537 502 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21538 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 503 539 #, php-format 504 540 msgid "Archive for %s|Yearly archive page" 505 541 msgstr "%sの年別アーカイブ " 506 542 507 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 21543 #: include/custom_functions.php:636 508 544 msgid "Y" 509 545 msgstr "Y年" 510 546 511 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 24547 #: include/custom_functions.php:639 512 548 #, php-format 513 549 msgid "Archive for the ‘%s’ Author" 514 550 msgstr "投稿者 ‘%s’ のアーカイブ" 515 551 516 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 27552 #: include/custom_functions.php:642 517 553 #, php-format 518 554 msgid "Search Results of word ‘%s’" 519 555 msgstr "‘%s’ の検索結果" 520 556 521 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 33522 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 35557 #: include/custom_functions.php:648 558 #: include/custom_functions.php:650 523 559 #, php-format 524 560 msgid "Article of %s" 525 561 msgstr "%sの記事" 526 562 527 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 57563 #: include/custom_functions.php:672 528 564 #, php-format 529 565 msgid "From %1$s on site %2$s" 530 566 msgstr "サイト %2$s の %1$s より" 531 567 532 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 78568 #: include/custom_functions.php:693 533 569 msgid "No Trackback/Pingback" 534 570 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバックはありません" 535 571 536 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 79572 #: include/custom_functions.php:694 537 573 msgid "One Trackback/Pingback" 538 574 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバック 1 件" 539 575 540 #: include/custom_functions.php:6 80576 #: include/custom_functions.php:695 541 577 msgid "% TrackBack/Pingback" 542 578 msgstr "トラックバック・ピンバック % 件" … … 584 620 msgstr "WordPressモードへ切替" 585 621 622 #: include/xpress_common_functions.php:390 623 #, php-format 624 msgid "Block file %1$s is an old version %2$s.<br />used block file %3$s of new version %4$s." 625 msgstr "ブロックファイル %1$s は古いバージョン %2$s の為、<br /> 新しいバージョン %4$s のブロックファイル %3$s を使用します。" 626 627 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:13 628 msgid "XPressME Upgrade" 629 msgstr "XPressME アップグレード" 630 631 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:28 632 #, php-format 633 msgid "You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href=\"%2$s\">stay updated</a>." 634 msgstr "お使いの XPressME Integration Kit は開発版 (%1$s) です。すばらしい ! どうぞ<a href=\"%2$s\">最新版を使い続けてください</a>。" 635 636 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:32 637 msgid "There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade" 638 msgstr "新しいバージョンの XPressME Integration Kit にアップグレードが可能です" 639 640 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:35 641 #, php-format 642 msgid "You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:" 643 msgstr "バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 644 645 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:38 646 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:61 647 #, php-format 648 msgid "Download %s" 649 msgstr "%s をダウンロード" 650 651 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:43 652 #, php-format 653 msgid "You can download the differential file from version %s to %s and upgrade it manually:" 654 msgstr "バージョン%sから%sへの差分ファイルをダウンロードし、手動でアップグレードすることができます:" 655 656 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:46 657 #, php-format 658 msgid "Download differential file for %s" 659 msgstr "%sの差分ファイルをダウンロード" 660 661 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:50 662 msgid "You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade" 663 msgstr "最新バージョンの XPressME Integration Kit をご利用中です。アップグレードの必要はありません。" 664 665 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:58 666 #, php-format 667 msgid "You can use the development version %s download the package and install it manually:" 668 msgstr "開発バージョン %s のパッケージを手動でダウンロードしてインストールすることができます。" 669 670 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:67 671 #, php-format 672 msgid "There is no response from <a href=\"%s\">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after." 673 msgstr "現在、<a href=\"%s\">version check API</a>からのレスポンスがありません。 申し訳ありませんが、しばらく後で確認してください。" 674 675 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:212 676 #, php-format 677 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href=\"%2$s\">Please update now</a>." 678 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! <a href=\"%2$s\">アップデートしてください</a>。" 679 680 #: include/xpress_upgrade.php:214 681 #, php-format 682 msgid "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator." 683 msgstr "XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s が利用可能です ! サイト管理者に連絡してください。" 684 685 #~ msgid "Title" 686 #~ msgstr "タイトル" 687 #~ msgid "URL" 688 #~ msgstr "URL" 586 689 #~ msgid "more" 587 690 #~ msgstr "続きを読む" -
r413 r451 22 22 require_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/include/functions_for_wp_old.php' ; 23 23 24 if (!is_wordpress_style() && ( !empty($xpress_config->theme_select) || $xpress_config->theme_select != 'use_wordpress_select') ){ 25 add_filter('stylesheet', 'xpress_Stylesheet'); 26 add_filter('template', 'xpress_ThemeTemplate'); 27 } 28 function xpress_Stylesheet($stylesheet) { 29 global $xpress_config; 30 $theme = $xpress_config->theme_select; 31 $theme = get_theme($theme); 32 33 if (empty($theme)) { 34 return $stylesheet; 35 } 36 return $theme['Stylesheet']; 37 } 38 39 function xpress_ThemeTemplate($template) { 40 global $xpress_config; 41 $theme = $xpress_config->theme_select; 42 $theme = get_theme($theme); 43 44 if (empty($theme)) { 45 return $template; 46 } 47 return $theme['Template']; 48 } 49 24 50 function my_plugin_menu() 25 51 { … … 190 216 echo '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . '">'."\n" ; 191 217 echo '<table class="form-table">'."\n"; 218 $upload_title = __('Media Upload Base Path','xpressme'); 219 if($xoops_config->is_wpmu) $upload_title = $upload_title . '(WPMU is not select)'; 192 220 echo $xpress_config->yes_no_radio_option('is_use_xoops_upload_path', 193 __('Media Upload Base Path','xpressme'),221 $upload_title, 194 222 __('Use XOOPS UPLOAD PATH','xpressme'), 195 __('USE WordPress BASE_PATH','xpressme') 196 );197 198 echo $xpress_config->groupe_role_option();199 223 __('USE WordPress BASE_PATH','xpressme'), 224 $xoops_config->is_wpmu 225 ); 226 $lock = ($xoops_config->module_url != get_bloginfo('url')); 227 echo $xpress_config->groupe_role_option($lock); 200 228 echo $xpress_config->d3forum_option($do_message); 201 229 echo "</table>\n"; … … 253 281 __('NO','xpressme') 254 282 ); 283 echo $xpress_config->yes_no_radio_option('is_block_error_display', 284 __('Select warning display of block file version check','xpressme'), 285 __('Do display','xpressme'), 286 __('Do not display','xpressme') 287 ); 255 288 echo "</table>\n"; 256 289 … … 264 297 } 265 298 266 function upgrade_page() 267 { 268 global $xoops_config,$xpress_config; 269 270 $xpress_version = $xoops_config->module_version . $xoops_config->module_codename; 271 $check_url = "$xpress_version"; 272 273 echo '<div class="wrap">'."\n"; 274 echo '<div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32"><br /></div>'."\n"; 275 echo '<h2>' . __('XPressME Upgrade', 'xpressme') . "</h2><br>\n"; 276 277 if(get_xpress_latest_version()){ 278 $latest = get_option('xpressme_latest_version'); 279 if ($latest) { 280 $site_url=$latest['url']; 281 $package=$latest['package']; 282 $latest_version=$latest['latest_version']; 283 $check_time=$latest['check_time']; 284 } 285 286 287 if (version_compare($xpress_version, $latest_version, '>')){ 288 echo '<h3 class="response">'; 289 printf(__('You are using a XPressME Integration Kit development version (%1$s). Cool! Please <a href="%2$s">stay updated</a>.', 'xpressme') , $xpress_version , $site_url); 290 echo '</h3>'; 291 292 } else if (version_compare($xpress_version, $latest_version, '<')) { 293 echo '<h3 class="response">'. __('There is a new version of XPressME Integration Kit available for upgrade', 'xpressme') . '</h3>'; 294 echo '<p>'; 295 // printf(__('You can upgrade to version %s automatically or download the package and install it manually:'),$latest_version); 296 printf(__('You can upgrade to version %s download the package and install it manually:', 'xpressme'),$latest_version); 297 echo '</p>'; 298 echo '<a class="button" href="' . $package . '">'; 299 printf(__('Download %s', 'xpressme') , $latest_version); 300 echo '</a>'; 301 } else { 302 echo '<h3 class="response">'. __('You have the latest version of XPressME Integration Kit. You do not need to upgrade', 'xpressme') . '</h3>'; 303 } 304 } else { 305 echo '<h3 class="response">'; 306 printf(__('There is no response from <a href="%s">version check API</a> now. sorry, please confirm it after.', 'xpressme'),$check_url); 307 echo "</div>\n"; 308 } 309 } 310 311 function xp_remote_get($url, $headers = ""){ 312 global $xoops_config; 313 $xpress_version = $xoops_config->module_version . $xoops_config->module_codename; 314 315 require_once( $xoops_config->module_path . '/wp-includes/class-snoopy.php'); 316 317 // Snoopy is an HTTP client in PHP 318 $client = new Snoopy(); 319 $client->agent = 'XPressME/' . $xpress_version; 320 $client->read_timeout = 2; 321 if (is_array($headers) ) { 322 $client->rawheaders = $headers; 323 } 324 325 @$client->fetch($url); 326 $response['response']['code'] = $client->status; 327 $response['body'] = $client->results; 328 return $response; 329 return $client; 330 331 } 332 333 function get_xpress_latest_version(){ 334 global $wp_version, $wpdb, $wp_local_package; 335 global $xoops_config; 336 337 $xpress_version = $xoops_config->module_version . $xoops_config->module_codename; 338 339 $check_url = "$xpress_version"; 340 $request_options = array( 341 'timeout' => 3, 342 'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) 343 ); 344 345 if (! function_exists('wp_remote_get')) { 346 $response = xp_remote_get($check_url); 347 348 if (empty($response['body'])) return false; 349 } else { 350 351 $response = wp_remote_get($check_url, $request_options); 352 353 if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) 354 return false; 355 } 356 if ( 200 != $response['response']['code'] ) 357 return false; 358 $body = trim( $response['body'] ); 359 $body = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $body); 360 $returns = explode("\n", $body); 361 $response = $returns[0]; 362 if ( isset( $returns[1] ) ) 363 $url = clean_url( $returns[1] ); 364 if ( isset( $returns[2] ) ) 365 $package = clean_url( $returns[2] ); 366 if ( isset( $returns[3] ) ) 367 $latest_version = $returns[3]; 368 369 $write_options = array ( 370 'url' => $url , 371 'package' => $package , 372 'latest_version' => $latest_version , 373 'check_time' => time() 374 ); 375 376 $latest_version = get_option('xpressme_latest_version'); 377 if (!$latest_version) { 378 add_option('xpressme_latest_version', $write_options); 379 } else { 380 update_option('xpressme_latest_version', $write_options); 381 } 382 return true; 383 } 384 385 function xpress_update_check() { 386 if ( defined('WP_INSTALLING') ) 387 return; 388 global $pagenow; 389 390 $php_query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; 391 392 if ( 'admin.php' == $pagenow && 'page=upgrade_page' == $php_query_string) 393 return; 394 395 global $wp_version, $wpdb, $wp_local_package; 396 global $xoops_config; 397 398 $php_query_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; 399 $xpress_version = $xoops_config->module_version . $xoops_config->module_codename; 400 401 $latest = get_option('xpressme_latest_version'); 402 if (!$latest ) { 403 get_xpress_latest_version(); 404 $latest = get_option('xpressme_latest_version'); 405 } 406 407 if ($latest) { 408 $next_check = $latest['check_time'] + (60*60*24); 409 $now_time = time(); 410 if ($next_check < $now_time ){ 411 get_xpress_latest_version(); 412 $latest = get_option('xpressme_latest_version'); 413 } 414 } 415 416 if ($latest) { 417 $url=$latest['url']; 418 $package=$latest['package']; 419 $latest_version=$latest['latest_version']; 420 $check_time=$latest['check_time']; 421 $upgrade_page = $xoops_config->module_url . "/wp-admin/admin.php?page=upgrade_page"; 422 423 if (version_compare($xpress_version, $latest_version, '<')) { 424 if ( current_user_can('manage_options') ){ 425 $msg = sprintf( __('XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! <a href="%2$s">Please update now</a>.', 'xpressme'), $latest_version, $upgrade_page ); 426 } else { 427 $msg = sprintf( __('XPressME Integration Kit Version %1$s is available! Please notify the site administrator.', 'xpressme'), $latest_version ); 428 } 429 echo "<div id='update-nag'>$msg </div>"; 430 } 431 } 432 } 433 299 include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/include/xpress_upgrade.php' ; 434 300 add_action( 'admin_notices', 'xpress_update_check', 3 ); 435 301 436 302 include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/include/dashboard_feed.php' ; 437 303 304 include_once dirname( __FILE__ ).'/xpressme_widget_class.php' ; 305 438 306 ?> -
r406 r451 36 36 var $is_dashboard_forum_disp; 37 37 var $theme_select; 38 var $is_block_error_display; 38 39 //constructor 39 40 function XPressME_Class() … … 86 87 $this->is_dashboard_forum_disp = true; 87 88 $this->theme_select = 'use_wordpress_select'; 89 $this->is_block_error_display = true; 88 90 } 89 91 … … 143 145 'is_dashboard_blog_disp' => $this->is_dashboard_blog_disp, 144 146 'is_dashboard_forum_disp' => $this->is_dashboard_forum_disp, 145 'theme_select' => $this->theme_select 147 'theme_select' => $this->theme_select, 148 'is_block_error_display' => $this->is_block_error_display 146 149 ); 147 150 if ($mode == 'add_new') { -
r406 r451 16 16 function XPress_Menu_Widget(){ 17 17 $widget_ops = array('classname' => 'widget_xpress', 'description' => __( "XPressME User Menu Widget") ); 18 $control_ops = array('width' => 400, 'height' => 300);18 $control_ops = array('width' => 600, 'height' => 300); 19 19 $this->WP_Widget('XPress_Menu', __('XPressME MENU'), $widget_ops, $control_ops); 20 20 } … … 26 26 function widget($args, $instance){ 27 27 global $xpress_config,$xoops_config; 28 global $current_user; 28 29 29 30 extract($args); … … 38 39 39 40 # Make the XPressME MENU widget 41 $menu = array(); 42 for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { 43 $menu[$i]['Type'] = $instance['Type_' . $i]; 44 $menu[$i]['Title'] = $instance['Title_' . $i]; 45 $menu[$i]['URL'] = $instance['URL_' . $i]; 46 $menu[$i]['Visible'] = $instance['Visible_' . $i]; 47 $menu[$i]['Weight'] = $instance['Weight_' . $i]; 48 } 40 49 echo '<ul>'; 41 50 for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { 42 $link_name = $instance['name' . $i]; 43 $link_url = $instance['link' . $i]; 44 if (!empty($link_name)) echo '<li><a href="' . $link_url . '">' . $link_name . '</a></li>'; 51 $type = $menu[$i]['Type']; 52 if ($menu[$i]['Visible'] && !empty($menu[$i]['Title']) ){ 53 switch($type){ 54 case 0: 55 case 1: 56 echo '<li><a href="' . $menu[$i]['URL'] . '">' . $menu[$i]['Title'] . '</a></li>'; 57 break; 58 case 2: // Add New 59 if (is_user_logged_in()){ 60 if ($current_user->user_level > 0){ 61 if (xpress_is_wp_version('<','2.1') ){ 62 echo '<li><a href="'.get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-admin/post.php" title="'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'">'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'</a></li>'; 63 } else { 64 echo '<li><a href="'.get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-admin/post-new.php" title="'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'">'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'</a></li>'; 65 } 66 } 67 } 68 break; 69 case 3: // User Profile 70 if (is_user_logged_in()) { 71 echo '<li><a href="'.get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-admin/profile.php" title="' . $menu[$i]['Title'] .'">'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'</a></li>'; 72 } 73 break; 74 case 4: // WordPress Admin 75 if (is_user_logged_in()){ 76 if ($current_user->user_level > 7){ 77 echo '<li><a href="'.get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-admin/" title="'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'">'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'</a></li>'; 78 } 79 } 80 break; 81 case 5: // Module Admin 82 if($GLOBALS["xoopsUserIsAdmin"]){ 83 echo '<li><a href="'.get_settings('siteurl').'/admin/index.php" title="'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'">'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'</a></li>'; 84 } 85 break; 86 case 6: // XPressME Setting 87 if (is_user_logged_in()){ 88 if ($current_user->user_level > 7){ 89 echo '<li><a href="'.get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=xpressme\\xpressme.php" title="'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'">'. $menu[$i]['Title'] .'</a></li>'; 90 } 91 } 92 break; 93 case 7: // Display Mode Select 94 if ($xpress_config->viewer_type == 'user_select'){ 95 echo disp_mode_set(); 96 } 97 break; 98 default: 99 } 100 } 45 101 } 102 46 103 echo '</ul>'; 47 104 # After the widget … … 58 115 59 116 for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { 60 $instance['name'. $i] = strip_tags(stripslashes($new_instance['name'. $i])); 61 $instance['link' . $i] = strip_tags(stripslashes($new_instance['link'. $i])); 117 $instance['Type_'. $i] = strip_tags(stripslashes($new_instance['Type_'. $i])); 118 $instance['Title_' . $i] = strip_tags(stripslashes($new_instance['Title_'. $i])); 119 if ($instance['Type_'. $i] < 2){ 120 $instance['URL_' . $i] = strip_tags(stripslashes($new_instance['URL_'. $i])); 121 } else { 122 $instance['URL_' . $i] = ''; 123 } 124 $instance['Visible_' . $i] = strip_tags(stripslashes($new_instance['Visible_'. $i])); 62 125 } 63 126 … … 71 134 function form($instance){ 72 135 global $xpress_config,$xoops_config; 136 137 if (xpress_is_wp_version('<','2.1') ){ 138 $addnew = get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-admin/post.php'; 139 } else { 140 $addnew = get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-admin/post-new.php'; 141 } 142 $type = array(); 143 $type[0] = __('Link', 'xpressme'); 144 $type[1] = __('Site Home', 'xpressme'); 145 $type[2] = __('Add New', 'xpressme'); 146 $type[3] = __('User Profile', 'xpressme'); 147 $type[4] = __('WordPress Admin', 'xpressme'); 148 $type[5] = __('Module Admin', 'xpressme'); 149 $type[6] = __('XPressME Setting', 'xpressme'); 150 $type[7] = __('Display Mode Select', 'xpressme'); 151 152 $auto_setting = __('Auto Setting', 'xpressme'); 153 73 154 //Defaults 74 155 $instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, 75 156 array( 76 'title'=> __('User Menu'), 77 'name0' => __('Site Home'), 78 'link0' => $xoops_config->xoops_url, 79 'name1' => '', 80 'link1' => '', 81 'name2' => '', 82 'link2' => '', 83 'name3' => '', 84 'link3' => '', 85 'name4' => '', 86 'link4' => '', 87 'name5' => '', 88 'link5' => '', 89 'name6' => '', 90 'link6' => '', 91 'name7' => '', 92 'link7' => '', 93 'name8' => '', 94 'link8' => '', 95 'name9' => '', 96 'link9' => '' 157 'title'=> __('User Menu', 'xpressme'), 158 159 'Type_0' =>1 , 160 'Title_0' => __('Site Home', 'xpressme'), 161 'URL_0' => get_xoops_url(), 162 'Visible_0' => 1, 163 164 'Type_1' =>2 , 165 'Title_1' => __('Add New', 'xpressme'), 166 'URL_1' => $auto_setting, 167 'Visible_1' => 1, 168 169 'Type_2' =>3 , 170 'Title_2' => __('User Profile', 'xpressme'), 171 'URL_2' => __('Auto Setting', 'xpressme'), 172 'Visible_2' => 1, 173 174 'Weight_2' => 3, 175 'Type_3' =>4 , 176 'Title_3' => __('WordPress Admin', 'xpressme'), 177 'URL_3' => $auto_setting, 178 'Visible_3' => 1, 179 180 'Type_4' =>5 , 181 'Title_4' => __('Module Admin', 'xpressme'), 182 'URL_4' => $auto_setting, 183 'Visible_4' => 1, 184 185 'Type_5' =>6 , 186 'Title_5' => __('XPressME Setting', 'xpressme'), 187 'URL_5' => $auto_setting, 188 'Visible_5' => 1, 189 190 'Type_6' =>7 , 191 'Title_6' => $auto_setting, 192 'URL_6' => $auto_setting, 193 'Visible_6' => 1, 194 'Type_7' =>0 , 195 'Title_7' => __('Link', 'xpressme'), 196 'URL_7' => '', 197 'Visible_7' => 0, 198 199 'Type_8' =>0 , 200 'Title_8' => __('Link', 'xpressme'), 201 'URL_8' => '', 202 'Visible_8' => 0, 203 204 'Type_9' =>0 , 205 'Title_9' => __('Link', 'xpressme'), 206 'URL_9' => '', 207 'Visible_9' => 0, 97 208 ) ); 98 99 $title = htmlspecialchars($instance['title']); 209 210 echo ' 211 <script type="text/javascript"> 212 function TypeSelect(type_id,title_id,url_id){ 213 var type=document.getElementById(type_id); 214 var title=document.getElementById(title_id); 215 var link_url=document.getElementById(url_id); 216 var auto_set = \''. $auto_setting .'\'; 217 title.value = type[type.value].text; 218 if(type.value > 1){ 219 link_url.value = auto_set; 220 link_url.disabled = true; 221 = \'transparent\'; 222 } else { 223 if (link_url.value == auto_set) link_url.value = \'\'; 224 link_url.disabled = false; 225 = \'#FFFFEE\'; 226 } 227 if(type.value == 1){ 228 link_url.value = \''.get_xoops_url() . '\'; 229 } 230 if(type.value == 7){ 231 title.value = auto_set; 232 title.disabled = true; 233 = \'transparent\'; 234 } else { 235 if (title.value == auto_set) title.value = \'\'; 236 title.disabled = false; 237 = \'#FFFFEE\'; 238 } 239 240 } 241 </script>'; 100 242 101 243 // Output the options 102 244 echo '<p><label for="' . $this->get_field_name('title') . '">'. "\n"; 103 echo __('Title:') . '<input style="width: 200px;" id="' . $this->get_field_id('title') . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('title') . '" type="text" value="' . $title . '" /></label></p>'. "\n"; 104 echo '<label>' . __('Title') . '</label>' . '<label style="margin-left:120px;">' . __('URL') . '</label>' . "\n"; 245 echo __('Title:') . '<input style="width: 200px;" id="' . $this->get_field_id('title') . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('title') . '" type="text" value="' . $instance['title'] . '" /></label></p>'. "\n"; 246 echo " 247 <table width='100%' class='outer' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='1' border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#888888\"> 248 <tr valign='middle' align='center' style=\"background-color:#2E323B;color:#FFFFFF\"> 249 <th width='10%'>Type</th> 250 <th width='15%'>Title</th> 251 <th width='10%'>URL</th> 252 <th width='10px'>Visible</th> 253 </tr> 254 "; 105 255 for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { 106 echo '<p><input style="width: 100px;" id="' . $this->get_field_id('name' . $i) . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('name' . $i) . '" type="text" value="' . $instance['name'. $i] . '" />:'. "\n"; 107 echo '<input style="width: 280px;" id="' . $this->get_field_id('link' . $i) . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('link' . $i) . '" type="text" value="' . $instance['link'. $i] . '" /></p>'. "\n"; 256 $even = $i % 2; 257 if ($even) { 258 $back_color = ' style="background-color:#E3E3E3"'; 259 } else { 260 $back_color = ' style="background-color:#F5F5F5"'; 261 } 262 $text_back_color = ' style="background-color:#FFFFEE"'; 263 echo "<tr $back_color>"; 264 265 $select_arg = "'" . $this->get_field_id('Type_' . $i) . "','" . $this->get_field_id('Title_' . $i) . "','" . $this->get_field_id('URL_' . $i) . "'"; 266 echo '<th><select id="' . $this->get_field_id('Type_' . $i) . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('Type_' . $i) . '" ' .$back_color . 'onchange="TypeSelect(' . $select_arg . ')">'; 267 for ($j = 0; $j < 8; $j++) { 268 if ($instance['Type_'. $i] == $j) $select = ' selected="selected"'; else $select = ''; 269 echo '<option ' . $select . 'value="'. $j . '">' . $type[$j] . '</option>'; 270 } 271 echo '</select></th>'; 272 273 if ($instance['Type_'. $i] == 7) { 274 $title_disible = 'disabled=disabled'; 275 $title_back_color = $back_color; 276 $title_value = $auto_setting; 277 278 } else { 279 $title_disible = ''; 280 $title_back_color = $text_back_color; 281 $title_value = $instance['Title_'. $i]; 282 } 283 echo '<th style="padding:2px"><input size="24" id="' . $this->get_field_id('Title_' . $i) . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('Title_' . $i) . '" type="text" value="' . $title_value . '" ' .$title_back_color . $title_disible . '/></th>'. "\n"; 284 if ($instance['Type_'. $i] > 1) { 285 $url_disible = 'disabled=disabled'; 286 $url_back_color = $back_color; 287 $url_value = $auto_setting; 288 } else { 289 $url_disible = ''; 290 $url_back_color = $text_back_color; 291 $url_value = $instance['URL_'. $i]; 292 } 293 echo '<th style="padding:2px"><input size="40" id="' . $this->get_field_id('URL_' . $i) . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('URL_' . $i) . '" type="text" value="' . $url_value . '" ' .$url_back_color . $url_disible . '/></th>'. "\n"; 294 if ($instance['Visible_'. $i]) $check = ' checked="checked"'; else $check = ''; 295 echo '<th><input size="4" id="' . $this->get_field_id('Visible_' . $i) . '" name="' . $this->get_field_name('Visible_' . $i) . '" type="checkbox" value="1"' . $check . ' /></th>'. "\n"; 296 echo '</tr>'; 108 297 } 298 echo '</table>'; 109 299 } 110 300 -
r125 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function archives_block($options) 3 4 { -
r360 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function authors_block($options) 3 4 { -
r272 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function calender_block($options) 3 4 { -
r362 r451 1 1 <?php 2 2 // Block Version: 1.0 3 3 function category_block($options) 4 4 { -
r138 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function enhanced_block($options) 3 4 { -
r360 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function meta_block($options) 3 4 { -
r360 r451 1 1 <?php 2 2 // Block Version: 1.0 3 3 function page_block($options) 4 4 { -
r418 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function popular_posts_block($options) 3 4 { … … 9 10 $time_format = empty( $options[5] ) ? '' : $options[5] ; 10 11 $tag_select = $options[6] ; 11 $selected = array_slice($options, 7); // get allowed cats 12 $cat_select = empty( $options[7] ) ? '0' : $options[7] ; 13 14 $selected = explode(',' , $cat_select); 12 15 13 16 $mydirpath = get_xpress_dir_path(); … … 15 18 if (empty($date_format)) $date_format = get_settings('date_format'); 16 19 if (empty($time_format)) $time_format = get_settings('time_format'); 17 if (array_search(0,$selected)===0) { 18 $cat_select = false; 19 }else { 20 $cat_select = true; 21 } 22 $cat_id = implode(',',$selected); 20 if (array_search(0,$selected)===0) $cat_select = 0; 21 22 $cat_select; 23 23 $block = array(); 24 24 $item_no = 0; … … 58 58 59 59 if ($cat_select) { 60 $where .= " AND ($term_taxonomy.term_id IN ($cat_ id))";60 $where .= " AND ($term_taxonomy.term_id IN ($cat_select))"; 61 61 } 62 62 … … 75 75 76 76 if ($cat_select) { 77 $where .= " AND ($post2cat_tb.category_id IN ($cat_ id))";77 $where .= " AND ($post2cat_tb.category_id IN ($cat_select))"; 78 78 } 79 79 } -
r360 r451 1 1 <?php 2 //if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) exit ; 3 2 // Block Version: 1.0 4 3 function recent_comments_block($options) 5 4 { … … 10 9 $date_format = empty( $options[4] ) ? '' : $options[4] ; 11 10 $time_format = empty( $options[5] ) ? '' : $options[5] ; 12 $selected = array_slice($options,6); // get allowed cats 11 $com_select = empty( $options[6] ) ? '0' : $options[6] ; 12 13 $selected = explode(',' , $com_select); 13 14 14 15 $mydirpath = get_xpress_dir_path(); -
r425 r451 1 1 <?php 2 //if( ! defined( 'XOOPS_ROOT_PATH' ) ) exit ; 3 2 // Block Version: 1.0 4 3 function recent_posts_content_block($options) 5 4 { 6 5 $mydirname = empty( $options[0] ) ? 'xpress' : $options[0] ; 7 6 $this_template = empty( $options[1] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_recent_posts_content_block.html' : trim( $options[1] ); 8 $day_select = ($options[2])?intval($options[2]):0; 9 $day_size = ($options[3])?intval($options[3]):0; 10 $disp_count = ($options[4])?intval($options[4]):10; 11 $excerpt = empty( $options[5] ) ? false : true ; 12 $excerpt_size = ($options[6])?intval($options[6]):100; 13 $date_format = empty( $options[7] ) ? '' : $options[7] ; 14 $time_format = empty( $options[8] ) ? '' : $options[8] ; 15 $tag_select = $options[9] ; 16 $selected = array_slice($options,10); // get allowed cats 17 7 $disp_count = ($options[2])?intval($options[2]):10; 8 $excerpt = empty( $options[3] ) ? false : true ; 9 $excerpt_size = ($options[4])?intval($options[4]):100; 10 $date_format = empty( $options[5] ) ? '' : $options[5] ; 11 $time_format = empty( $options[6] ) ? '' : $options[6] ; 12 $tag_select = $options[7] ; 13 $cat_select = empty( $options[8] ) ? '0' : $options[8] ; 14 $day_select = ($options[9])?intval($options[9]):0; 15 $day_size = ($options[10])?intval($options[10]):0; 16 17 $selected = explode(',' , $cat_select); 18 18 19 $mydirpath = get_xpress_dir_path(); 19 20 … … 21 22 if (empty($time_format)) $time_format = get_settings('time_format'); 22 23 if(empty($tag_select)) $tag_where = ''; else $tag_where = "tag='$tag_select'&"; 23 24 if (array_search(0,$selected)===0) $cat_select = 0; 25 24 26 $selected_author_id = xpress_selected_author_id('echo=0'); 25 27 if (!empty($selected_author_id)){ … … 37 39 if (!is_null($wpdb)){ 38 40 $wp_query->in_the_loop = true; //for use the_tags() in multi lopp 39 if (array_search(0,$selected)===0) { 41 if ($cat_select) { 42 $r = new WP_Query($author_where . $tag_where ."cat=$cat_select&showposts=$disp_count&what_to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish"); 43 } else { 40 44 $r = new WP_Query($author_where . $tag_where ."showposts=$disp_count&what_to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish"); 41 } else {42 $cat_id = implode(',',$selected);43 $r = new WP_Query($author_where . $tag_where ."cat=$cat_id&showposts=$disp_count&what_to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish");44 45 } 45 46 while($r->have_posts()){ … … 52 53 if ($day_select == 2){ 53 54 $post_date = mktime (0, 0, 0, get_the_time("m"), get_the_time("d"), get_the_time("Y")); 54 if (empty($la stes_date)) $lastes_date = $post_date;55 $base_date = $la stes_date - $between_days;55 if (empty($latest_date)) $latest_date = $post_date; 56 $base_date = $latest_date - $between_days; 56 57 if ($post_date < $base_date) continue; 57 58 } -
r272 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function recent_posts_list_block($options) 3 4 { … … 10 11 $time_format = empty( $options[6] ) ? '' : $options[6] ; 11 12 $tag_select = $options[7] ; 12 $selected = array_slice($options,8); // get allowed cats 13 $cat_select = empty( $options[8] ) ? '0' : $options[8] ; 14 15 $selected = explode(',' , $cat_select); 13 16 14 17 $mydirpath = get_xpress_dir_path(); … … 17 20 if (empty($time_format)) $time_format = get_settings('time_format'); 18 21 if(empty($tag_select)) $tag_where = ''; else $tag_where = "tag='$tag_select'&"; 22 if (array_search(0,$selected)===0) $cat_select = 0; 19 23 20 24 $selected_author_id = xpress_selected_author_id('echo=0'); … … 30 34 if (!is_null($wpdb)){ 31 35 $wp_query->in_the_loop = true; //for use the_tags() in multi lopp 32 if (array_search(0,$selected)===0) { 36 if ($cat_select) { 37 $r = new WP_Query($author_where . $tag_where . "cat=$cat_select&showposts=$disp_count&what_to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish"); 38 } else { 33 39 $r = new WP_Query($author_where . $tag_where ."showposts=$disp_count&what_to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish"); 34 35 } else {36 $cat_id = implode(',',$selected);37 $r = new WP_Query($author_where . $tag_where . "cat=$cat_id&showposts=$disp_count&what_to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish");38 40 } 39 41 while($r->have_posts()){ -
r121 r451 1 1 <?php 2 2 // Block Version: 1.0 3 3 function search_block($options) 4 4 { -
r254 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function sidebar_block($options) 3 4 { -
r252 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function tag_cloud_block($options) 3 4 { -
r339 r451 1 1 <?php 2 // Block Version: 1.0 2 3 function widget_block($options) 3 4 { … … 5 6 $this_template = empty( $options[1] ) ? 'db:'.$mydirname.'_block_widget.html' : trim( $options[1] ); 6 7 $title_show = empty( $options[2] ) ? false : true ; 7 $selected = array_slice($options,3); // get allowed cats 8 $widget_select = empty( $options[3] ) ? '' : $options[3] ; 9 10 $selected = explode(',' , $widget_select); 8 11 9 12 $output = ''; -
r383 r451 456 456 text-align: right; 457 457 font-size: 9pt; 458 background-color: #fff; 458 459 } 459 460 … … 462 463 text-align: left; 463 464 font-size: 9pt; 465 background-color: #fff; 464 466 } 465 467 … … 467 469 display: block; 468 470 text-decoration: none; 471 font-weight: bold; 472 font-size: 14px; 473 background-color: #ddd; 469 474 } 470 475 -
r425 r451 47 47 48 48 // status 49 $modversion['codename'] = " Bata2(r425)";49 $modversion['codename'] = "RC1"; 50 50 51 51 // onInstall, onUpdate, onUninstall … … 144 144 'edit_func' => "b_". $mydirname . "_content_edit" , 145 145 'template' => '' , 146 'options' => $mydirname. '|| 0|0|10|0|100||||0' ,146 'options' => $mydirname. '||10|0|100||||0|0|0' , 147 147 'can_clone' => true , 148 148 'func_num' => $b_no, … … 291 291 'show_func' => "b_". $mydirname . "_widget_show" , 292 292 'edit_func' => "b_". $mydirname . "_widget_edit" , 293 'options' => $mydirname. '||1 ' ,293 'options' => $mydirname. '||1|' , 294 294 'can_clone' => true , 295 295 'func_num' => $b_no,
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.